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Why drink after eating


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That's a good question. I have heard this as well. My limited understanding is that alcohol is alcohol and the body can basically only get rid of it in one way, by detoxing via the liver and that the rate of detoxing is pretty well fixed at one standard drink per hour (280ml beer, 200ml wine, 30ml spirits).


Maybe having food in your stomach can speed that up or do something to change the alchemy going on inside you.

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You don't absorb the alcohol as quickly because its mixed with all the food in your stomach. The kind of food will effect the absorption as well. It can take up to 2 hours to fully absorb a drink if you have eaten a large meal. Dehydration and body weight will also effect how well you respond to drinking.


Also the type of alcohol will effect the absorption rate as well.

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It is always better to have eaten something before you drink because the food in your stomach absorbs some of the alcohol.


This is only what I've been told. I'm not an expert. However, I've definitely felt the effects of this. You feel the effects of alcohol a lot quicker when you drink on an empty stomach. It is not advisable to do so, especially if you're going to be drinking a lot. Just make sure you haven't skipped any meals before you drink and you'll be fine.

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i personally don't like to eat a full meal before i go out partying that will involve alot of drinking.. i'm a bit of a cheap date, and I usually will get sick if i eat a big meal before i go out... that being said, i usually will get drunk way faster without food, and back in my freshman days.. it was alot easier to throw up just liquid and stuff than to throw up my entire meal.. lol

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You get drunker off less if you have an empty stomach.


Is that actually true or is it an urban myth? In theory you are drinking the same amount of alcohol. So the only impact on how drunk you get I think would be how quickly the alcohol gets into you blood stream. When you eat food you metabolism speeds up. So might it not actually get the alcohol into your bloodstream quicker?

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Not a myth, I had the terrible experience of fainting at a concert because I had stupidly chosen to drink on an empty stomach. P.S. it was from one Corona. P.P.S. I'm a light weight when it comes to drinking. P.P.P.S. The lesson was sufficiently learned, NEVER DRINK ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!

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