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im gonna kill myself


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i just wana kill myself...


im having problems making it...


im really really dumb i was even surprised that i found this info... quick and painless but i wanna do it properly can u guys help me please? ive been reading some of the post and most of u guys try and stop them well i cant be stopped and please dont ask me why i wanna kill myself i dont wanna cry while typing.. i just need help doing this properly..


thank you

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You have the courage to consider killing yourself but don't have the courage to cry while typing an explanation?


Let us help you. I'm Melissa. I know life is difficult, more than difficult but there is a better way. Statistics show that most problems that cause a person to kill themself can be solved in hours.


There's a great family of people here that are willing to help you.


We won't help you make this but we will help you see the light of brighter days.


Let us.


Hugs and prayers to you!

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I removed the information about how to kill yourself because other people might see it and although you are desperate I am sure you would not want it to hurt other people.


Please call a suicide help line. If you don't know how to do that let me know and i will find one for you - just tell me the general area where you live.

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I suspect if you can find a recipe for doom, you don't need us.

Or do you? You must've posted here for a reason I can only guess.



You really intend to exit this world.

You want someone to think that.

You're fascinated with the trappings of death.

You're a lonely depressed young fellow.


In any case, welcome to the forum.


What's your story?

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If you live in the UK visit this site and call the number listed. They will be able to help you with sympathy and understanding.


link removed


here is the number


In the UK dial 08457 90 90 90, for the cost of a local call.


In the Republic of Ireland dial 1850 60 90 90, for the cost of a local call

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Before you do anything, look around, look at the people you know, the ones who you see each day, the ones who care anything about you? Realize that killing yourself will cause them an unbelievable amount of giref, hurt and pain. Make sure that is what you want.

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Beec is right.

Leaving devastated family or friends is enough of an obstacle to keep many from doing the deed. That's just one of many things to consider.


You've read the suicide threads and seen the common overtures to suicidal people. You may find none apply to you, and you'd be right. You must have a unique point of view. Many of us have been there and one answer doesn't exist for everyone in despair.


You might try some things before giving up, such as talking to someone who'd like to help.

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Don't take it out on your body, OMD. It wants to live; that's why you're breathing and your heart is beating. Look to your life instead: there are one or more things out of place, and this imbalance has brought you to the point of giving up. But even without a strong will to live, you still have enough intelligence to set things right. Whatever problem you're having, people have gotten through it before.


You have just three options:


1) Continue on as you were and be miserable.


2) Stick a fork in a wall socket and be a dead or injured coward.


3) Get ANGRY, challenge whatever is trying to keep you down, and be a true hero. You have found a group of people who are willing to help you find the strength to make this happen. Just say the word.


We're all going to die one way or another. Suicide is agony and shame whether you're loading bullets into a gun, climbing to the top of a tower or dumping a bottle of pills into your hand. An honorable death, which everyone deserves, is that of a hero.


This is the most important decision you will ever make. Take your time and choose carefully.

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Hello OMD, and welcome to ENA, I don't know how you found us, were such a small group of minds, flowting in cybers space, all of us huddeled around the fire we made, this fire we have made for ourselfs buy ourselfs, throw the words we say to each other, thows words make flames rise high and help push back the darkness we feel all around us.


I see you there just off from the light, huging yourself tightly, I can see in your eyes the hunger the fires wormth, we all know about that hunger that empty feeling deep inside, see we where all where you are now, evry one of us has been in that darkness.


we and our fire have been here a long time and have seem many come and look and stand just as you are now, some look then fade back into darness and shadows we all feel there loss, but then some come closer and ask us about our fire of hope, thats when we know what we are doing is good not just for us but for all in the darkness.


So what will it be OMD back in to that endless darkness or will you take that 1st step to a place here by us and our fire made of hope, dreams and most of all love for thows like us once lost in the darkness?


befor your turn back from the worth, tell us what you can and see if some here can not help, that is all I ask of you, understand I need you to do this.

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i just wana kill myself...


im having problems making it...


im really really dumb i was even surprised that i found this info... quick and painless but i wanna do it properly can u guys help me please? ive been reading some of the post and most of u guys try and stop them well i cant be stopped and please dont ask me why i wanna kill myself i dont wanna cry while typing.. i just need help doing this properly..


thank you

Whether you like it or not, I'm praying for you.

Please don't do it. It's OK to cry, much better to type to people that want to help than to anonymously snuff yourself. Please don't, the world would be a poorer place without you.

Saying another prayer for you, whether you like it or not!

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  • 2 weeks later...

heya i have tried to kill my self 8 times i really hated life a few months back i feel pretty down now but thats because i have been ill for a long time. How long have you been feeling like this . as someone said before we wont give you advice on how to kill yourself i think you no that much without asking . thing can really get you down but remember there is always some one worse of than you. I had to see a dead body my dads i found him when i was 12 and it complety rocked my world so much and i didn't tell anyone how i felt for 3 years until the school told my mum which i a long story but i am happy that i didn't die at the moment . I think i was more afraid of dying naturally in pain and not having control but the control is there if you kill your self . i hope you re think your options i am 16 at art college and about to get a job and become a volunteer in the ambulances i don't want to die any more. Good luck and i will always talk if you need it . jenn.

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Suicide is actually a very VERY selfish act. Probably the most selfish thing you can do short of killing someone ELSE.


I have disagree with you on that. People dont just kill themself for fun, they end it coz they think its the only answer, and they cant handle the pain in there life right now, and they think no one cares or loves them and no one will even notice when they are dead.


My father killed himself may the 6th but he died may the 7th 2001 my nana decided to turn his life surport machine of sicne there was a really low chance him waking up and he would of always need special care. I hated my Nana for that not because she turned it off, but because she didnt talk about it to and of his kids, yeah i might of been a bit young to talk to it about but my 2 of my sisters were over 18. His death has reck my family up just so much that my only family now is my younger brother, one of my older sisters, one older half sister, and my mother and the rest of my family well we dont talk anymore since my dads death. I dont hate him for what he did, i love him, because i understand and knows how it feels, he believe he was doing the right thing and he was to proud to get help, to proud to show how he really did feel until it was to late.


I have also tried to end my life a few times, i dont regret what i did do, because you have to learn life some how and thats how i learned.


Hey dude if you are still with us, we care, we dont want to lose you, we want to help and know what is making you feel like there is nothing you can do to help you feel better. If you are reading i am not saying dont kill yourself or do, because that is your choice and i really do hope you make the right one, but i dont want you to die, i want you to feel better and live life the best you can.


Post something again please so we know you are okay please


And if you are gone, i am so really so i was late

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lost&broken I have disagree with you when you kill yourself your are not just killing you, you are killing you as a child who had hopes and dreams and you are killing a futuer you who in time would have had as good hopefull life. When you take the life now theres for ever.


Life so hard to get yet so easy to lose.

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lost&broken I have disagree with you when you kill yourself your are not just killing you, you are killing you as a child who had hopes and dreams and you are killing a futuer you who in time would have had as good hopefull life. When you take the life now theres for ever.


Life so hard to get yet so easy to lose.


yeah i understand what you are saying, but life is hard and yes kill yourself today and you miss out on your life coz next year was your year, but i have tried to kill myself and almost past to but at the time if i died i wouldnt of cared i would of been happy, but i lived and now i am happy i lived. I love my father for what he did, because if i saw him depressed and unhappy and then he killed himself well then all i would remember is him unhappy but i what do i remember all the fun i had with him, and i would love to have those years back and do it again even if it meant i had to handle losing him again coz it would be worth it.

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I have ADD with a comorbid factor: depression, and i have been there and i go there occasionally, i feel like i would be a hypocrite to critise you or tell you how selfish it is, but all i can say it just find ONE thing to live for, ONE thing to hold on to, its ok to cry, i use to schedule my crying session.....


Anyway, my friend killed himself last year and it was hard for everyone, but we have to move on, your life is your gift, if you want to give it back it's your choice, fortunately they wont allow me to tell you different methods of doing it........ or i would hand it to you, many times i wish someone handed me a way out !


PLUS you dont wanna do it, if you did you wouldnt come here !

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