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New job, start on Monday


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I have been at my present job for 5 years and it is my last day today. I start at my new company on monday and I am very nervous, the role is the same but the company is much larger about 3 time larger. The role is office manager and I just hope I handle the size switch.


I am also worried about getting used to all the equipment.... I guess I am just stressing about it all!


I will be working with al lot of women in an open plan floor, where as before I was in the studio with mostly men and I hope there won't a problem.


I think it is more the change as I was with my present company for so long and I had fallen into the comfort zone. I am looking forward to more respoonsibility and I hope I can handle it and improve.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Fingers crossed!

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Just stay friendly, yet professional. I know the jitters that come with any job change. I am sure that once you get the hang of it, you won't have any problem. Every change brings at least a little anxiety... Just relax and approach it like any change. Take it easy, get into the groove and enjoy the newness

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Congratulations on the advancement; some of the office babes may try to entice you!

I've faced a similar situation moving from a smaller company to a much larger one in the same industry, and it always means top-shelf equipment I can't afford to buy for myself, babes I might not have met otherwise, and a bigger paycheck.

You got through the grueling interview; ain't it cool to be in? Congratulations to you!

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