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Birth Control is Evil!!!!!!!!!

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I gained weight steadily for the three years I was on birth control (Yasmin). The thing I noticed more, was that it was soooo hard to lose weight. It would take weeks of not eating and exercising to lose 5 lbs. Now that I'm off it, I lost 10 lbs just by eating a tiny bit less. I'm still trying to lose another 10 or so but I've hit that plateau now.


The other thing was that most of the weight I gained went straight to my boobs. I was pushing a 34G when I stopped taking them. Now I'm a respectable 32DD.


If you're in a relationship, or you have a lot of sex then being on the pill is essential. Besides, imagine how much weight you'd gain if you got pregnant. Until technology comes up with a better way of preventing pregancy, then this is all we've got.

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If you're in a relationship, or you have a lot of sex then being on the pill is essential. Besides, imagine how much weight you'd gain if you got pregnant. Until technology comes up with a better way of preventing pregancy, then this is all we've got.


Yes Ma'mam!!!!!!!! Amen to that!!!!!! It is alot of weight, but it does beat getting pregnant!!!


It made me gain weight and have mood swings.


YEAH!!!! I have crazy mood swings too. Like around PMS it's just real crazy. I don't like that either!!! like before i didn't get all moody, but now i get real moody. UGH!!!

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I started the pill when I was 15 (I have PCOS), so I was still developing and not sure how much that contributed to gaining weight. I asked my doctor once if I would lose weight if I went off of it, and she said that you're only supposed to gain 3-5 pounds so it's not a big difference. I am SO jealous of those of you that had the weight go to your boobs though. I am about as flat chested as you can get, lol.


As far as the mood swings, I'm usually OK as long as I'm not stressed or already in a bad mood when my period starts. Last year when I moved to a new city for graduate school, I was depressed over that so my mood swings were pretty bad around that time.


I think the bottom line is that it affects each person differently, and you won't know unless you try it. Like the others said, either way it's a necessity if you're having sex.

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I've been on Yasmin for about 3 years and I have gained SO much weight, it's been terrible. In addition to the BC I also have PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) which also makes it very hard to keep the weight off. Like 'miserableme', my boob size went from 34D to 34DDD. Someone needs to come up with something to help with that. Doctors SAY birthcontrol won't make you gain weight, but that's a bunch of bull.

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