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Feeling lonely and friendless... Just a little rant about my feelings.


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Hey Everyone, Im feeling so lonely and friendless at the moment. Ive lost a friend recently and now I dont have any girlfriends I can talk to (apart from my mum), its so sad, I want to go out clubbing, partying and just have fun like a normal 20 year old, but I have no one to go with.


Before I start, I woild like to say sorry if this doesnt make sense, Im too depressed to think about what Im writing and if it makes sense or not LOL.


There used to be a group of 3 (my two friends and I), certian issues occurred and situations changed.


Im going to tell you the story since I have no other friends


Ive known these girls since high school, Lets call them M and C. M had issues with her boyfriend and wouldnt talk to us about them, she distant herself from us. So C and I became closer friends, we went out all the time and had heaps of fun (usually) however latley I noticed she would try and out do me, for example when we go clubbing she would try and get attention, she would put me down and make me feel really low.

I felt used sometimes too.


Anyway, thoughout this time (nearly a year) I kept thinking about M but didnt say anything, I still used to send M emails and etc. C then realised that she wanted to see M, she went without me. C told M that I didnt go beacuse I didnt care and hated her etc... When I heard this, I left it, I didnt cause any trouble I ignored it.


C slowly stopped talking to me. One day when I was on msn M came up to me and said that it was C and that she was over Ms house, I was just about to get off when she started talking to me, I aplogised and told her I was running late and would talk to her later, she then put me down right in front of M!!! I txted her later and told her I didnt appricate what she did and she had no right to say what she did in front of M, she didnt show any remorse.


So ANYWAY, Last night I was on msn again and M had changed her nik to 'C and I are going overseas!! YAY' ..... This is crazy! C and M hardly spoke for a yr and now all of a sudden they are best friends!!! Its so sad! To admit Im sorta jealous, but in my heart I wished them luck and happiness.


C acts like shes still 16 sometimes, I wish so badly I had friends who have the same mentality as me! All through my childhood Ive been used and abused by my friends, Ive been put down so many times too and yet Ive accpted it all for the sake of having friends.


I have a few friends from uni but they are all 25+ and all of them have girl/boy friends so they dont usuallly go out as much. T


It really bugs me, Im sure theres nothing wrong with me, maybe Im too nice... I dont know...


Maybe C did what she did because shes jealous, Im close with my parents and shes not, I have proper stable relationships and she cant... I dont know, Ive never once put her down, Ive always said she looks hot when we go clubbing and whenever we go out (Ive said this to her when she felt she was 'ugly' or 'fat') and that seemed to boost her confidence pretty much all the time. I like making people feel good, It puts a smile on my face knowing they feel better about themself. Argh.. I guess that just pathetic, Its probably a flaw of mine or something.


So yeh, thats my pathetic rant, thanks for reading


Edit section Oh and I should add that C never gave me her work email but she gave it to M as soon as they started talking again!! Her reason for not giving it to me 'Oh I dont want to start any troubles at work'



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You're not alone because i'm feeling the same way. I have no friends and i never had a boyfriend.I go from home to work and i only hang around my mom,big sister and little brother.

I agree with you it is sad being lonily.I wish i can talk to a friend right now but i don't have one.Nobody has time for peopel anymore.

I feel your pain.

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hey, lost status, theres no way for you to feel bad about this. You shouldnt sulk over losing your friends, instead, embrace on the fact that this is an opportunity to find new and better friends who are like you and accepts you for you. Some people come and go, but better ones WILL come along.Just get yourself involved in a lot of things, dont isolate yourself because there are tons of people out there would love to hang out with you

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PrincessJOA quote:

"Just get yourself involved in a lot of things, dont isolate yourself because there are tons of people out there would love to hang out with you"


????????????????That quote can make thing worse if you keep meeting the same type of bad people.

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Your friends seem very similiar to my two friends from high school, did you steal them from me??

But seriously, it's good your talking about it, and i know it's upsetting, but as other people have said, you need to get out there, make friends! There are lots of other people out there, you just have to find them!

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PrincessJOA quote:

"Just get yourself involved in a lot of things, dont isolate yourself because there are tons of people out there would love to hang out with you"


????????????????That quote can make thing worse if you keep meeting the same type of bad people.



yea,but its not impossible to meet good people as well. if you come accross bad people, just dont hang out as much. Consider lesson learned the first time round so you would be more cautious about who you'll give your trust next time

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I can totally relate to that lost_status...you shouldn't allow friends to do that to you, they're not real friends anyway...you might want to try and make ammends with M, go out with her just the 2 of you and tell her what you told us, warn her about M, she probably won't believe you then but will when M does the same thing to her then you can have her as a real friend.

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I can totally relate to that lost_status...you shouldn't allow friends to do that to you, they're not real friends anyway...you might want to try and make ammends with M, go out with her just the 2 of you and tell her what you told us, warn her about M, she probably won't believe you then but will when M does the same thing to her then you can have her as a real friend.


That does sound good but the thing is when C and M started stalking again C said untrue things that made M think I hated her and she said that whenever see shes me she'l tell me where to go Its crazy... I think I'l just leave it, I'l block and delete M of my msn list so that I dont have to see her stupid msn nicknames.


Thansk for the help everyone

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