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what to do...


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so its been 3 months that ive been single and today theres this old friend that ive always liked that called me today out of the blue. I met her over the internet (myspace) and after talking to each other for a couple of months i finally met her last winter. Since we met up we talked for a couple more weeks and then well i think she gave up on me.. we are both somewhat the same kind of person, we are both shy people and i think that she wanted me to persue her more but thats kinda what i wanted her to do..


anyway she met another guy and i got back with my g/f (who is my ex now) and we lost touch over the summer.. anyway i always kinda felt weird about meeting people over the internet, this was the only woman ive ever met over the internet...


anyway back to my story.. today she called me and well it was nice to hear her voice.. she is a very beautiful woman and well.. i kinda always felt intimidated by her beauty. She is a model and she has a couple pictures of herself on the billboard of the city .... which freaks me out kinda.. i dont understand why such a beautiful woman who can have pretty much who she wants.. why does she want to hang out with me ? Anyway i spoke to her for a good hour today and well she is suppose to call me tonight after work and i want to ask her out.. she lives in the city and well.. im kinda an off the island type of guy.. i want to bring her out but im not sure where i should bring her.. what we should do ... im kinda nervous and dont want to mess up..


Any help would be greatly apreciated


Thanks alot guys !

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Be confident my friend. You seem to have this one in the bag. Lots of women are beautiful, so the trick is to understand that it is SHE who is the lucky one, not you. Be yourself. Don't, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES lie or disguise your flaws. Be who you are. Dont walk on eggshells around this broad. Chances are, she likes you for you, and not the man you think you need to be in order to get a girl like that.


Women hate being lied to and duped. So don't do it! No one is perfect, and that includes HER! So no point in being nervous. ASk her out. and make it clear to her what it is you want. And the girl is yours.



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Go for it! It sounds to me that she likes you for you and that you are genuinely a rele nice person which is very rare these days. Instead of worrying about why she likes you, you should be enjoying the fact that she does, that way you can concentrate on how to woo her.Try not to be too nervous as it will rub off on her, not that there is much reason to, she clearly likes you too.


Now about where you could take her, are there any interesting places you visit often or hobbies that she might enjoy as something different from usual dates, which would do well to impress her. Just a thought. Hope that helped in some way. Good Luck!!

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thanks all...


Usualy its easy for me to "read" people... but with her.. she is very unpredictable... she says something and then doesnt do it.. and then out of the blue she will do something..


Im not quite getting a clear reading of what she wants. I think that might be the reason why she is single again. I dont want to rush anything towards her.. but at the same time if i dont do anything she wont... im not sure if she is playing hard to get or just doesnt messing with my head. She asked me to go to 0her lingerie show but i didnt go (i think it wouldve been really akward for me).


Anyway my conclusion is that when she is craving some attention she gets back into contact with me for a couple of days and then just disapears.


Could someone please help me figure this out ?

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my predictions are right!


i gave her a call today and well she sounded busy so i asked her what she was doing and she said she was with harry (her ex bf). So my predictions are right.. the only reason why she got back into contact with me is because she knows that i want her and well when shes feeling lonely i make her feel better..


I guess its true what they say... nice guys always finish last...

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