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The Gal With No Name

Daddy Bear

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in the unforgiving desert

as the wind re-sculpts the sand

and you stand there burning brightly

like a wood cigar-store man

ivory blossoms flying sideways

from the stubborn yucca trees

i can hear them as they tumble

and they're whispering to me

"she loves you not, she loves you not"

i really couldn't care

because everything is nothing

but there's something in the air


then the sun melts into mountains

and the only light is you

i remember what i said once

that i'd see the whole thing through

so i watch as you consume yourself

with hatred for my kind

and your image in my retinas

has left me nearly blind

i am there until the morning

as your ashes blow away

'til i'm satisfied it's over

and the dunes become your grave


and when all of you has scattered

i retrace my steps to town

brush the desert from my clothing

with a hand that's turning brown

i'm as aimless as a tumbleweed

i roll in a cantina

and i dive for further meaning

in a bottomless tequila

and as edges start to blur

i form a thought i hadn't dared

you had been a cruel mirage

no, you were never really there

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At the bottom of that bottle

Sits a wise old worm

Watching you with wizened eyes

A kin to the steely womb


He watches as fantasy chases blues.

Climbs up the bottle to sit a spell

Shakes his little head a little at you

And divines a story to tell


Listen friend he says, I'd like to help a brother

I'm not supposed to tell you this

as I'm a kin to the great mother.


When she gets her knickers in a twist

It's a sight to see

She rules with an iron fist

Just look at what happened to me.


So you'd like to burn her on the pyre

Can't say that I blame you there

Many a man has come to this fork

And then many wouldn't dare.


Isn't it better to have loved and lost?

Then never loved at all

Had it lasted a moment longer

I don't think you'd be stronger.


Sometimes the fates decree

what man can't foresee with his might

That a couple wouldn't fare well

And it would end with blight.


So they cut you down before the final fall

To give you a fighting chance

And allow you to find the one true love

And on the astral to forever dance.


With a twitch of his nose and a swish of his tail.

He dove back into the liquid.

Advice from a tequila worm who once

Was a learned druid.


Grin.... I liked your poem so much.. it made me think of that little worm at the bottom of my favorite bottle of tequilla... lol.

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your epilogue was awesome, even liberating in a way. i totally dug on your perspective.


Sometimes the fates decree

what man can’t foresee with his might

That a couple wouldn’t fare well

And it would end with blight.


So they cut you down before the final fall

To give you a fighting chance

And allow you to find the one true love

And on the astral to forever dance.


that definitely struck a chord. though i'm of course familiar with that concept, i hadn't ever really given much thought to the notion that it might, at least in part, apply to my own case and 'the one (or two) that got away'.


it's also amazing serendipity that you chose to add on to the poem, because for weeks i was stuck at the line "in a bottomless tequila", and up until a few minutes before i hacked out the final four lines and posted it, the original title of this thread was going to be "please finish my poem".


how weird is that?

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