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Today I stood in the rain.I was deeply depressed,and couldn't seem to shake it.I've been having weird thoughts lately.Of a painting (i know this will sound putrid) made of blood(my blood)of someone special(I don't know who it is)

And last year I had a vision of 5 burning doors of white flame.

The thoughts only occur when i'm deeply depressed.I can't sleep now.the only reason i'm depressed is because I have nothing to love and so much to lose.

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I really don't know what to say, often scary visions are bought on by not beig happy enough. You need to possibly more social or do something outrageous and fun, something out of your comfort zone. Take a friend and go sky diving or something, something that will knock all the fears out of you and hopefully leave you refreshed and happy again.

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So do you know what is behind each door? Possibilities. Adventures. Journey's. Paths. I'd say the fact that they were white surrounded by white is ... POSITIVE.


I agree with Shadows Light that the doors of white flames sounds like a positive image. Doors are often used to describe opportunities - "When one door closes, another opens," "I'll take door #3," etc. White also has all kinds of positive connotations in our culture, and fire is considered life sustaining. More importantly, though, is how you feel when you think about these images.


I've been having weird thoughts lately.Of a painting (i know this will sound putrid) made of blood(my blood)of someone special(I don't know who it is) . . .

The thoughts only occur when i'm deeply depressed.


This also sounds like a positive image to me. Blood is the life force, and the fact that you are willing to give of yourself for the image of someone special sounds like you are able to love very deeply.


It seems natural to me that these thoughts would come up when you are depressed. For me, depression is often my body's way of asking for contemplation and rest. Take the time to listen to the images that come up, they must have something to say.


It sounds like you are intelligent and sensitive in the best way, with a lot of access to your creativity. You might not feel it now, but this is a great combination!

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Today I stood in the rain.I was deeply depressed,and couldn't seem to shake it.I've been having weird thoughts lately.Of a painting (i know this will sound putrid) made of blood(my blood)of someone special(I don't know who it is)

And last year I had a vision of 5 burning doors of white flame.

The thoughts only occur when i'm deeply depressed.I can't sleep now.the only reason i'm depressed is because I have nothing to love and so much to lose.


Have you thought of drawing or painting your visions? Some of the greatest artists in the world were "depressed"... they got thier angst out through the medium of "painting". Artists often see things in a different light and are sensitive to the world around them.


Why don't you try "painting" (with paints!!!) your visions....

Actually... thinking about it from my end, I can envisions a very poignant painting, of a silloette of a young man bathed in the reds of a setting sun at dusk... in reds... with 5 doors that are illuminated by bright searing white light. Its a vision of being poised before making the next leg of your journey... making a choice which path to take. All good choices... but each with a different end goal. I can imagine the young man feeling trepidation and fear at having to decide his fate... on blind faith.

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Oddly enough I actually am pretty good at drawing.I already have drawn the five doors a long time ago.The painting of blood I haven't drawn yet.

Most of these visions happen when i'm an almost coma like state, or when I'm trying to sleep.I also get dejavu.One of my friends told me that I would make a good boyfriend if I met the right girl.Right now I just feel so lonely.


I honestly thought these were more suicidal visions.Today I had a vision of a statue of a young man with his hand out catching rain in it,and his face was fixated on his hand.A young woman(not a statue) with her hand in his weeping.The background looked like a semetary with tree's and the sky was an orange fading into a purple.It looked like it had just rained.It was me out in the rain the other day. that was the position I was in.That special person was holding my hand.This vision comforts me somewhat,because it reminds me of a women's touch(which I long for so much),sensitivity,and loyalty.

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Most of these visions happen when i'm an almost coma like state, or when I'm trying to sleep.I also get dejavu.


A lot of artists describe that time between sleep and being awake as the most innovative because your mind is allowed to just wander without limitations. I love that time! It's like dreaming, but you're just awake enough to remember.


One of my friends told me that I would make a good boyfriend if I met the right girl.Right now I just feel so lonely.


I'm sure that's true. Take your time - 14 is just the beginning, you will find someone, I promise!


I honestly thought these were more suicidal visions.


This makes me worry. Are you thinking about commiting suicide? What's up?

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