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Well said. Kudos on that.

But I still believe that white people were extremely powerful, and that maybe some day we can be again. I'd love for it to be in my lifetime, but I highly doubt that's going to happen.


Sorry my answers are getting rather dull, I'm pretty much just repeating everything anyways, because the same things are coming up. And I'm also not in a very creative mood to elaborate on how I feel at the moment

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Winston Churchill - perhaps the most notable enemy of the Nazis, once said: "I have often been compelled to eat my words and have generally found them to be a wholesome diet."


Should you accomplish a small part of what he managed in his ninety years you may well say something along those lines. I certainly hope so.


Maybe so, but for the time being I'm happy at where my beleifs are. I rarely think about the future, other than school, and just go with my feelings that I have at the moment, not what may benefit me later on in life.

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Have you ever read WORLD history? Opened a book that wasn't about just what happened in Europe and North America? There has been a lot going on in this world with out white people being involved (and no it wasn't just because they were waiting around to be lorded over). Asia has its own diverse and unique history far removed from any influence by whites. How do you explain that? What about Africa or South America, there are many things happening there that have had nothing to do with white power.

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Maybe so, but for the time being I'm happy at where my beleifs are. I rarely think about the future, other than school, and just go with my feelings that I have at the moment, not what may benefit me later on in life.


I would encourage you to look to the future. The future will come and whatever choices you making now can have an effect on your future. If people know your views you might have a hard time getting hired anywhere because bosses would consider you a liability in that they might think you will hurt someone of a different race and cause a lot of problems. So please think on that.

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Chaim Weizmann

Nelson Mandela

Martin Luther King

Jesus Christ






et al


True enough. Eh, in my case, seeing as I'm athiest, the Jesus part doesn't appeal to me.

Other than that, yes these were all famous people of history of other races, but from what I know about them, they havn't really influenced my life at all. Not to my knowledge, anyways.


But in my naive, twisted mind, Hitler was one of the greatest leaders of all time.

Although I don't completely approve of murdering the children, I still believe in what he stood for.


Also. If you went up to someone on the streets and mentioned Ghandi, and Hitler, don't you think they'd know alot more about Hitler, than they would about Ghandi, or Hanibal, or Saladin?

Or maybe that's just me.

I don't know.

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I have alot of respect for you to be able to express your veiws and opionions on this.

I respect everyone else who replied for their veiws and etc.


Although, I, growing up with a racist family, am very immune to this type of "discrimination" so to speak. I have in the past, discriminated against someone for some reason, and it may or maynot be the same as this discussion.

I'm not saying I agree with you, or that I disagree, but I do respect you for your capability of "admitting".

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I would encourage you to look to the future. The future will come and whatever choices you making now can have an effect on your future. If people know your views you might have a hard time getting hired anywhere because bosses would consider you a liability in that they might think you will hurt someone of a different race and cause a lot of problems. So please think on that.


I wouldn't hurt one of my co-workers, or costomers, because of their race. I know the boss probably wouldn't believe me, but then again, the work I want to be in is Fashion Design or Photography.

Look at Tommy Hillfigure. Wasn't he a racist? If so, look how big he got.


As for CarnelianButterfly.

I'm aware of all this. I'm not that idiotic. I know not everything has to do with white people, or white power. But where I live, the majoraty of it does. I said before, most of my beleifs are based on where I'm from.

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I have alot of respect for you to be able to express your veiws and opionions on this.

I respect everyone else who replied for their veiws and etc.


Although, I, growing up with a racist family, am very immune to this type of "discrimination" so to speak. I have in the past, discriminated against someone for some reason, and it may or maynot be the same as this discussion.

I'm not saying I agree with you, or that I disagree, but I do respect you for your capability of "admitting".



I respect others for voicing their opinions, too.

I don't agree with them for the most part, but I do respect them for standing up for what they believe in.

[Which is just the same as I'm doing.]


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The media back then was just the same, only Hitler used propaganda and misinformation.


Everything is much more media influenced these days isn't it?

I mean, to my knowledge it is.

These days, I don't think I can see one thing that isn't media based.


Hitler was known for a reason. The people that kids my age worship these days is thin, beautiful, pop stars and all that. The people of today are most known for their entertainment values. Atleast the person I idolize had a cause, and made a change, rather than just a dusty Oscar in their multi-billion dollar mansion.

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Your argument is that since white men have always been in power in your experience, then it is the right way to go and it makes them superior. Does this mean women are inferior? I'm sure you haven't seen many women leaders in your world either. So as a woman, are you admitting inferiority to men?

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Everything is much more media influenced these days isn't it?

I mean, to my knowledge it is.

These days, I don't think I can see one thing that isn't media based.


Hitler was known for a reason. The people that kids my age worship these days is thin, beautiful, pop stars and all that. The people of today are most known for their entertainment values. Atleast the person I idolize had a cause, and made a change, rather than just a dusty Oscar in their multi-billion dollar mansion.


His cause was to effectuate evil and the change he made was to kill 6 million people.

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Well, I sort of believe in anarchy in a way. So doing what you want because of what you believe in is my views on that kind of thing.


This *irked* me. Any self respecting anarchist would have your for saying that.

Just saying...be careful what kind of words you throw around.


The thing I fear for you is that you will become associated with a dangerous lot of people and get seriously hurt, if not killed.


I truly do fear for you.

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heathermal, if you get the chance, check out the movie "American History X." It's about two brothers who decided to become white supremacists, and then it shows what made them change their minds.


One thing the movie identified was that often, people choose to affilate themselves with such a group because they have a lot of displaced feelings of anger. That's understandable, there's a lot of unfairness in the world, a lot of messed up stuff...but I strongly suggest you use your intellect to figure out why our world is like that for yourself, rather than just take the word of someone else, no matter how many followers he/she has.

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Daligal: I believe women are still sort of inferior because of what happened in the past, yes. Even though I am female, I still believe men are still kind of above me in society.


southerngirl What I believe to be white is what I've been exposed to. Obviously, theres the skin color part of it, but it's also their attitude towards things such as music, politics, and all of that other stuff. As for what Hitler stood for, he wanted to prove that Germany was superior to other European countries. He believed that Jews were the reason for all evil in the world, and also the reason Germany was defeated in the war. He also identified certain forms of socialism and especially bolshevism as Jewish movements, mixing his anti-Semitism with anti-Marxism. He found culteral diversity as a conpiracy by the jews..


Wow I'm way too lazy for this.


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heathermal, if you get the chance, check out the movie "American History X." It's about two brothers who decided to become white supremacists, and then it shows what made them change their minds.


One thing the movie identified was that often, people choose to affilate themselves with such a group because they have a lot of displaced feelings of anger. That's understandable, there's a lot of unfairness in the world, a lot of messed up stuff...but I strongly suggest you use your intellect to figure out why our world is like that for yourself, rather than just take the word of someone else, no matter how many followers he/she has.


I saw that movie. One of my favorites, actually.



I'd also like to add, to the person saying I'm self-involved, blah blah blah..

I posted this as a vent. Case closed.

I'm being repretative because I'm slowly getting tired of people asking the same questions in dfferent context.

I'm becoming bored of this topic, because I got it off my chest and now don't really care if my responses satisfy you on this thread.


I posted this to get it off my chest.

I'm a racist.

No matter what the reason, my background, my knowledge of Hitler, or any of that, I still am a racist.

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This *irked* me. Any self respecting anarchist would have your for saying that.

Just saying...be careful what kind of words you throw around.


The thing I fear for you is that you will become associated with a dangerous lot of people and get seriously hurt, if not killed.


I truly do fear for you.


That's why I added the "kind of".

I'm not an anarchist, I just believe in some of their views.

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This post was not meant for attention.


You know, the more I think about it, the more I believe you did post this as a form of attention-seeking, whether consciously or not. I can definitely understand venting as catharsis, but you could have "come out" on a forum filled with like-minded, hateful people. Instead you chose to come to a forum full of open-minded, ethnically diverse, intelligent, socially conscious individuals. Lord knows there are plenty of other forums and support groups for racists, but you've chosen to come to one full of people who despise the hateful, violent attitude you've chose to espouse.


You knew that on a racist forum, you'd just be another face in the lily-white crowd. You knew you'd get attention here, so here is where you posted. Consciously or not, you definitely wanted attention in an anonymous forum. You're too ashamed of your beliefs to talk about them at school, but you want to spread racist propaganda in this of all forums.


So why here? Why are you seeking validation here instead of among your peers?

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