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Hot Roomie/Cold Roomie

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I'm the cold roomie and my other roomie is the hot roomie, cold and hot as in body temperature. My roomie likes the temperature to be 66 degrees and she still sweats at that temp a little. I need it to be like 78 and I'm still a little cold. We compromised and have it at 70 degrees. And at that I'm still cold even when I have a long sleeve t-shirt, a sweater and a blanket on and I have socks and slippers on my feet and jeans. She is still sweating even in shorts and a tank top on. I was wondering should we both see a doctor about this. TIA.

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I am always cold. 75-78 feels about right to me. I eat very well and exercise, and have a clean bill of health, so I know it has nothing to do with that.


I have people that I work with who claim it is "warm" all the time, and who open windows in the winter because they are sweating. This sends me into a horrible feeling of survival mode because I feel so cold I want to lay in the fetal position under a thick blanket. My nose, hands and feet FREEZE.


My savior is a space heater. I bought one and have it with me at work. Thousands of watts blow hot air directly on me so that I can be happy. In fact, I have it on right now. lol


It's a good idea to get one of these for your room. (Just be sure it's the kind that shuts off automatically if it gets too hot, for safety reasons) You can crank it up wihtout having to make the rest of the house an oven.


Another life saver for me: Those heat packets that people who ski use. I keep them in my pockets to warm my hands.


It's a cold world out there,




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I live in an apartment dorm and there are two to each room and the roomie that is in my room gets hot at night a lot so a space heater is out of the question and they are against university policy. So I'm kind of out of options to stay warm. I know I'm on the smaller end of the scale and she is medium to big boned. I have small arms and hands and feet so thats where I get cold really easily.

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I live in an apartment dorm and there are two to each room and the roomie that is in my room gets hot at night a lot so a space heater is out of the question and they are against university policy


Do they allow electric blankets?




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I am perpetually warm. 70-72 is about where I set my thermostat. Actually, I like it even a bit colder. Partially because I have asthma and allergies, cold air just feels a bit better on my lungs than warm air.


I think that it is easier for you to put on more clothes than it is for her to strip down to her underwear all the time!


I agree, get an electric blanket.


apart from that, maybe just try over time to get readjusted, the both of you.

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If I had to choose between an electric blanket (which goes over you) and an electric matress pad (which goes over your mattress & under the sheet) I'd take the electric mattress pad. Heat rises, after all. Just be sure to turn it on a couple hours before you go to bed, so your bed will be all nice and toasty warm when you're ready to crash.


I've owned/used both...I much prefer the electric mattress pad. Cost is about the same for both.

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They do not allow electric blankets or electric matress pads cuz they are a fire hazard.


Annie, I know it is easier for me to put on more clothes but I think she needs to consider the other people in the apartment. Three of us are cold and the other three are hot. I would just like to be able to wear a short sleeved t-shirt without being so cold. And when I am cold I'm more suseptible to getting sick and with my schedule I can't get sick.

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Annie, I know it is easier for me to put on more clothes but I think she needs to consider the other people in the apartment. Three of us are cold and the other three are hot. I would just like to be able to wear a short sleeved t-shirt without being so cold. And when I am cold I'm more suseptible to getting sick and with my schedule I can't get sick.


would you feel comfortable watching your roommates walk around the house in their underwear?

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She doesn't walk around in her underwear, she just wears shorts and a tank-top. I don't get uncomfortable when ppl walk around in their underwear. Heck I've done it before. Its just that she makes a big deal about being "freaking hot in the morning" when she showers and blows her hair dry. She should know that makes her hot. And she has to use hot, hot water to take a shower when she should use less hot water. And she's very needy about it as well. An example, she yelled at me when I turned the air conditioner off to get the apartment a little warmer. Then she tells her mom and her mom told her to tell us that if we make the room hotter than my roomie can stand it the mom will come to the apt herself to take care of the situation. Ahhhh. And she has to make a reference everyday about it being too hot and that we need to have the temperature down.

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arg. that's annoying.


what if you guys just chose a temperature in the middle and stuck to it?


like I said, I am most comfortable at around 70-72, but that gets expensive, so i've been adjusting myself up one degree at a time slowly. now I am relatively ok at 76F.


it just got really expensive to keep the AC at 70 all summer! I needed to get used to it being warmer.


what if you guys tried to adjust by 1 degree every week or two?

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66 degrees! I'd be freezing too. Love...heat...must...get...warm.


Hopefully the comprimise degree-by-a-week thing works out.


Can you smuggle a hot man in there? Mmm, furnace warm man.


I relate 'cause I was in a situation like that. They kept saying "well you can put on a sweater, socks, I can't strip further". But I was standing there in long johns, shirt, sweater, socks, and red nose. There's only so much you can do either way.

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