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How many hours do you work a week?

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OMG I don't know how you do it guys!!!


During college, I could barely manage to do well in class. I was a full time student. I could have never work and study at the same time and be alive to tell... And now that I have a job I barely have find the time to do something else...


Is pretty impressive !!


Or maybe I'm too damn lazy?

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1. How many? 35 - 50

2. Do you feel like it worth the effort? it doesnt take much effort so I do my best to help as much as I can.

3. Do you like what you do or just tolerate it? tolerate it - I pick my own hours and it pays the bills

4. Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices? In one way Yes and in more ways No.

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I stay home with my kids and homeschool, but also run 3 businesses out of my house and volunteer.


If I don't count the cleaning/cooking/homeschooling


1. How many? 60

2. Do you feel like it worths the effort? depends on the week

3. Do you like what you do or just tolerate it? I like it when it goes well....haha

4. Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices? I have tons of choices, but I am too afraid to make them.... it's sink or swim, but if I get in a holding pattern I am scared to do much else than tread water, I mean what if I get pulled under you know?

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