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That may be so but your values on this particular issue will have so much impact on a myriad of other issues in your life. It's a bit like Ivy, it takes over everything.


True, but then again, as I get older my views may change.

But if they don't change, than yes, you're right, it will be a big part of my life.

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Well that statement is really cool because it tells me your mind is still open.



I had it as "That may be so" and I was like, wait a second.. That may be so.. That doesn't sound like something I'd say.. Then I saw that you put it, so I changed it to "True" haha.


I'm actually quite surprised at how big this topic has gotten.

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How are they superior? You give a line, but no real answer.


Like I said before, Hitler had power over millions of people.

He had the power, himself, to change the world.

I know, it wasn't COMPLETELY him alone, but without him, none of that would have happened.

All I've ever been exposed to is white leaders, white government, white power.

Yes, I've had lessons in black history in school, but most of the stories revolve around how they were slaves to white people.

Yes, they have stood up for themselves and made a change, but look at the world today.

Racism obviously still exists, I'm still exposed to the exact same things, and I still believe white is superior.


Why else would there still be racism?

I know most people will say "Because people are ignorant, closed minded" and all this, but I personally believe that it is because of the power white people had over all other races in the past.

I'm not going to go on and give you a huge history lesson on all the great white leaders there were, but you seem intelligent enough to know what I'm talking about when I say all this.

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But for all of Hitler's power where did it get him?

He committed suicide in a bunker. His power collapsed and he destroyed the lives of millions of innocent people. He was a crazy man who was a crappy architect so he took it out on the world.



That made me giggleXD

But then again, how many colored people can say they single handedly got a mass amount of people to do their own dirty work, basically take over the world, and are known world wide?


I know, Martin Luther King Jr. and all that.

But the only reason they became so known is because white people had power over them.

Without white being overpowering, Matin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, and the other history-famous colored people would have just been another face in the crowd.

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I don't have the energy to put another rational post on this topic (not like the previous 2 really were lol) but I'd just like to say...Carmelian : it was the chinese that invented the toilet paper not the egypthians

They weren't white either way. Like a lot of things racist people use every day, it wasn't a from the mind of a white person. The Chinese also came up with gun powder and a lot of other things.

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They weren't white either way. Like a lot of things racist people use every day, it wasn't a from the mind of a white person. The Chinese also came up with gun powder and a lot of other things.


Racists also used other races as slaves. So that kind of rules out the invention thing. Because they may think it was invented FOR white people, or maybe it actually was invented for white people because they were enslaved by them, or maybe they just invented it, and nothing else.

Personally I don't care what things were invented by who. If you look at my post you'll see that I have a Hello Kitty bubble bath thing. Hello Kitty being Japanese, I believe.

If it wasn't invented by one person, it would have been invented by someone else later on down the road.

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Someday you will see the joy in feeling like a superior human being because of something you have done to make someone's day, month, year or life a little or a lot better. You won't feel superior to someone else but you will feel a sense of goodness and that just breeds more goodness. When superiority is based on murdering others (as the Nazis were responsible for the deaths of many of my great aunts and uncles and of course millions of my fellow Jews) it is a very lonely and destructive - including self-destructive - feeling. I have opportunities every day to assert power over people through fear and intimidation and I make the choice not to. I hope you learn to make that choice.

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Someday you will see the joy in feeling like a superior human being because of something you have done to make someone's day, month, year or life a little or a lot better. You won't feel superior to someone else but you will feel a sense of goodness and that just breeds more goodness. When superiority is based on murdering others (as the Nazis were responsible for the deaths of many of my great aunts and uncles and of course millions of my fellow Jews) it is a very lonely and destructive - including self-destructive - feeling. I have opportunities every day to assert power over people through fear and intimidation and I make the choice not to. I hope you learn to make that choice.

Good post! I think you're very right to question what power is it to murder. How does that make you superior?

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Someday you will see the joy in feeling like a superior human being because of something you have done to make someone's day, month, year or life a little or a lot better. You won't feel superior to someone else but you will feel a sense of goodness and that just breeds more goodness. When superiority is based on murdering others (as the Nazis were responsible for the deaths of many of my great aunts and uncles and of course millions of my fellow Jews) it is a very lonely and destructive - including self-destructive - feeling. I have opportunities every day to assert power over people through fear and intimidation and I make the choice not to. I hope you learn to make that choice.



I've felt the satisfaction of making someones day better many times. believe me.

I've done it today. Only something small, but I still did it today.

My friend Tiffany had a really rough weekend, I treated her to lunch today and kept her company during school when everyone else was being EXTREMELY mean to her.

This is just my views on this one topic.

It's not my entire life.

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Good post! I think you're very right to question what power is it to murder. How does that make you superior?


Hitler didn't just murder.

He controlled the minds of millions.

Yes, that did result in murder, but he could have made them all into farmers if he wanted.

He just chose to kill.

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I just want to say that OP needs to go to school and get an education and do more important things with her life than worship the power that she obviously craves so badly..


When you are older, my dear, hopefully you will be more exposed to people of other races and cultures that are doing amazing things to progress beyond the stupidity of our past actions. You are too young to know anything about life and for that I forgive you, but read a book before you drift off into stupid land. Don't talk about Hitler and his actions until you've read about 3 or 4 good books on the subject at least (no, mein kampf does not count).. Don't discuss history with anyone here because it's no competition, you will lose.. and don't discuss life or issues of race with anyone until you have experienced others and know what you are talking about.


Which I strongly suspect you don't.

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Honestly, it really makes me really sad to hear that a mindset such as yours still exists today. The World War happened over 60 years ago, so I suppose the actual horror of what happened is very removed for you – safe to idolize with the distance of time. My father is German, and he was born at the beginning of the war, growing up in post-war society. Life under Hitler and the results of his leadership was definitely not utopian, and the guilt of what he did still hangs over the nation today. Unlike our country and the Americans, the Germans have not been able to hang their flags with pride because of the shadow that hangs over it; the World Cup this year was one of the first times since the war they could.


The fact that you (assumedly) find nothing wrong with the deaths of six million Jewish people and other minorities during the war, for that is what he did, is chilling to me, and I really hope, like the others here, that you keep an open mind as you grow up.


Many of my friends are from different ethnic backgrounds, and I can't imagine not having their friendship. By only considering white people, or people who act 'white' as friends, you are closing yourself off to so many personal connections.


As to your views on history: of course being from the West, what we learn in school comes mainly from a Eurocentric perspective, so we don't learn much history aside from some ancient history. That doesn't mean Western Europe has been the only strong culture – that partially comes from the bias of our school systems and where we live. It's something you would have to look into yourself, which would be wiser than simply arguing against what you don't even know.


I suppose if you keep your beliefs to yourself, without acting on them with outward racism, or passing your ideas on to others, you're not hurting anyone, and it sounds as if you perhaps are willing to leave yourself open to new things in the future, which is promising. I am otherwise against telling other people what to believe, but this is no religion. Your post touched a sore spot with me, having grown up hearing stories of my dad's childhood, and his family's struggles.

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I've felt the satisfaction of making someones day better many times. believe me.

I've done it today. Only something small, but I still did it today.

My friend Tiffany had a really rough weekend, I treated her to lunch today and kept her company during school when everyone else was being EXTREMELY mean to her.

This is just my views on this one topic.

It's not my entire life.


Yes but with that view it will taint and poison many of your interactions - or potential interactions with others, including caucausian people who will be sickened by your views if you choose to share them. Also with all that hate inside you you are definitely harming your capacity to do good for others - including for caucasian people. At least you are a minority.

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Some reading for you:


The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer


Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer.


The Diary of Anne Frank


Thank you, DN. For what it's worth, I read this post right after breaking my almost 26 hour fast for the holiday - normally I wouldn't respond but reading it on the day of atonement was ironic and sad timing.

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I've had friends with numbers on their arms, I've known twins destined for Dr. Mengele when Buchenwald was freed, and feel repulsed by the whole wasteful war waged against Europe and Africa. I'm close to two children of camp survivors, who carry the damage to this day after being raised in fear of another Shoah. Even 60 years later, people suffer from that era's crimes.


Condemning Heather is too easy. I disagreed with her views on racism, and replied in earlier posts. I think in time her curiosity will lead her elsewhere. I think freely voicing her opinion here is helpful, since those who silently promote racism are far more sinister.


I don't support her views, but she should be safe to voice them in accord with forum rules.

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Racism obviously still exists, I'm still exposed to the exact same things, and I still believe white is superior.


Why else would there still be racism?

I know most people will say "Because people are ignorant, closed minded" and all this, but I personally believe that it is because of the power white people had over all other races in the past.

I'm not going to go on and give you a huge history lesson on all the great white leaders there were, but you seem intelligent enough to know what I'm talking about when I say all this.


Hi heatheRmal,


I really want to reach out to you, as a fellow Canadian. I think it is great that you have an active interest in politics. While I don't agree with your beliefs, I see a lot of intelligence in what you say. And I encourage you to keep learning more.


To the above quote of yours:


I find it interesting how you connect the fact that there have been many white leaders, much influence by whites, as a determining factor of their superiority.


Might makes right? I am very intrigued by that.


You asked "Why else is there still racism?" And that is a good question! Actually, I think that is the meat of what you are trying to understand.


When I look at my own community, I still see a lot of racism. And I ask "Why?". There are no easy answers. It's complicated. I think you are too smart to fall back on the 'easy answer' of 'it is bc one group is better'.


And can I say I cracked up in laughter when you spoke about your Native-Canadian friend who seems "more white than anybody you know". LOL.

Makes ya wonder, eh, "what is white?"

What is Native?


I have mixed heritage but people often identify me as 'white'. If you first met me, you'd most likely say "she's white".

However, I indentify most with a non-white culture! There have actually been times in my life where I have thought "man, i wish my skin was not so pale."


I've been picked on too, for having white skin. So certainly white skin is not an instant "Protection". It's verrrry interesting.


There actually is a flourishing Neo-Nazi segment of Canadian soceity. I am not going to connect you to them - obviously - and I think that if you actually saw what these people are doing you would not WANT to be associated with them. But perhaps you may research it on your own: there is a lot of material about them freely available.



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I've had friends with numbers on their arms, I've known twins destined for Dr. Mengele when Buchenwald was freed, and feel repulsed by the whole wasteful war waged against Europe and Africa. I'm close to two children of camp survivors, who carry the damage to this day after being raised in fear of another Shoah. Even 60 years later, people suffer from that era's crimes.


Condemning Heather is too easy. I disagreed with her views on racism, and replied in earlier posts. I think in time her curiosity will lead her elsewhere. I think freely voicing her opinion here is helpful, since those who silently promote racism are far more sinister.


I don't support her views, but she should be safe to voice them in accord with forum rules.


Thank you


I'm not trying to get anyone to believe what I believe in.

I just believe in the things I do because of the way I was raised, not because of the things I read, or the people I know.

I'm sure all of you guys have an opinion on something else that I disargee with.

Maybe it's abortion, or gay marriage or something, but it's all the same.

Maybe mines a bigger topic because it affects a wider range of people, but it's still the same thing.

It's not like me being racist is going to change the world or anything, the world will always have racists.

Weather you want to believe it or not, unless we end up being complete robots in the year 3098 or something, then racism WILL exist.


As for [sorry, I forget who put it] "I could be your boss some day".

That's true. But in this day and age, I could quit that job if I wanted to.

hitlers followers couldn't really quit at any time..

But since we're pretty much trying to erase the past, other races can do pretty much the same things as white people.

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