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Attract men by dressing sexy without looking like ***


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Okay im having this tiny problem. I know what to wear and all... but i wanna be sexy but i dont want men to think of me as a '*beep*'... or just be to much revealing. I dont want to be like the girl you check for 10 secs and then look away. I am good looking thats for sure.


I wanna look nice and sexy... Being nice, nice persenality and looking sexy... example. Is it okay to wear a pink-peach mini skirt (not to short though) and a top (white).. not tank top though, but its nice and thight.


Is that okay or do i look kinda.. slutty?? I dont want men to look at me and just say "" and then looking back the other way without coming and talking to me... you know what i mean...?

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Man, I think it's all in the way you carry yourself. I used to like to remind myself that I could be one of those girls that could turn a head or two and I dressed like that to feed my ego, but I always tried to act intelligent (though sometimes the ditz comes out) and I always tried to keep in mind that I'm responsible for anything that happens, me and me alone. So if a stranger pulled me aside and tried to get me to go away with him, it's because I wasn't firm with him or I wasn't sending the right signals, so I'd get firm and let him know. Nonetheless, you can dress like you want the attention of all the guys, but don't behave like you owe them anything for it. You plan on keeping your clothes on at the end of the night and returning to your own place without bedding somebody and you'll send the right signals and if someone gets too fresh, establish boundaries quick. You have to. Otherwise, you are ... carrying yourself the wrong way.

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Hi Armygirl,


I always like girls with good dress sense, and it sounds like you're one of them!


Anyway, I will never think of a girl as a sl*t unless she (i) dresses outrageously revealing, in which case i won't even bother giving her a second glance or (ii) flirts shamelessly with every guy she sees, in which case she is a total turn-off.


What differentiates a lady from a sl*t, IMO, is the way the person carries herself. Make it a point to smile often, and talk to people in a polite tone and cheerful manner, and you'll be turning heads in no time at all!

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Ditto on everything people have said about behavior.


As far as actual appearance goes...I think the key is balance. If you're wearing a mini, I'd make sure that the top covers the shoulders. Conversely, if you're wearing a tube top or a teeny halter, go for some coverage on the lower half of the body. It seems that if you try to combine several overtly sexy pieces in one outfit, you may get the look that you're trying to avoid.


Oh. Shoes. They are key. And they have the power to turn a mega-sexy outfit into a mega*bleep* outfit. Same goes for makeup. Balance, balance, balance.

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I agree. If you wear a mini - no fishnets. General rule: daring piece should be balanced with conservative piece. Bright lipstick: light eyemake up.


Sexy goes way beyond clothes. I think it is mainly about how you make a person feel. Warm and curious.


I'm sure you're seen beautiful girls with all the right clothes who just aren't all that sexy. And not-so-bombshell girls with slightly awkward clothes who are stunningly sexy.


It's attitude+personality+feeling comfy in your own skin. So wear what makes you feel great. Be individual in your choices.


You already are sexy without even trying. Believe it.

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The general rule I go by is if I'm wearing something with a bit of cleavage then my skirt is long. If my dress is a bit shorter then I'm covered up at top. Also wearing light colors...or bright ones and fabrics that are nice to the touch is sexy.


When you over do it to look sexy is when you don't look nice that's when you look trashy. No need to go over the top at all. ( I have fishnets too, I wear them on Halloween with my dominatrix outfit....jk.. )


Your attitude is what makes you sexy. The others above have the right idea.

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dress fashionably... fashionable is always sexy but not necessarily revealing... Also I think it's overdoing the make up rather than what you wear that makes a girl look like the village bike. If you wear sexy clothing but one that still leaves something to the imagination then you can maintain your diginity as well... to give an example if something such as a pair of trousers is tight then it should be a dark colour so as not to draw too much attention.

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