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Getting walked all over at work... stressing me out

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I work at a home improvement store... the one where the employees have to wear orange aprons. I'm sure you know what Im talking about. Anyways, I've been there about 3 months now, got hired as part-time and was told I'd only be working 20 hours a week, which fit my school schedule perfectly because itd give me enough time for homework and studying (I'm attending a 4 year college, 12 unit semester). This last month, we've had two guys quit and I've been getting 37-39 hour weeks. They purposely give me those many hours so they wont have to give me full time benefits.


That didnt bother me so much until I started getting stuck in my departments ALONE for 8 hour shifts. I work both lumber and building materials, the biggest departments in the store, also the most busy. We need at least 2 guys in the departments to get ANYTHING done (like driving the forklift, need one guy to drive, one to spot... company rules) and while we are filling customers' orders, there is no one on the floor to help customers. These customers go complaining to the managers who in turn rip our asses. In the last two weeks, I've been left alone in my departments three times for 8 hours. Not only do I have 5 customers breathing down my neck at a time, I also have 2 managers getting on my case. Just the other day one of the managers kept paging me over the intercom demanding for things to get done and I kept explaining to her I was the only one in the departments and had many customers waiting for my help. SHe'd just sigh heavily and hang up on me. Then 5 mins later, call me back up and ask me why I havent done what she asked. What the hell!?!


Ive gotten stuck closing several times lately by myself and the night manager comes in and rips me for not having the departments in tip top shape for his night crew. I try talking to a manager about getting stuck by myself and they always tell me, "suck it up and deal with it." The night manager even shoved me into a wall in the breakroom once because I was apparently in his way. I'm a big guy and wouldnt normal take that BS, but he's got about 30 years on me and I've been raised to respect my elders, plus he is a manager.


I talked to my supervisor (who is a very kool guy) and he said he'd see what he could do. Came to me later that day and said he couldnt do anything, that management pretty much told me to suck it up and deal with it. WHen He told me that, I was about to rip off that stupid orange apron and storm out, but my supervisor said he really appreciated me sticking through this all. If he wasnt the nice guy he is, I would have quit.


Even my parents have told me to quit. I have enough cash to make it for about 2 months. Ive been applying at jobs like crazy lately and keep getting turned away. Its beyond frustrating. I really dont want to quit this job because the pay is great ($12.50/hr compared to $9.00/hr at all the other places I've applied) but its stressing me out and I dont have time to do homework/studying. My hours are beyond messed up too. They'll have me come in from 3pm-midnite, then the next day from 5am-2pm. Thats only 5 hours in between shifts, and I live 30 mins from work. Day after that, 5am-2pm then 4 hours later, come back from 6pm-midnite, then the next day, 5am-2pm again. Im constantly tired, dont have time for studying, HW, anything. THey even schedule me from 6am-3pm, then I have classes that same day from 4pm until 10pm. I'm going krazy.


Im stressing really bad because I have several major reports already coming up, two large group projects, and lots and lots of reading.


My parents said for me to quit and they'd help me out as much as possible with my bills because they want my education to be #1. Id feel terrible having my parents help me with bills.


Im just really stressed and dont know what to do. Any feedback at all? thank you so much for your time ](*,)

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I admire you for wanting to stick it out, but I'd re-evaluate the situation. If your studies are suffering, chances are without a good education you'll be stuck in that $12/hr job the rest of your life. Make your education priority. If you have the help from your parents, take advantage of it to better yourself. Get that much needed education so life will be better later..........

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man money isnt worth your wellbeing...plus college subjects cost more than ur shifts, theres no point in working if ur gonna fail and its gonna cost u more till u graduate.......

i dont get that u actually let someone push u on the wall after what their doing to u....i wouldve snapped, they are already using u and they dont even appreciate what ur doing....plus check ur references if its ur managers there they might be giving u badd ones cause they want to keep u in that store....

just my perspective.


hope everything turns out alright.....just keep applyin for other jobs...and if u do decide to stay just keep sayin to urself its for the money.....or better yet demand to be casual shift so you get more pay.

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You could approach them and tell them you have to do something- extra tutorials or something- and give them a clear indication of when you can work. Write out a timetable and be incredibly apologetic but stick to it.


I'm guessing working a lot of hours helps you out financially right? But sounds like they have you down as someone who will work anytime whatever they say. If they don't think that anymore then it will be better for you.


Also you agreeing to help them out, however kindly you feel to some of the staff, is just making it worse for you and stopping them dealing with the problem. I had big problems with my manager constantly trying to reduce the labor percentage and everyone suffered just so he could reach his goals. However nice they are it's really not your problem I think.


Figure out how much you can work and tell them clearly. If you don't like it- then it's not the right job for you. The person you feel sorry for is, in my experience, the person who is manipulating the most. Ask yourself if they would help you out the same way- or if they ever have (Just my experience- don't want to judge people I dont know obviously )

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You could approach them and tell them you have to do something- extra tutorials or something- and give them a clear indication of when you can work. Write out a timetable and be incredibly apologetic but stick to it.


have talked to HR and my supervisor and told them that they are giving me too many hours. From day 1 I have told them I can only work up to about 25 hours a week and yet they keep telling me everytime I talk to them that they are "short on people" and "its only temporary", yet I look at my schedule for the next 3 weeks and they are all above 37 hours each week. I went into the HR office just the other day and asked to speak with the scheduler... guess what, she decided to take a 2 week vacation and they have her "understudy" handling all the scheduling now. I talk to the understudy and she says she cant touch the schedules. ARGH!


thanks all for your replies...

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That sucks- you're really not being treated fairly at all. I mean - basically what you're saying is that they are FORCING you to work. Giving you twice the work load without asking and blocking all your attempts to complain.


If I were you I would say that you can't work more than X number of hours- or you're going to have to quit-(make it clear you dont want to though).


It's the only way.


Funny how clever businesses can become- make a schedule so that no one can get near the person who changes it- then there's no one to turn to...


Is this really worth feeling so walked over?

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wow... i would just quit. not even the 2 week notice. just give them a call and tell them that you're not coming in anymore for the foreseeable future since they're unable to work with you with your originally promised schedule. see how they handle that.


i'd rather work minimum wage than get treated like crap. life's too short for that man.

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Let your managers handle it now. Screw them. For $12.50 an hour, you deserve better. Trust me, $12.50 an hour is not much money...a whole day of hassles and selling a ton of stuff for $70 after tax? That is organized slavery.


The Orange Apron Depot is notorious for being understaffed and overworked with horrific miserable managers...time to move on. You would be better

off working at the library or dorm security or something..


good luck.

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