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Look, you can make all the lists that you want but that is not going to help you...


People want to be treated with respect and enjoy life, make it complicated and not enjoyable and they wont be happy... simple as that....


Treat a women how you would want to be treated and be romantic about it guys...


You can do all the things on a list and it wont mean that person will be happy...


SOmetimes no matter what a person wont be happy and that is not your fault they have the issues and problems....

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"The sweetest things a guy can do for his girl"


1. Talk to her in movie theatres

2. Hold her hand while u talk

3. Tell her she looks pretty

4. Look her in the eye when u talk to her

5. Tell her stupid jokes

6. Let her mess with ur hair

7. Just walk around with her

8. Look at her like shes the only girl you see

9. Tickle her Even if she says stop

10. When she starts swearing at u, tell her u love her

11. Let her fall asleep in ur arms

12. Get her mad, then kiss her

13. Tease her

14. Let her tease u back

15. kiss her enough, but dont over kiss her

16. Stay up with her all night when shes sick

17. Watch her favorite movie

18. Kiss her forehead

19. Write her letters

20. If she asks u 2 go 2 a show with her, go

21. Let her wear ur clothes

22. When shes sad, hang out with her

23. Buy her ice cream

24. Let her take all the photos of u she wants

25. Kiss her in the rain

26. When u fall in love with her tell her....

27. be her bestfriend

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28. The man has the baby


I'd LOVE to have the baby but at my age I'd have doubts as to how long I'd be around for him/her. If it had happened while I was younger, I could have made a firtune by selling my story to the newspapers and Bruce Willis could star in a film about me, as we were born on the same day: 19th March 1955.

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I'd LOVE to have the baby but at my age I'd have doubts as to how long I'd be around for him/her. If it had happened while I was younger, I could have made a firtune by selling my story to the newspapers and Bruce Willis could star in a film about me, as we were born on the same day: 19th March 1955.

LOL! I'd go to see the movie opening night

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well, i'm 26 and I would have loved to have a baby with her! but she didnt want one so i guess it makes me the girl in the relationship... hahahah.

Not all women want children.




Women are each a singular person, they have their own feelings, desires, and goals. There is no catch all that can be formulated to cover all the ways women will think. What could be good for one women could be substandard for another, but that is each their choice based on their personal preferences. What men should ask: What makes my wife/GF/friend happy? Get to know the woman as a person and see the facets of her character and find out what SHE wants.

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