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My Story - "Winter's Cold"


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Winter's Cold

Written By: talesoffate


The cruel winter night pierces through her heavy overcoat, she trembles from the chill. She finally arrives at her destination, his house, she broke his heart so long ago, and now she was crawling back. She walks up to the front door, it's late, and she can see that the lights are off in the house. The car, however, is in the drive, and she's certain that he's awake. She removes the glove from her right hand, and gently knocks on the door.


He gets up and walks to his front door, looking through the peephole, frost obscures the view. He turns the doorknob, to her delight, and opens the door as he steps back. He sees her face, beet red from the cold wind that howls through the quiet suburb. He immediately recalls everything that he felt for her, everything that he felt after she had gone. He shook his head to clear his mind, and he immediately beckoned her to come inside.


Avery: I haven't seen you since…


Carry: I know… I…… I know…


Avery shuts the door behind Carry, and looks at her for a moment. She was as beautiful as he remembered her to be, but something was different now.


Avery: What are you doing here…?


Carry: I came to see you… um…


Avery: Ya don't have to explain nothin'… I'm here for ya, still your friend.


Carry: Thanks Avery…


Avery: Don't mention it…


The wind continues to howl outside, Carry removes a scarf from around her neck, then her gloves, then her overcoat. Avery takes all of them and places them in a hallway closet. They both head deeper into the house, to sit in the living room. Carry is greeted by a warm fire, crackling away to the sound of country music.


Avery: Have a seat I guess… When's the last time we talked?


Carry: …I don't know


Avery: I think its been like 7 years now… I can't imagine why you'd come here


Carry takes a seat in a very comfortable couch, though she is uncomfortable feeling. She looks at the fire dancing in the hearth, and thinks back to when she and Avery were in love. She recalls their final days together, and her actions during those days.


Avery: Carry? You awake?


Carry snaps back into reality at the sound of Avery's voice, she looks at him, trying to conceal of look of yearning.


Carry: So… You were right… Rodney left…


Avery: So?


Carry: He found someone else… just left without saying a word…


Avery: I'm sorry to hear that…


Carry holds back her tears, and tries to build up a smile, though it is very weak. Avery takes a seat next to her, and puts a hand on her shoulder.


Carry: I tried to get him to stop… But he just didn't care about me at all…


Avery: Yeah… I know… From the beginning I could see he didn't really care about anyone but himself…


Carry: Why didn't you warn me?


Avery: I did warn you… but you thought it was just a tactic for getting you back…


Carry: …


Carry looks down at her feet, and heaves an enormous sigh. She thinks back on the times she and Avery had once again, and then recalls the countless days of loneliness she felt while waiting for Rodney to return from one of his "trips". She remembers how unloved she felt whenever he would take her places, and barely pay attention to her. She thinks of how Avery devoted his attention to her mostly, buying her gifts, and trying not to schedule huge trips, so that he could be with her. She remembers the wonderful times she and Avery had, and the mediocre times she and Rodney had.


Avery: Cheer up, Want some Cocoa? Or Tea?


Carry: Cocoa sounds good… Thank you…


Avery leaves the room, and sets a kettle of water on the stove. Carry, still in the living room, feels the pendant on the chain around her neck. She remembers how it made her feel better to put Avery's pendant on when Rodney would be away on "business". She never realized how often she had it on until then.


Avery: How do you like your cocoa Carry?


Carry: A little bit of milk… marshmallows…


Avery: Okay


The kettle begins to whistle loudly, and Avery removes it from the flame, gently placing it on a potholder next to the stove. He then took two mugs from the cupboard, and placed them gently next to the kettle. He removed from another cupboard the cocoa required for this delicacy, and poured just the right amount of powder into each, along with a small brick of chocolate into each. He the poured the very hot water into the mugs, and allowed in each the chocolate to melt before he began to stir gently. He removed a package of marshmallows from his pantry, and gently poured 4 or 5 into Carry's cocoa. He lifted both mugs and brought them into the living room, and handed one to Carry.


Carry: Thank you…


Avery: You're welcome


Carry smiles at Avery, wondering if she's too late. Avery smiles back, though empty inside.


Avery: Why are you here? It isn't to tell me about your relationship with Rodney…


Carry: N… No…


Avery: So then what?


Carry takes a sip of cocoa and bites her lip. She contemplates being direct, and almost does say that she's there just to see him, but, she rethinks it.


Carry: I was lonely… I just… I wanted company…


Avery: Oh, Okay


Carry stifles her tears, and just sips her hot cocoa.


Avery: I had been thinking about you tonight… I often worried what would happen with Rodney…


Carry blinks, surprised to hear him say that, thinking for sure that he'd want her to get hurt. Avery sits down next to her and places an arm around her shoulders.


Avery: I'm here for ya… You know that dontcha?


Carry: Mmhm…


Carry feels his arm on her shoulders, and a comforting warmth runs through her body. She feels close to him again, even though she is so distant.


Carry: Avery… You… You don't hate me…?


Avery: I could never hate you… Never…


Carry: I don't understand that… I could never bring myself to talk to you again… If you did that to me…


Avery: I couldn't do that to you…


Carry: I know… You're wonderful…


Avery blinks, having not heard anyone say that about him in quite a few years. He had been through a few relationships since he'd last seen her, and none of them were good.


Avery: I'm not wonderful…


Carry looks up at him, seeing his eyes glisten by the light of the fire. She'd forgotten how amazing his eyes looked, and how they were always full of life and happiness. What she saw now was almost lifeless, yet still amazing.


Carry: Are you alright?


Avery: Ah… I've been through a few hard times… But I'll survive…


Carry: I…That's not what I mean…


Avery: Then what…?


Carry: Have you forgiven me…?


Avery: Yeah… Yeah I forgave ya…


Carry: How…?


Avery doesn't respond, his answer would have made her very happy at that moment, but he couldn't gather the strength to say it. Carry took a short sip of her cocoa, and sighed. She wondered if she could tell him how she felt, or if would seem like nothing more than a desperate attempt at escaping loneliness, even though it wasn't.


The winds had picked up, and the snow became a shroud on the landscape and the night, it was difficult to even see three feet in front of oneself that night. It became apparent that Carry would not be able to go home, so Avery began to make arrangements for her to stay the night. He set sheets on the living room couch, where he intended to sleep while she made use of his very large, very soft bed.


Carry: Will you be alright on the couch…?


Avery: I'll be fine


Carry: …alright


Carry went into the room and shut the door. She looks around his room, seeing pictures all over the place. She sees a particular picture of him, and picks it up from the nightstand to the left of the bed, she sighs; seeing him with a smile is comforting to her. She sits down on the edge of the bed, and places the picture back where she found it. She lies down on the bed, staring at the ceiling.


Avery lies down on the couch, staring at the ceiling aswell. He knows he will be unable to asleep with her in the next room, so he gets up and walks into the kitchen, staring out the large bay window behind the sink. The snow is intense, almost opaque in its volume as it comes down. He watches it fall, and begins to talk to himself, as he does begin, Carry quietly exits his room.


Avery: Oh Carry… If I could only tell you how I felt…


Carry: …?


Avery: I love you so much… That never did change…


Carry: …!


Avery: But you probably don't feel the same… It's been a long time…


Carry: I do love you…


Avery: …!


Avery turns with a start, alarmed that she overheard him. He didn't register her words immediately, but, after a moment, they ring loud and clear in his ears.


Avery: You… You love me…?


Carry: Of course I do…


Avery: I…


Carry runs to Avery, wrapping her arms around his neck, and hugging him tight. He hugs her back, the warmth of each other's arms is very comforting to either of them.


The night had continued to grow young, the winds calmed down, and the snow became a light flurry. The beauty of the night could once again appreciated, and it was, by Avery and Carry, held in each other's arms. The weather had become quiet and serene, and the night became still.


So ends the story of Carry and Avery.

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