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Does She Like Me...I like her


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Ok i have no dating experience so i need an answer to my question. While camping in Maine i met this girl that i took an instant liking to almost as soon as i met her. So we started chatting and talking about school, life, friends, ect. and we got to know each other pretty well. When it got dark out we went to lay down on the deck of the lodge and star gaze together. I was starting to feel a really strong bond between us. Than on the next day we went on a short hike together and i was starting to feel pretty good about things. My real question is that i feel thing between us are going really well and that i should ask her out but i cant tell if she likes me or not because she never seems to sit next to me around the fire even if there is an empy seat, but at night it seems that she really likes me. How can i Tell?? please help....

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well she does laugh at most of my jokes and some times i catch her looking at me out of the corner of her eye and i know those are all good signs but, if i take a seat next to her she acts like she is happy to see me but if she gets up to grab something she wont sit back down next to me.

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ok have a similar problem. There is this girl, MarryAnn, who I have known for a few years and we just started hanging out a few days ago when she called me to complain about how a unfair it was that she had to do something for her sister and miss out on something for her that would alow her to qualify for something better. Well since then we have been hanging out at our club doing work for a sailing event. We had to e together all day because we were a safty boat but half way through the day she got on someone elses boat . She has been very friendly towrds me and had me for dinner twice . We have also spent a god 10-15 hours over the last few nights (5-7) talking on AIM (aol instant mesanger) . The biggest problem though is that she has been talking to me about how to get this guy she has a crush on and its not me. She even said she doent see me in that way when i was trying to guss who this person might be. Although once when I was at the table with her and about 5-7 other girls they all sudently got up and needed to talk away from me. when inquiering about what they were talking about (obviously concerning me since i was the only guy at the table and that was the subject matter) the one i like said (when she was about to tell me ) "God this is embaracing" (or akward im not sure) then their was an interruption and then when she told me it was not exactly something she would see as akward (a girl who likes my brother) seeing as how simmilar convos had come up between us before. she had even asked me if i had a crush on her 3 years ago when we sailed together and i said yes. Later that night she asked if i still did due to something i said " you know saying i dont see you in that way is the same (this guy she likes saying the same thing)" she viewd it as she has a crush on him and since its the same then i must have one on her. i dint respond with a yes or a no. she also trusts me with deep secrets such as the name of the guy she likes which she made me promis never to repeat. Please help im tierd of being alone

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Ah man. First off. You guys have trust between you. That's major. Lots of relationships will die because of lack of trust. I mean, I'd just tell her straight out how you feel, and make sure that it doesn't come between the trust and friendship you two share. There are mixed signs here, but the only way to know for sure is to cut to the chase and tell her.

I'm not sure if I'm answering your call for help here. But talk to me on AIM, my sn is a12341b.


Best of luck, Cheers!

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star gazing? i deffinitely wont go star gazing with a guy i dont like and bout the fire? maybe shes shy, maybe u should ask her to come and sit next to u,or u go sit next to her take the risk , im sure it would work


Goodluck! see ya!

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Okay I was on the other page how to tell if she likes me and i really didn't get much help so anyway i met this girl freshman year in highschool and we became friends and first she gave me her cell # and that was a definate plus so since i didn't really like to talk on the phone i would text her instead that worked for about a month and then she said i shouldn't text her any more so then she gave me her e-mail but the problem with that was she was never online to talk then about the last week of school we were signing yearbooks and she gave me her home number but i never used it because i over heard her saying that she was moving. so then summer hit and we havent talked for a few days then out of no where she sent me an instant message but i couldn't talk to her because it was my little cousins 2nd b-day then after that we didn't talk during the summer i tried to talk to her but she would never respond so i thought she was mad or something butthen two days ago it was our 3rd day of being sophmore and i saw her at lunch and she didn't act like anything had happened between us so i tried texting her after school and once again she didn't reply to me again. So i have no idea what to think if someone can help thax in advance.

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today i found out that she either changed her phone number or she doesn't have a cell phone any more. The way i found out is i tried calling her after school and a message said that the number is no longer in service so i'm planning to go up to her tomarrow and ask her if she just didn't want me to have her number any moreor if she just forgot to tell me that she changed it or that she doesn't have one any more so i'll try to find out and get back to you people and let you all know how it works out WISH ME LUCK[/i][/b]

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