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Finally A Job That Makes Me Happy...But It's Not Mine

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I'm in my mid twenties and I've worked my fair share of jobs, but until recently I had never found one that I actually enjoyed. The last job I had, brought me to my knees. I was miserable and terribly depressed. I hit my breaking point one day as I was driving to work. I could not stop crying and could not bring myself to even enter the building. I was tired of feeling the dread everyday, tired of feeling like I couldn't quit because I had obligations. It had become my routine to ponder driving into a lake on my way to work and ending it all. I was tired of being sad all of the time, so I made one of the bravest moves of my life--I called my boss and quit.


I was jobless and terrified in a questionable economic market. With no promising opportunities in front of me, I decided to try some temp agencies. Long story short, one temp agency loved me (I passed all of their tests with flying colors), and I ended up being offered a job at the company I am working at now. They didn't even interview anyone else--they thought I was perfect. The only problem was I was going to be replacing someone while she was on maternity leave. I could handle that, I thought. At least I would have a job.


Problem was, after she finished training me and left for maternity leave, I really had a chance to shine. People in this company love me--I suppose because I am hard working, efficient, friendly and have a positive attitude. I look forward to going to work. I like the people there (for the most part) and enjoy the challenges a new day brings. The department I work in is fascinating to me and related well with what I studied in college. I was told, if the woman does not return from maternity leave (which has happened a lot in the past at that company) I had the job for sure. I know I am doing a better job than she ever did (I've heard so many complaints about how she used to run things). There was a great amount of debate as to whether she was coming back, but she stopped by the office the other day and assured everyone she will be back.


This, of course, sent me back into a depressive state. I started crying and could not stop. Why was my happiness being taken away? Am I not allowed to be happy? I prayed every night that I could keep the position, but had it all been in vain?


Anyway, that brings us to today. I have one month left in the position before she returns. My boss doesn't know what to do with me...I guess I ended up being much better at the job than they expected. The company may not be in the position to create a position for me. Not to sound selfish, but is there anything I can do to discourage this woman from coming back to work? Any suggestions???

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I don't think that talking this woman out of coming back to work is the answer.


I would talk to your boss, tell her how much you enjoy this company and really would like to stay. if they cannot secure a spot for you, ask if she can give you a good letter of recommendation for another job.


good luck

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I agree with Annie, I dont think that you should try to talk this woman out of returning to work there. If you tried that route it would probably be found out by others and probably wouldn't look good on your part. It would reflect badly on you I think if you tried to persuade her not to return so that you could keep the job.


I also agree with annie about talking to your boss and expressing how much you like it there and maybe something can be worked out to keep you employed there.

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No offense, but you are a temp, it is her job no matter how may complaints other workers have about her. If the company keeps her, they must have their reasons. It is very unprofessional to approach the woman about this, she has every right to return to her job and with a new baby she will probably need the money to support her child and you would be asking her to give that up. The only person you should talk to is your boss, they are the only person who can have a say in this.


You're mood sounds really unstable and I think maybe you should talk to a counselor and get some help to get through this time in your life.

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No offense, but you are a temp, it is her job no matter how may complaints other workers have about her. If the company keeps her, they must have their reasons. It is very unprofessional to approach the woman about this, she has every right to return to her job and with a new baby she will probably need the money to support her child and you would be asking her to give that up. The only person you should talk to is your boss, they are the only person who can have a say in this.


correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it illegal for a company to fire a woman who is on maternity leave? or not give her her job back, even if they liked the temp better?

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correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it illegal for a company to fire a woman who is on maternity leave? or not give her her job back, even if they liked the temp better?


You are correct. It is illegal. I know there's not really anything I can do. I'm just frustrated. Everyone told me, "Oh, she's not coming back." She even told my boss she wasn't coming back, then realized the company could have fired her for saying that (so they wouldn't have to pay her medical bills), so she had to apologize and take it back. Ever since then she's been saying she's coming back.

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I would stay on good terms with the boss and the management, in case that she does slip up and do something really "firing worthy", that you can get the job. Or maybe she will decide to go to another company, or be a stay-at-home mom.


you never know, you may have the job back a few months after this woman comes back. or they can find a new job for you at the company.


just be on your best behavior and I am sure that it will work out. don't resort to any low doings, they will backfire and bit you in the butt.


you sound like a hard worker, i think your effort will pay off, one way or another....

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You're mood sounds really unstable and I think maybe you should talk to a counselor and get some help to get through this time in your life.


I'll admit that I am a very emotional person. I have been that way my entire life. I wear my heart on my sleave and I have a difficult time hiding my feelings if I am unhappy about something. My mood did a 180 when I quit my previous position. My biggest fear is that I will end up at another position that makes me miserable.

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I agree with the others about not trying convince the lady on maternity leave to come back. It would look bad on your part. I would express how much you enjoy working where there to your boss and ask if there was a way to stay permanently. You never know until you ask.

On another note, it is not the job that will make you happy. It is you that will make you happy. When you are happy with yourself, you will be able to manage your environments better. You will be happier in general no matter what the situation might be. Good luck to you. And also sometimes people change thier minds at the last minute when they are planning on returning from maternity leave, so keep your chin up, and just do the best you can do.

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I am not sure what industry you're in but I think you're ignoring how valuable it is that your boss and colleagues like you and your work. Use that to your advantage to network with them so that they can refer you to others they know in the industry and be a reference for you to get a new job.


Do not let this attitude of yours to this woman come through in any of your dealings with anyone. Stop gossiping about her with others unless it is to praise her work. You never know what peoples' allegiances are and while they may not love her work, they may be very comfortable with her or personal friends of hers. Do not burn bridges.

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