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religion and his lack of it


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Ok so i have been with my boyfriend for almost a year, wen we met he said he was agnostic which is great because so am I, sort of, I was raised Methodist and as far as my parents know I still am, but I dunno about all that anymore. Anyway a few months ago he decided he is acctually athiest which did bother me a little at first but now he is like hardcore athiest. The other day he even bought a satanic bible, not that he sacrificing little kittens or anything. He isn't satanic, I just think it is for shock value mostly, he was raised by bible thumpers so I think he is just trying to get as far from that as possible. Two things worry me, I can deal with athiest but not satanic (no offense to anyone personnaly it just conflicts with my belifs), like I said he isn't satanic but he changed so quickly from agnostic to athiest I just am afraid he might decide to follow the satanic bible. The other thing is we have talked about marriage after we graduate and settle in our "real lives". I am worried about certain religios aspects there because like I said both our families are christian and they think we are too. Just looking ahead who would marry us? I guess the justice of the peace. I dont think not being in a church would bother anyone but I think not having a minister would, and I wouldnt mind a minister but I know he would object to it. I know I am looking way ahead, but I just dont want to ger hurt, but anyway, what if we have kids how would we raise them? I dont want to raise a child christian, buddhist, jewish or even athiest. I think they should be allowed to chose what ever they want to believe, and I think that if they did chose a religion and they chose to follow it, well, religiously then he would unconsciously deter them from that. I dont know, I just have never been so in love in my life and no one has ever been so wonderful and loving to me, exept our differences in religion we are almost perfect for each other. I think breaking up would devistate both of us. It kills me to even think about it, but I think if it needs to be done we shouldn't wait until it would be even harder. Am I making somthing insignificant in to an issue or should I worry.

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it is VERY important. I am opposite of you. I am a christian and I can't imagin being with anyone who doesn't share the most important aspect of my life with me. So I don't think you are overreacting, It can cause major issues! especially when it comes to kids. The satanic thing would definatly worry me too. He might get really into it eventually.

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the thing is that it really isnt a big part of my life, like at all, I never really thought much about it even until all this. All I believe is in something, nothing in particular though. It seems like a lot to me to break up with someone I love so much over such a minor part of my life, I am mostly just worried about what it could turn in to. Right now it is ok though.I just hate having to even consider this!

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If your religious convictions are a fundamental part of your life, then it may be important to be with someone who shares at least your basic beliefs. It can cause problems if you both have very different beliefs in that area.


With all due respect to the second poster, in my opinion, being a Satanist is no worse than being a devout Christian. What kind of God would insist that you obey these 10 rules and accept Him and only Him as the single true God of the universe, or else you are condemned to live in a fiery Hell for eternity? Which means if you follow Buddah or Mohammed you are going to Hell, in the eyes of Christians.


Thanks but I'll take my chances.


I stopped believing in make believe things like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy long ago...

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If your religious convictions are a fundamental part of your life, then it may be important to be with someone who shares at least your basic beliefs. It can cause problems if you both have very different beliefs in that area.


With all due respect to the second poster, in my opinion, being a Satanist is no worse than being a devout Christian. What kind of God would insist that you obey these 10 rules and accept Him and only Him as the single true God of the universe, or else you are condemned to live in a fiery Hell for eternity? Which means if you follow Buddah or Mohammed you are going to Hell, in the eyes of Christians.


Thanks but I'll take my chances.


I stopped believing in make believe things like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy long ago...



Exactly, thats why I am no longer christian

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how much do you know about the philosophy of Satanism as put forward by LaVey? link removed


and have you spoken to your boyfriend about your concerns?



I acctually do know a little about it I flipped through the book myself. It isn't what people think it is but still it is not along the lines of what I believe.


I have not taked to him yet, like I said I don't want to make an issue of nothing.

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Well for me it could be a problem.


Think about the long term affects, and if he bought a satanic bible he is interested in it.


You say on one hand that you were raised a methodist, but that right now you dont know if you are or not.


How will your family feel about it? Are you prepared to possibly fight them over it?


Just alot to think about. An athiest and a Satanist are two totally different things. Do some research online about the whole thing.

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I just have never been so in love in my life and no one has ever been so wonderful and loving to me, exept our differences in religion we are almost perfect for each other


That's a pretty big "EXCEPT!" In fact, it is the biggest "EXCEPT" ever! it's not only where to get married, but how do you want to raise your kids and live your life? will he come to church with you every week? will the kids go to church? will they be baptised? all big issues I see some of my friends in long-term relationships grappling with.


just because he is an atheist does not mean he will become satanist! why do you think because someone does not believe in a diety (atheism) that they will suddenly start worshipping a different diety (satanism). that doesn't make any sense to me. maybe he just bought the satanic bible for shock value, like you said, and maybe he was just curious about reading it. i read plenty of stuff i don't agree with just because I want to see what all the fuss is about.


anyways, have some serious conversations, and if you think your fundamental beliefs are not compatible, then break off the relationship.

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I can relate to you. I was raised in an evangelical church, and consider myself non-religious. To say I am agnostic is maybe too strong, I wouldn't say I don't acknowledge a god. I just don't have a strict definition of what god is, that's different. My bf is agnostic as well, and also has a christian background. We relate and can discuss everything that is in our mind about this topic. I'd be scared if he'd turn to satanism, because then he changes from someone who doesn't think there is a god, to someone who praises the power of what he believes is satan.


He might think it is 'cool' to do things like this, but I think he might change once he investigates true satanism.


In the end, it is important that you and him are not opposed in this area of life. If you are not compatible in the long run, and he develops more than just an interest in satanism, it might be better to say goodbye.



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Satanism as put forward by Anton LaVey is about making yourself the most important "deity" in your world. It does not subscribe any belief to any god or devil other than that they are creations of man and thereforeeee is completely compatible with atheists, though mainly people who are looking for quite a strong "anti social" philosophy on the world..


"Satan is a symbol, nothing more. Satan signifies our love of the worldly." -LaVey.


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you both have christianity COMPLEATLY wrong!!!


I was a christian, and for a year or two I was a pretty devout christian at that. But I just couldn't see why I should be afraid to live my life and have fun. Not that I wanted to go smoke crack and have orgies, but I don't understand why "god" would give people all these natural instincts and then say do exactly the oposite of what you instincts tell you. Plus all all the psyco uber christians who try to stop people from doing things that go against christiasnity when the world isnt all christian and it usually isnt their business anyway. Sorry just my little rant.

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I think anyone who claims to be aetheist but also claims to believe in satan, or who buys satanic bibles is full of crap. You either believe or you dont.... I dont. The day I start buying into satan... thats the day ive lost my mind. I look at any organized religion with a grain of salt, but anyone whos into satanism would be classified as a nutjob to me. Why not go out and find yourself a nice kool-aid drinking cult to associate yourself with next.


Acctually in satanism they don't acctually worship satan they believe "you are your own god", thats why I kind of think satanist are shock value athiests. Like someone already said, they are just aitheits who are anti-christian. Some of them are looney (there are loonies in every religion) but I have met a few and they can be really nice, My problem is that I dont think that what they stand for is right. I am fine with athiests but I think satanism is crossing the line. I think I will just suck it up and talk to him, see where he stands exactly.

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That's a pretty big "EXCEPT!" In fact, it is the biggest "EXCEPT" ever! it's not only where to get married, but how do you want to raise your kids and live your life? will he come to church with you every week? will the kids go to church? will they be baptised? all big issues I see some of my friends in long-term relationships grappling with..


Well I don't go to church and I don't want to baptize my kids if I ever have them so that is not the issue, I just want to know that they would be free to worship however they want without either of us standing in their way.


just because he is an atheist does not mean he will become satanist! why do you think because someone does not believe in a diety (atheism) that they will suddenly start worshipping a different diety (satanism). that doesn't make any sense to me. maybe he just bought the satanic bible for shock value, like you said, and maybe he was just curious about reading it. i read plenty of stuff i don't agree with just because I want to see what all the fuss is about..


I am not saying for sure he is. He did buy the satanic bible and I hope that he is just broadening his horizons, but I sure see him nodding alot when he reads it and its not like he is trying to read about any other religion. Satanism and atheism are similar in the fact that both do not believe in a higher diety. Satanism is called that only to frighten christians not because they worship or believe in satan.

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I was a christian, and for a year or two I was a pretty devout christian at that. But I just couldn't see why I should be afraid to live my life and have fun. Not that I wanted to go smoke crack and have orgies, but I don't understand why "god" would give people all these natural instincts and then say do exactly the oposite of what you instincts tell you. Plus all all the psyco uber christians who try to stop people from doing things that go against christiasnity when the world isnt all christian and it usually isnt their business anyway. Sorry just my little rant.

some people have been taught the wrong idea of Christianity, and sadly, you were probably raised to think the way alot of people do, especially catholics. They think being a christian is confining and you have to follow a bunch of strict rules and crap, but it's NOT like that. I'm having more fun now as a christian then I ever did before. Not to mention you get majorly blessed and you just don't feel like doing bad stuff, you get new desires that are way better and more fufilling. It feels good to actaully know you have a purpose! sorry you were exposed to a negative lifestyle of Christianity, but believe me, it should not be that way.

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some people have been taught the wrong idea of Christianity, and sadly, you were probably raised to think the way alot of people do, especially catholics. They think being a christian is confining and you have to follow a bunch of strict rules and crap, but it's NOT like that. I'm having more fun now as a christian then I ever did before. Not to mention you get majorly blessed and you just don't feel like doing bad stuff, you get new desires that are way better and more fufilling. It feels good to actaully know you have a purpose! sorry you were exposed to a negative lifestyle of Christianity, but believe me, it should not be that way.



Well, the ten commandments are pretty much a cornerstone of the religion.


And I know plenty of Catholics who don't feel confined by their beliefs because they are their beliefs.


The idea that people have no desire to do things that aren't condoned by their religion is laughable to me.

And people can have a purpose without believing it is divinely sent.

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Well, the ten commandments are pretty much a cornerstone of the religion.


And I know plenty of Catholics who don't feel confined by their beliefs because they are their beliefs.


The idea that people have no desire to do things that aren't condoned by their religion is laughable to me.

And people can have a purpose without believing it is divinely sent.

we'll always have desires, were not supposed to be perfect. And it really shouldn't be that hard to follow the 10 commandments, read em. Plus we are not living in the old testiment anymore. Jesus knows were gonna sin. that's why he died. So we won't be sent to hell for our mistakes.

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some people have been taught the wrong idea of Christianity, and sadly, you were probably raised to think the way alot of people do, especially catholics. They think being a christian is confining and you have to follow a bunch of strict rules and crap, but it's NOT like that. I'm having more fun now as a christian then I ever did before. Not to mention you get majorly blessed and you just don't feel like doing bad stuff, you get new desires that are way better and more fufilling. It feels good to actaully know you have a purpose! sorry you were exposed to a negative lifestyle of Christianity, but believe me, it should not be that way.


I really wasn't raised that way, I just chose to go to church (several different ones) and that is what I experienced from every single one. I am not trying to make any personal attacks, christianity just is not for me. If it makes you happy though that is wonderful. I am all about "to each his own" as long as it doesn't step on anyone elses toes.

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religion plays a big part in marriage. it's not a minor thing. I hope he doesnt' get too involved with santanic stuff, it's not right and there are horrible things that come with it. ( i know alot of things that happen to people, true stories, it's not something someone should get into).

My dad was lost, and he was a new-ager for a while, he saw and felt alot of dark things( alot of weird things he saw , like people putting their hand thru the tables etc..)


but i'm sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with christianity, it's not what it seems,alot of preachers, teachers, twist the bible and it becomes something oppressive, something that turns people away. one day i hope you find out the true word without listening to other people's crap,

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religion plays a big part in marriage. it's not a minor thing. I hope he doesnt' get too involved with santanic stuff, it's not right and there are horrible things that come with it. ( i know alot of things that happen to people, true stories, it's not something someone should get into).

My dad was lost, and he was a new-ager for a while, he saw and felt alot of dark things( alot of weird things he saw , like people putting their hand thru the tables etc..)


but i'm sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with christianity, it's not what it seems,alot of preachers, teachers, twist the bible and it becomes something oppressive, something that turns people away. one day i hope you find out the true word without listening to other people's crap,


I think he is becoming less interested in satanic stuff and I am fine with the atheist thing because religion is not a very big part of my life. Like I said before I think it is just something he and I need to work through, because I think I decided it is not worth giving him up. As far as me ever finding "the true word", I have read the bible and it just doesnt add up for me. It constantly contradicts itself, and science has proved a lot of it to be false. So that is why I dont really follow any specific religion, I believe in a supreme being, but thats all I believe. But if it is what makes you happy then that is great, never hurts to have faith in something.

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