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What's the deal with people that try to trap older folks...

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What possible relationship could a 27 year old man have with a 14 year old girl or boy? You're not going to have many common interests to talk about or be going in the same directions in life, the only thing you could get really would be sex. They are still children and even though they have the physical appearance of adults, their minds are in no way developed or mature enough to make decisions such as sex with a man twice their age. Laws preventing sex with under aged people are meant to protect them from the serious consequences that can happen. What happens to your 14 yo that gets pregnant by the 27 yo? How was her life enriched by giving up her childhood to now support and care for a baby? She's 14, she didn't look at the consequences of sex, she's a child. The 27 yo is an adult, they know that anything like that would be detrimental to the child.


The morality of society and our laws maybe the rule of the mob, but don't think because the mob here is kept in line with rules and is being nice we will accept every deviant view that comes out.

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I agree with many of you'lls statements about what should & should not happen. But the point is, people don't always do what they should do or even what they want to do. And to provoke someone to do something that they wouldn't normally do is wrong.


A start Question chronicpainandconfusion,


Do you see under age girl or boys as sexual objects?


thought just maybe i might if it looked like people were cool & understanding here, but i have the feeling that nobody here is really interested in trying to be friendly.


Dont you dare try and make your self out to be a victim here, your 27 years old act it, you know that sex with children is wrong, trying to say that your being suprest or victimsed! lets this one fact strat in your head and never ever forget it, Adolts using children as sex objects dammages that child life,


NO and I mean NO Adalt of sound mind things other wase, coming here and puting your point of view that some how YOUR the one who sexal proclivertys means that they are shunded and haurt is a load of ****.


What part of DISTROYS CHILDRENS LIVES do you not get?


I know that in the Pedo Sub cultuer theres this fantacy that children wont you the Adalt but its just that a Fantacy, kids that have been grumed and condistioned to have sex are nealy alwasy brain washed and trained by there abusers.


THATS WHATS SICK! Thats whats evil about this kind of thing, the willfull corupstion of children.


So dont come that Poor me rotean,


I would only respect you if you owned up and said, I see children as sex objects, I know this is wrong and Im seeking help now.

This is not like being gay or Bi this is about the lifes of others distryed by your needs over theres.

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This post is now closed for the obvious reason that leaving it open will no doubt lead to a riot.


We at eNotalone have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy towards sexual abuse. If you had posted stating you had a problem and needed help, then I would have worked my hardest to find you a treatment program. But that is not what you posted. You posted trying to justify the sexual relations between adults and minors and claiming that people misunderstood, entraped, bashed, or otherwise should agree with your views.


This to me indicates you have a serious illness and you require treatment. It also tells me you represent a danger to our underage members and I and the other moderators will not allow them to be placed in harms way.


If you would like to get treatment, then please contact me privately and I will honor my offer above to find you a treatment program.


However, from this point forward I will be monitoring all of your communications on this forum including your private messages. If you make even a single attempt to contact an underage member of eNotalone [anyone under the age of 18] I shall turn you over to the F.B.I. and your local law enforcement for immediate prosecution.

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