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Would he be jealous?


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So me and my boyfriend have been dating for about two weeks or something like that..

I don't know, I don't really keep track,.

We were hanging out alot before we started dating, though, so it kind of seems like longer.


Anyways, the question I was going to ask is, do you think he gets jealous of my friends?

Most of my friends are guys because I usually can't stand girls. The only girls I can tolerate for a long period of time in my town is Andrea, Paulina and Tiffany.

He knows about thow I feel about that, too, and he feels the same way pretty much.

So, do you think he wuold get jealous that I hang around guys alot?

He didn't say anything about it before, but just to make sure, I don't want him to get jealous about it..

You know what I mean?

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You'd have to ask him that. We aren't him and you haven't given much info on what kind of guy he is.


Ah, touche.

Well, he's a really sweet guy and seems to get a bit jealous if I mention my ex boyfriends, not enough to get mad, but we have kind of an akward moment. He's a major sweetheart

To look at him, you'd think he's one of those a-hole boyfirends that treats their girlfriend bad, but when you actually know him, he's one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet


I'm probably gonna start rambling on about how amazing he is, so I'll just stop.


But, in general, would you guys get mad if your girlfriend mostly hung out with guys?

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I don't understand why you are so worried if he hasn't given you anything to worry about. If you were hanging out a lot before you started dating I'm sure he already has figured out who your friends are so.. Just enjoy what you have.

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Most of my friends are guys too. I only have 2 girl friends I talk to outside of school. Pretty sad but girls tend to do the whole "stabbing in the back thing" so it's easier with guys.


My last (and only) bf didn't mind with most of the guys since he knew we were only friends. But some guy-friends are those weird mutual "I sort of have stronger feelings for you" relationships. Do you know what I mean?


Those guys you you can't help but flirt with, and even if you say something to each other in a joking voice like, "You're looking hot today. I'd definitely tap that!" and laugh about it you both aren't entirely joking?


My bf never felt very comfortable with those guy friends. So I just sort of cooled down the flirting with them but we still hung out (in groups). Of course once he dumped me the flirting started up again.


But if you and your guy friends are nothing but friends and that's clear to both you and the boy I don't see why it should bother him.

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Thanks guys.

Yeah girls do tend to do that "stabbing in the back" thing >.

I guess I have nothing to worry about, since he hansn't really said anything.

Truth is, I'd probably hang out with my friends less if he felt jealous about it..

Kind of not a good thing? But still, I really like this guy

There have been times when my guy friends liked me and whatever, one still might actually.. but to tell you the truth, I never really liked any of them, haha.

Only one, and we dated & broke up and it's over with now, haha


But whatever

I'm rambling and probably not making sense

Point is




I forget my point actually.


Thanks guys

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