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Going out with girls...help plz!


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Ok, I'm 17 years old and currently in my last year of high school, it's kind of hard to explain so I'l do my best, a few years ago I went out with a girl 3 different times, she left me 3 times, every time for other guys...ever since then when I start to feel attracted to someone and start to feel like they are attracted to me I get scared, scared that the same thing will happen again, getting dumped for other ppl, I mean I really loved her, when we broke up I started to see a phyciatrist twice a week and got on Effexor XR (depression pills), anyways I'm over her now...but the thought of getting in another relationship kind of scares me, and I'm nervous that I will live the rest of my life lonely because I'm too scared to get into a relationship. What should I do??? thx

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Calm down, you're still young and it may feel like your going to be alone, but there a lot of good people out there who won't mistreat you.


Maybe a relationship isn't for you right now, you can be alone, but still be happy. You're a senior so are you going to college next year? If so, then any girl you date now may mean a big decision to break up or do an LDR when you or she go to school. It might be good to wait until you're in college, there are a lot more people and you're more likely to be with like minded individuals in your major.

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Yeah mabey your right, I am going away to college next year doing Aircraft Structural Repair...I'm not really a fan of long distance relationships either so if I did get into a relationship now chances are it would end up in a break up and I'm not very good at handling thoes lol. I've also thought about waiting to see how I feel about relationships after I finish college...Part of me feels that a relationship will distract me from school and college...On the other hand I feel kinda lonely and would like to be with someone but am too scared to take my chances. thx though for your reply.

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Scary though it may seem break-ups start getting easier the more you have. You get the confidence from having survived a few and knowing that partners can be replaced.


I would advise going back with exes, unless the reason(s) you split have been adequately resolved on both sides.

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