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Yes, I'm informed on most of what Hitler has done. And what I'm informed of is mostly the "bad" parts as most of you would see it. I'm not completely up to date on everything Hitler, WWII, and all of that, but that's why I'm taking a History class next semester..

I wanted it last year but it's a grade 11 course;\


I know I couldn't compare to someone that has been in an actual war because I havn't seen it first hand, but I know it's not just like you see on TV. Whenever I see war movies and all of that, I tend to think deeper into the story, and think about who was killed and so on.

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What about the possibility that Hitler was 25% Jewish. Its said his grand mother became pregnant while working as a servant in a Jewish household. Hitler's family name is actually Schicklgruber and his family is Austrian, not German.


That's true, Hitler also wasn't the exact way he wanted everyone else to be, so it seems quite hypocritical, but I still believe in what he fought for.

I mean, there are straight people all for gay marriage, right? And there are straight people who think homophobes are a disgrace to the world. I even heard a story once about an Jewish person killing himself because he strongly believed in what Hitler fought for.

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Just a comment, carmelian austrians are germans, well most of them...and certainly his family...the Anschluss was actually supported by the majority of the population there


About Hitler, he was both a genious and really stupid...if you believe in nazi or national-socialists ideas heather you shouldn't admire hitler because he managed to destroy those ideas...national socialism is not about occupying a continent you know..He had the world at his hands Germany was the super power in 1939 and he was stupid to throw all of that away by wanting to build himself an empire...then he was stupid again during the war making some serious mistakes which tipped the balance and he ended up losing it


Now about the Jews...I do believe there was a jewish problem in Europe during that time, but killing all of them really is not forgivable - there were many other means to get them out of Germany at his disposal.


Now about the genious in him...in the first 6 years of his reign he achieved more than any other leader in history...when he took over Germany was in ruins there were milions starving it had almost no military and the economy was in shatters...only 6 years later it was the richest country in Europe with the highest living standard a booming economy and the strongest military in the world...I for one don't think a country every grew so much in such a short period of time, but it doesn't really matter if he threw it all away afterwards.


Now about you Heather...you have some logical conflicts within you..you say you hate the natives there, but national socialism is all about the natives having control of their country, so really that doesn't make sense...but you seem like a smart girl and I'm sure in time once you take an outlook of the world that is more based on logic and reason than emotions you will adjust or change your views

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Just a comment, carmelian austrians are germans, well most of them...and certainly his family...the Anschluss was actually supported by the majority of the population there

car Nelian, carmelian may be another name for the stone, but mine is spelled with an N.


My Austrian friend would very much not agree that she is a German.


I do believe there was a jewish problem in Europe during that time

Like what? How is living along side a Jew a problem?

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Hitler did make alot of mistakes, but it's mostly his beleifs and power that I admire about him.


But.. hate Natives?

Which natives are you talking about?

If you're talking about the ones I talked about in my town, they're not natives in the sense that they're native too Canada, [well they are but...] when I say natives, I mean.. Mi'kmaw I believe they are. Just, people in my town just call them natives to make it easier I guess, so I'm used to calling them that, haha.

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I'm happy to say my family left Germany when Hitler and his goons started all their crap, no, I'm not Jewish and at one time my family was in the Nazi party.


My parents were actually planning to move to Germany 2 years before my older sister was born, but a bit later on they decided they wanted to have kids and raise them in Canada.

So if my sister was an unplanned child born 2 years earlier, I would have been born in Germany.

How awesome would that have been.

I also could go out and get drunk if I wanted to...

So not fair.

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Now about the Jews...I do believe there was a jewish problem in Europe during that time, but killing all of them really is not forgivable - there were many other means to get them out of Germany at his disposal.



Are you seriously posting this? Are you two *SERIOUSLY* talking about a 'Jewish problem' in relation to the Holocaust? This whole thread has been unbelievably offensive, and I would point out that Holocaust denial, which you are veering dangerously close to (via Holocaust justification) is a criminal offence in some countries.

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Aside from a screaming head ache the next day and being a possible victim of rape, alcohol poisoning, robbery, ect, would getting drunk get you.


Haha, true enough.

BUT! I've already been a victim of rape, so that wouldn't be as traumatizing as someone who wasn't before.. I know my limits when I drink [surprisingly.. kids my age are idiots now a days], but the rest probably would happen, haha.

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I keep thinking about this thread for some reason.


I find it very interesting that there have been so many calls of "this is offensive".

Offensive? That HeatherMal holds these beliefs and the views that she does?


People are choosing to be offended. And I don't see the point? It doesn't change anything. There are no victims in this discussion.


Don't get me wrong. I don't agree with her beliefs or views. If she or her bf or one of 'friends' who hold these views attempted to use them against me or mine: No way I would put up with that s. I'd do what had to be done.


Ohh, and I honestly can not see how someone could read 'Mein Kampf' and not find Mr. Hitler to be moronic. It's a really stupid, poorly written waste of paper. But that is just me....

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I keep thinking about this thread for some reason.


I find it very interesting that there have been so many calls of "this is offensive".

Offensive? That HeatherMal holds these beliefs and the views that she does?


People are choosing to be offended. And I don't see the point? It doesn't change anything. There are no victims in this discussion.


Don't get me wrong. I don't agree with her beliefs or views. If she or her bf or one of 'friends' who hold these views attempted to use them against me or mine: No way I would put up with that s. I'd do what had to be done.


Ohh, and I honestly can not see how someone could read 'Mein Kampf' and not find Mr. Hitler to be moronic. It's a really stupid, poorly written waste of paper. But that is just me....


I havn't read Mein Kampf yet, I'm planning to sometime..


But I agree.

I mean, if I went all out and started to attack people on a personal level, then sure I could see how peple would get offended.

But it's just like saying an athiest is offending all other religions by showing they they believe in that specific thing.


And in my original post, I staded that I had no intention whatsoever to offend anyone on this website.

You guys are really helpful, and on this specific site I chose not to think about race, because you still give me, and others, great advice.

But if I met you in person I'd probably be completely different.

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I havn't read Mein Kampf yet, I'm planning to sometime..


But I agree.

I mean, if I went all out and started to attack people on a personal level, then sure I could see how peple would get offended.

But it's just like saying an athiest is offending all other religions by showing they they believe in that specific thing.



Not quite the same thing - you have somehow ended up espousing a cause which seeks to deny the reality (or justify) the Nazi regime's systematic mass murder of 6 million plus in Europe during World War II.

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Right syrix...I'm assuming you're somewhere in they former Yugoslavia ? I hate the justifications given to wars, especially the american ones since they are the ones doing it more than anyone else..."we are protecting our freedom by attacking this or that country" yeah right give me a break..The only wars the US was justified into going into to me were the first gul war and afghanistan but vietnam, serbia, irak...no less than invasions


Yes, Croatia.

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Are you seriously posting this? Are you two *SERIOUSLY* talking about a 'Jewish problem' in relation to the Holocaust? This whole thread has been unbelievably offensive, and I would point out that Holocaust denial, which you are veering dangerously close to (via Holocaust justification) is a criminal offence in some countries.



Hey, why are you taking a sentence out of my post and quote then comment on it as if it was the only sentence there? I hope it's just because you haven't read the whole thing...right next to it I said what he did to the jews was not forgivable, how is that "close to holocaust denial" or "justification" ? I'd think it's quite the opposite.


Now why was there a problem in my opinion....it was mainly because jews didn't (and still don't) integrate into other cultures like most others do...and because they are talented in finances politics etc. they can become a state within a state, and take control of that country. I don't believe I'm anti semitic nor racist, I believe those are the facts, so please respect my belief in that. Also, as I said killing them was not forgivable, so please don't go around saying I am "denying the holocaust".


As a side note here, I do believe that those laws some countries have which make it criminal to deny the holocaust (which again I AM NOT) are a flagrant breach of freedom of speech and a hypocritical double standard, since those same laws hold no punishment whatsoever for denying the countless other genocides that happened throughout history, some more recently too.


Now to Heather...yes those are natives, you have to remember it is the indians that hold the natural right to the US and Canada, that is what the national socialist philosphy will tell you, killing most of them 200 years ago and taking over their country does not make it right to feel superior to them or hate them.

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Now to Heather...yes those are natives, you have to remember it is the indians that hold the natural right to the US and Canada, that is what the national socialist philosphy will tell you, killing most of them 200 years ago and taking over their country does not make it right to feel superior to them or hate them.


That's true. Which is why I'd love to move to Germany.

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Because the tone you are taking, the way you glibly refer to the 'Jewish problem', is awfully close to the way that it was talked about in thirties Europe. When the end result was 'The Final Solution', (ie the Holocaust) to said Jewish problem. The PROBLEM was not the Jewish problem, the problem was anti-semitism.


I am trying hard to be respectful, but also to honour my own integrity and speak out strongly when I hear comments such as these. I think silence sanctions racial hatred and anti-semitism.

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How conveniently you abandon your convictions...


I don't completely abandon them..

I mean, once I found out that Daligial83 was Jewish, I kind of hesitated to talk to her further.

I would listen to a Jew or colored person's view on something, but I wouldn't necessarily jump up to take their advice. Truthfully, I'd wait for a white person to also respond and normally favor their opinion.

And since I don't know who'se who on this site, I can't really pick and chose whose advice I don't want to take based on race.

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