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What's the deal with people that try to trap older folks...

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What's the deal with people that try to trap older folks into saying something or doing something that will get them in trouble with someone who is not considered to be of age for sexual relations with them? I'm mainly thinking about law enforcement. And people that do this kind of thing for a living. Especially those that go after males that are legally considered adults. I mean perhaps they are helping & keeping a "child" from having sex with an "adult". And probably in certain cases maybe even preventing rape. But i wonder how many times they lead people on & cause something that wouldn't have happened if they didn't tempt them. I mean i just joined & i just took a look at a lot of the ages on here, & i thought gee, i hope nobody tries to do something like that to me. I'm at a point in my life where i'm very weak & might be manipulated into having relations with a minor. I'm not talking about a child that hasn't gone through the changes you go through to phsycally become an adult yet. Why they even call that pedophillia is beyond me. (Because my understanding of pedophillia is an adult having sexual relations with a prepubecent child.) If it was someone i felt understood me. In many ways i almost feel like a 13 year old child in an adults body now a days even though i haven't always felt that way lol. Yeah i know i'm going to try to seek a therapist. Not because i want to have a relations with a minor because i don't. But because of other things & certain tramas i've gone through & how broken my soul is at this point. But anyway i just thought of this so i thought i'd post it. I hope nobody thinks ill of me because i posted it. I was just thinking out loud. I just don't like the idea of people entraping others into something that they really don't want to do & wouldn't do if they weren't pressured into doing it. For i've felt like i've had that done to me, not concerning this topic but in other things. By the way this has nothing to do with that congressmen or what ever his name is in the u.s. papers. I haven't read enough to know what was what on that. I'm actually not a big fan of the whole celebrity gossip thing. And i would probably shoot myself in a heartbeat if i was ever famous. I don't really trust the government, or law enforcement, but i'd trust them over the media any day lol.

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I am glad that there are law enforcement trying to track down and stop pedophiles.


If someone is not that type of person I do not believe they can be coerced into anything. I was raped at 14. I know how it feels.


Here are some hard facts.. link removed




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But i wonder how many times they lead people on & cause something that wouldn't have happened if they didn't tempt them.


Dude seriously!


I could be in a shopping mall and have a 13 year old boy 'hang' on me, rip my pants off, throw me to the floor AND I WOULD STILL BE ABLE TO RESIST!


How could something be a temptation if you had absolutely no desire for it in the first place?

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Well, consider the effects of having sex with an underaged person. Even in parts of the world that accept it, the damage is severe. It interferes with education, puts a physically but emotionally immature person through hell.


Adults are attracted to underaged partners to feel power.

Unhealthy people needing that power rush hurt people, even if they feel fully justified and feel the police are heavy-handed. I's illegal for a reason.


Considering the damage predators cause to young people, I have no doubt thes sting operations are serving to prevent more suffering than they cause. If you can't see the damage this whole meass causes, you do need help.


Criminals often find the law unfair. That's because those laws interfere with crime.

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These sting operations are not entrapments. That would mean that an undercover officer specifically sent you a message pretending to be a child below the age of consent and leading you on. They don't do that. What they do is to assume the identity but wait for a predator to contact them.


If someone underage contacts you inappropriately your response is simple and easy. Just decline to respond. If it happens on this forum - contact a moderator.

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see anything that would keep me from doing that when i skimmed them. Hmm. I was told that this forum was a little different than some of the other ones. I'm not so sure it is. At least i haven't had any personal attacks yet other than "Dude" which is not too bad lol. I appreciate your posts & i know your oppinion is out there. I just thought i'd give mine & hoped that, that would be ok.


southerngirl: I'm sorry that you were raped. I'm surprised at some of those statistics that you pointed out. I'm not saying they're inaccurate but i don't have much faith in much of anything now a days, & surely not statistics lol. Especially if you can find statistics other places that differ. I'm not saying you can because i haven't looked i'm just saying in general on statistics. I'd like to think that statistics are facts like you do, but i tend to have a more realistic oppinion of them i think. At least that's my oppinion on the matter. Also i noticed that it looked like you grouped prepubecent & post pubecent together. And there are places in the world where having sex with a 16 year old, even a 14 year old is not considered illegal. Of course i think some of those laws in some of those countries might depend on how old the other person is. Of course i'm sure that you'd think that those contries, many of them european, are doing something highly immoral. But i tend to disagree. Of course personally i think that a huge age gap can be seen as immoral no matter how old you are. At least it just seems that way to me. I'm not saying i would never do it & actually i have had sexual relations with a woman that was twice my age before. I'm guessing that sense you've been raped that you are very sensative about this subject so i'm going to try not to say anything that would offend you. But i do think that you might be a little biased based on your experiences though.


doyathink: Well with a name like yours i wouldn't be surprised if you're the one that goes around bashing questions you don't like lol. Maybe i'm wrong. Well i think you are being a little simplistic. And once again what if this 13 year old boy of yours didn't look 13. And according to southerngirl you can go all the way up to 17 with this discusion. Not every temptation is something that you did not desire before. New inventions are created all of the time & people desire to buy them. People change there minds about what they want all of the time. And people under a lot of stress & who are not themselves will easily do things that otherwise they would not do.


Dako: Well perhaps your right in some cases. But i don't think you are right with all. And saying that adults are attracted to underage partners to feel power is something i don't believe is true. I mean that might be the case for some but i think that's a false statement for many. And the whole power rush statement. Like i said before if i gave into something like that it would be because i felt like i could relate to them not because i have some type of power over them. You're generalizing way to much here i believe. I'm not saying that law enforcement doesn't helps children doing stuff like this, i'm just saying that i bet they entrap a lot of people that wouldn't do it otherwise. Of course that's just an oppinion. Laws & those working for the law sometimes prevent unjust things. But injustice can be caused by those that create laws as well as those that enforce them. And the word crime depends on the laws & what are considered crimes in one place & in one period of time might not be in other periods of time. If you are blind to that i think it is you that might need some help lol. I agree that i need help lol. But i have a problem with people that think that they don't & then make narrowminded statements like you just did.


DN: Thanks for your assessment. I hope that that is the case. However my lack of faith in law enforcement makes me think otherwise lol. And i'm sure that depends heavily on where they are. I would hope that these people that do this no the difference between tempting people & being persued. There should be things that law enforcement aren't able to say or do when they go about doing these types of things even if they are contacted first in my oppinion. And like i said before, i hope you are right, but i'd tend to think that they have the ability to cross the line & justify it by the mindset of the previous posters.

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I'm sure you'll be able to rationalize your views as I can mine, except mine are widely held. The "tyranny of the majority" holds sway by instituting laws through legislation, a method that most modern countries find more functional than chaos.

It might be easier to convince a group that shares your views of underage sex partners. I know there are such groups working to halt the overzealous protection of children so folks like yourself need not fear their urges.


Your denial of the element of power in this sort of behavior is blatently disingenuous, since power is a huge component of sex. Sex with someone not yet able to be trusted with buying a beer is a big imbalance of power.


Your concern for statutory rapists strikes me as peculiar, but I wouldn't consider myself narrow minded. I'm unconvinced.

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You will find NO ACCEPTANCE on this website of physical realationships with MATURE adults and CHILDREN (teenage).


It is not morally right to attempt or pursue a minor for sexual gratification.

You seem to be making excuses for your "thoughts". I don't care how mature you may think a 14, 16, or 17 year old is. I am sorry if I offended you. My hopes are that people who pursue the endeavor of trying to have relations with young people GET ARRESTED.

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You mentioned that you are going to seek therapy.


I suggest you do that, and find one that is experianced with your problem.


YOu sound like you find girls who are 13 , 14, 15 ready to be your sexual partner.


They are not. You are almost 30 and a grown man.


You may think I feel the way I do because I was raped. You are wrong.


Go ahead and google 'statistics of child molestation' for yourself. You will find that not only is it common, but it is horribly wrong.


The lasting effects it will have on a child will follow them through their life and probally into the lives of the future generations.


I dont know if you expect random people here to agree with you and support your views, but what you will find is people that are willing to discuss things rationally with you and with respect.


Feel free to keep posting, maybe it will help you. yes, from what I read, I think you need help.

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Bashing? Because I dont agree with your 'simplistic' views? I disagree with the way you think! I could care less as to how old a 13 year old boy 'looks', the fact that he is a child to me means there would never be any kind of attraction towards him from my point of view.Regardless!


As I stated, How could something be a temptation if you had absolutely no desire for it in the first place? It doesn't matter if you did not have a desire for it before or later in life.......you would have to have that desire in the present!

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The law say children under 16 (this may shift up or down depending on the location) can not have sex, that means Adolts can not have sex with children and Children can not have sex with children. There are very very good resions for this both medical and moral.


Rape is about sex with out consent, at any moment during befor and during sex any party says NO I withdraw my conset THAT IT end of story end of sex.


If a human being id coested or forst into having sex with out the other partys knowing that is not rape, but still a crime for the 3ed partys.


But this is no all the story, what is wrong also is feelings of a sexula natuer for a child under the legal age of sex.


When I was 18 I went to a party there I met 2 sisters, the younger I chattered to and then later kissed, I mate there cam over and told me she was 15 years old, I told him that both sisters had siad she was 17. He tells me he knows her as she gos to school with his sister, I asked the girl about my mates sister and shes rumbeled, says yes she 15, that was the end of that, but the next day I get really worred thinking I have broken a law and will go to gail. I was that worred I talked to my dad about it and he said, next time make shour there not lieing to you and check.


Now sex was not on my mind that ealry on but I can see where traps are layed by others, BUT! and this is a big BUT grouming kids on the internet for sex, is nothing like a 18 year old kissing a 15 year old thinking shes 2 years older after being told that, NO what grumers do is know that kids are on the other side of the PC and hunt for them so thay can abuse, rap or even kill then to forfill there own sexula needs, THATS whats sick is puting your sex needs befor the life of a child.


That is the most selffish evil act I can think of, Pedophiles see kids as sex objects no more no less, the moment they stop thing that children are human but are object thats the moment they stop bing human.


There crimes rank with the Nazis dehumanising of the jews and then genicide, Pedophiles kill the lives of children in just the same way, thay take for a moment of there joy and hand over a life time of pain fro the child.




I say all good men and woman have a right to hunt down and out any who think this way and to pull them out of there dark holes and into the brite light of day so we can see then and put them some where where there greed for sex will never harm a child again.


Now its your call, this is my point of view only that mine but I know if any child malester killed a child of mine for there own gratification I would kill them in a moment and never lose a moments sleep over it.

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I have gotten hit on, online and my response to those under 18 is 'I am almost 29 years old and far too old for you'. That ends things right there.



If I were a 15 year old girl and I were to strip all of my clothes before you and tell you that I wanted you to take me right now, your RESPONSIBILITY as an adult would be to say 'Put your clothes back on! You are a child!'

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I have gotten hit on, online and my response to those under 18 is 'I am almost 29 years old and far too old for you'. That ends things right there.



If I were a 15 year old girl and I were to strip all of my clothes before you and tell you that I wanted you to take me right now, your RESPONSIBILITY as an adult would be to say 'Put your clothes back on! You are a child!'



That would be what a responsible adult would say anyway!

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Dako don't think it's a good thing really by any means. But i don't really think anything that is consensual should be considered rape. Maybe call it something else with a lesser penalty. But not rape. As for me i have no particular bent towards teenagers. I just find very few adults that are going through what i'm going through right now & understand it. And if they do they are way past that point in their lives & can't really relate.


rodeo rider: Well i disagree. Especially depending on what the sentence would be. I saw something on t.v. i'm not sure if it was 60 minutes or what it was exactly, about this guy that's listed as a sex offender & considered the same as people that actually raped people because he had consensual relations with a 16 year old i believe it was. Now this guys life is pure hell. He's afraid to even walk by places where children are because he thinks someone in his neiborhood will think he's doing something wrong. I don't think he's allowed to move to another country either. I think he's petitioned for something to be written under each persons name on the public website that says a little bit about there particular case. But was not granted that. Now she is maried now & still states it was consensual & wishes the guy could go on with his life. Anyway to me a guy that has consensual sex with a 16 year old should not be labled the same as a guy that rapes some one at any age. Let alone a teenager or a child for christs sake.


Well i'm not going to continue to reply to everyone because they are pouring in now. I'm sorry if i've offended anyone.


As for the last post by southerngirl once again i sympathize with you but i don't think law enforcement should be able to do what you just stated. Maybe you think that's ok, but i don't. And i think it would be wrong & i think law enforcement should not be able to do that. Or do you think law enforcement should insult citizens & then arrest them if they say anything back. This sort of entrapment is not right in my oppinion if & when it happens.


I agree with many of you'lls statements about what should & should not happen. But the point is, people don't always do what they should do or even what they want to do. And to provoke someone to do something that they wouldn't normally do is wrong.

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Hmm, haven't read eveeeeery single little post, but am I assuming right? Chronicpainandconfusion, do you want to have sex with girls as young as 13 and 14 or are you saying you think it's okay because they're post-pubescent? Or what? I'm rather confused.


Something's telling me maybe an underage girl is trying to seduce you, or something, and you're really tempted by it? Go more into detail please, maybe we could offer more realistic advice?

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Hmm, reading more into it, you asked Doyathink 'what if her 13 year old boy didn't look 13'... that doesn't make it right. I think, like I said earlier, there's an underage girl trying to seduce you that you've either succumbed to or are very tempted by.. and she looks 'older' than her 'age.' So many 14 year old girls for example look 18 nowadays.


Still, doesn't make it right. Consider their emotional and mental maturity, not their physical maturity and the fact that they too have vaginas like an older woman. It just seems that some people just don't care... I for the life of me, can't understand this. It's nothing but excuses, excuses to do something not only LEGALLY wrong but MORALLY wrong. Children are still children DESPITE adult like bodies.

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i'm very weak & might be manipulated into having relations with a minor.
what's your address? i'll send you some vitamins. then you might find the strength to be able to speak or type the word "no".


lack of conscience in a sane person is not a disability; it's a choice. no sympathy here.

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But i don't really think anything that is consensual should be considered rape. Maybe call it something else with a lesser penalty. But not rape. ... I just find very few adults that are going through what i'm going through right now & understand it. And if they do they are way past that point in their lives & can't really relate.


It's called statutory rape because the child in not considered legally able to give consent, so it can't be legally consensual. You know that.

I suspect you'd like the law to address your POV, but try to consider what a parent might feel about finding a 27 year old man has been "relating" to their underage son or daughter. If I were in that position, I would break the law with impunity as well.


What is it you're going through that has you so passionate, and complels you to choose that screen name?

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what a parent might feel about finding a 27 year old man has been "relating" to their underage son or daughter.


Oh, pick me please! I can answer this for you! Lets just say that if an adult approached my daughter in an inappropriate manner, he wouldn't think of me as 'simplistic' ever again!

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Well i've got to go to work, & no i don't feel comfortable discussing anything about what's going on with me on this public forum. I thought just maybe i might if it looked like people were cool & understanding here. But looks like that's just not going to happen. My username has nothing to do with the topic i posted about. And me seeing a therapist has nothing to do with the topic i posted about. So i'll just make that clear before i go. If anyone wants to chat with me using the p.m. or email feature maybe just maybe i'll answer some of the last questions being posted, but i have the feeling that nobody here is really interested in trying to be friendly. So this will probably be my last post or response. It's a shame though i was told that this site might be pretty good for me. Because they are supposed to tone down on the rediculing of others. Or just not allow it at all. Well i'm glad i tried it out anyway. Take care everyone.

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i'm all for open debate on any subject, but given the OP's stated possible willingness to have illegal sexual interaction with a minor who contacts him, i'd give some thought toward banning him if this website were mine.


EDIT: and now i see that he is soliciting PMs and emails. that doesn't help.

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YOu came here wanting help. Obviously you are struggling with an issue.


You will get a wide variety of responses but I believe that if you post here for help that there will be people willing to help you.


What is it that you are going through? What has you so conflicted about this?


Have you felt entrapped lately as you put it?

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I think you were treated well here by mods and members, regardless of your controversial views.

Threads with more conventional topics often go off the rails. Even if you aren't tempted by minors, you seem bright enough to understand your views will inflame anyone short of a NAMBLA member.

Most adults feel a responsibility to protect young people, and although mistakes are made, the laws serve the greater good.

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