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How many hours do you work a week?

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50 contracted - often more.

Always worth the effort as i am lucky - i make a difference to people's lives.

I like it, but it isn't my lifes ambition. Its tolerable until i am able to reach my goal.

Um believe i am getting ahead as the personal growth is what matters. I grow with my job..my knowledge and my empathy.

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How many? 48

Do you feel like it worths the effort? Not reaaaaaaally....

Do you like what you do or just tolerate it? I tolerate it, I guess because I'm not even doing exactly what I went to college for

Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices? Probably getting ahead... a little... for now. I don't see myself doing this for the rest of my life.

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Have two jobs

40 hours at one and 15 at the other

Definitely worth the effort

Job # 1: Tolerate it-hate my boss, but make good $ and love what I do.

Job # 2: I enjoy it-waiting tables at a friends sports bar. Really good $ only 3 days a wk in the evenings.

Getting ahead

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1. around 60 hours a week, contracted for 36. Most other people I know in PhD projects here work something between 50 and 60 hours.

2. it is always worth the effort

3. I like what I do, of course I still have days that I feel stuck in my thoughts but I never have to motivate myself to work.

4. when I am finished I will have a higher degree and hopefully do post-doc projects until I find a permanent lecturer/researcher position. The degree is necessary for that, so yes.

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  1. How many? 55 hours (I work two jobs).
  2. Do you feel like it worths the effort? One is the other is not. I work the other to make the bills and because I have been doing it for a very long time. (restaurant business).
  3. Do you like what you do or just tolerate it? I love what I do at one job, the other I just tolerate.
  4. Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices? I am getting ahead in one job because I am getting the experience, the other I tolerate because I can do it in my sleep.

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How many? 24 - 40 hours (depending on how much stock arrives in the week)

Do you feel like it worths the effort? Yes

Do you like what you do or just tolerate it? I like what I do, good exercise, independance and responsibility, no one looking over my shoulder - really, that's all I want in any job =P

Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices? Didn't take the job as a career booster, I'll probably only last 6 - 9 months with it.

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1. 40 hrs - sometimes I do OT

2. Yes I feel it's worth it - I just got promoted last week

3. I didn't really like what I did before I got promoted...hence the reason I went for the promotion. It was more a problem of being bored because I did what I did for so long and so well.

4. No I am not stuck...there's lots of upward mobility at my work

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  1. How many?
  2. Do you feel like it worths the effort?
  3. Do you like what you do or just tolerate it?
  4. Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices?

1. Varies between about 30 to 40+, depending on the time of year, number of promotional events, and amount of production that needs to be done. It's generally spread out over 6 days, so while I don't work an 8 hour day, I usually have to show up at work 6 days a week.


2. What effort?


3. I have what is my personal dream job. Being a radio DJ is all I wanted to do since I was 15, and I've been fortunate that I've been able to do that since I was 18.


4. "Getting ahead" is not all it's cracked up to be. In my last gig, they promoted me to being a program director and it was the job from hell. I'm quite content being "just a DJ" without the added pressure/responsibility...because there's no amount of money you could pay me to make it worth my while.

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  1. How many? 100 plus hours, sometimes 150
  2. Do you feel like it worths the effort? yes
  3. Do you like what you do or just tolerate it? I love it on some days, hate it on other days.
  4. Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices? Getting ahead because the end result will be great, but feel stuck because this is what I will be doing for at least the next 8 months or years.

If you dont know, I stay at home with my children while my husband works. I do not get paid in real money. I start my days at about 6 am by getting up and drinking a cup of coffee... turning on the pc and then waiting while I wake up until its time to get my 8 year old onto the school bus.


He has to be outside, dressed and ready to go by 7 as the bus comes right to our yard. If my 20 month old isnt up yet, he will be soon although sometimes he is up and ready by then.


Then, I get him changed and fed his breakfast... In the day I try to do what I can in the way of chores, laundry cleaning etc... I prepare his lunch and get him to take a nap if Im lucky he is sleeping by 1 pm at which point I usually take my shower and take a few minutes to myself to quietly read. Once he wakes up its back to chores and fixing dinner.


Homework with older child, taking him to soccar practice or wherever else is needed to go. I manage the bills. I manage the checking account. I buy the groceries... All of that is funded with husbands paycheck, him working 50 hours per week sometimes 56 to support us all.


I expect another baby in about 11-12 weeks and my days will probally get even more busy than they are already.


I dont get a day off, I dont get a night off... No holidays and no sick days. Such is life. I dont work outside the home right now because I am not sure I want my 20 month old in the care of someone else, he can not even tell me if they have mistreated him not to mention the cost of daycare. That said, I think I will be trying to find something to do even part time after this new baby is born. Ive tried working at night and that didnt work I was FAR TOO TIRED. i worked from 6-12 as a cashier at a local store and by the time I got home and got to bed, I was getting only 4-5 hours of sleep per night. That lasted 2 months before I just couldnt do it anymore.


Oh, I can do other work, office work mainly so when the time is right, I will be trying to get that full time job, the question is will that be worth it? To pay someone else 200 a week to care for my babies, and worry about my 8 year old getting home from school when no one is here to watch him for an hour to two hours?


YOu asked about work, this is my work... Today I love it but ask me again tomarrow how I feel =)

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  1. How many? 50 hours
  2. Do you feel like it worths the effort? Not really, but it is a stepping stone for better career.
  3. Do you like what you do or just tolerate it? Tolerate it.
  4. Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices? Getting ahead with my studies.

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How many? 50-60hrs

Do you feel like it worths the effort? To pay off debt (last bit of $2300.00) yes it is worth the effort!

Do you like what you do or just tolerate it? I tolerate it. With school and working two jobs it's all I can do until the situation improves.

Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices? I am not getting ahead, but coupled with paying off some debt and with being a couple classes short of my college degree it is well worth it in the end.

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You asked about work, this is my work...


Hey SOUTHERN GIRL, thanks for sharing your experience.


I know for sure, working as a mommy is probably one of the most demanding jobs ever... specially because you don't get paid $$$ ... and sometimes you don't get paid at all... the ungrateful bastards... LOL


Personally I could never do that. I'm no mommy material. I really don't see the point of going thru all that hassle when I can just live my life without all the mess and effort that kids represent, but that's me. I don't find it fulfilling at all, if for some reason I ended up in that situation (soccer mom with house to clean, kids to drive and husband to feed) I'd VERY PROBABLY end up suicidal. I'm actually not joking.


Good luck though, u sound like a great mom

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  1. How many? 32 hours, would prefer 40.
  2. Do you feel like its worth the effort? Yes, but it's not too secure, and after 12 years I don't feel part of anything.
  3. Do you like what you do or just tolerate it? Like it.
  4. Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stuck and without many choices? I'm just treading water as a old drone.

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1. Well, used to work 40 hours, then went back to school full time and work 15-20 part time at a job for money, and another 40-50 a week in this program where I am paying to do it


In reality, my days start at 5 for my athletic training, go from 9-4/5 with school, then to 10:30 with work, then another 2-3 hours after that of studying and reading.


2. It definitely is worth the effort, as I am very happy with my choice.


3.I am loving it, even though it is tough....I chose to go back.


4. I definitely feel I am going somewhere now. The reason I did choose to go back was I was unsatisfied and did feel stuck.


We ALWAYS have a choice. Even when circumstances are difficult, we have a choice.

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  1. How many?
  2. Do you feel like it worths the effort?
  3. Do you like what you do or just tolerate it?
  4. Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices?


1. 168

2. Absolutely

3. I love what I do. I have a smoking hot co-worker that I get to sleep with, and I love my client more than anything I've ever loved in my entire life.

4. I'm getting ahead, because I am sleeping around 5 hours a night now, finally, and my client is starting to come around with regards to actual interaction. He's been a little standoffish for the past 4 months, seemingly unappreciative of how hard I worked to get him, and how hard I work for him. However, I am stuck in my contract for at least another 18 years, and there's absolutely no getting out of it.

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    Oh, I can do other work, office work mainly so when the time is right, I will be trying to get that full time job, the question is will that be worth it? To pay someone else 200 a week to care for my babies, and worry about my 8 year old getting home from school when no one is here to watch him for an hour to two hours?


    Nooooooo!!!! It's not worth it! Stay home as long as you can!!!!

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How many?

Do you feel like it worths the effort?

Do you like what you do or just tolerate it?

Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices?


1. 36 to 45

2. It's worth it. Pays the bills but I need mooooore $.

3. Like working with my team.

4. Getting ahead. Making much progress and hopefully moving onto new projects in the near future.

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How many? Formerly 80+hrs/week, in transition now from work to back to school

Do you feel like it worths the effort? Yes I love working

Do you like what you do or just tolerate it? Love what I do, but I really want to educate myself more

Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices? Definitely getting ahead.

I am very driven in my life to pursue my dreams.

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How many?

currently 48 (we're getting an "opportunity" to work overtime... i don't mind the extra 20% pay ), but usually 40.


Do you feel like it worths the effort?

pays well, can be technically challenging at times, and i'm positive people in the US appreciate the type of work we do.


Do you like what you do or just tolerate it?

it's neat. i've worked at a couple different places to get a feel of what's a good place to work and what's not. this is a place that definitely cares about the people. i do miss the close knit group i had at a different company and haven't developed that here yet.


Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices?

definitely getting ahead. i feel like i'm getting more responsibility than i really want and getting pushed in that direction. it's almost like being in the right place at the right time. oh well, more challenges in life.

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I have 2 jobs Job 1 will be listed, then a semi-colon and job 2

  1. How many? 30-40 hours ; 10-15 hours
  2. Do you feel like it worths the effort? yes, very much ; financially, no, but I enjoy it
  3. Do you like what you do or just tolerate it? I tolerate it ; I like it
  4. Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices? I'm pretty stuck, but thats my own doing, if I wanted to be more proactive in my role I could ; job 2 isn't going to boost my career, but I am learning the retail industry which might pay off some day

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1. 35

2. what effort? i work for the government.

3. Like it, but only because I'm overeducated and get to do very specific, technical, fun stuff!

4. With the government, you have no choice but to get ahead. You can't get fired, automatically get promoted every 1-2 years, and it looks great on your resume.


However, I'm a hardworking and motivated person. I would prefer an environment with expectations. In 5 months I'll be a mom for the first time, though, and that will be a challenge unlike any I've ever experienced.

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1. How many? I'm taking 19 credits, don't know how many hours of class and homework that translates into...and 25-ish in my part-time job.

2. Do you feel like it worths the effort? School? Oh yeah. Part-time doesn't really require much effort, but I do have those days when I want to whack customers upside the head.

3. Do you like what you do or just tolerate it? I love learning, so yes, I like school. And as long as I'm not doing customer service at work, I like doing paperwork and research for my manager.

4. Do you think ur getting ahead or more like stucked and with not much choices? Absolutely. A degree will give me many more opportunities, and my manger mentioned a promotion and a raise at work

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