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What have I gotten myself into?


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Ive been seeing this really great gal for about a month now, lets call her Abby. We met on MySpace (sad I know) and met in person for coffee a couple times. We clicked instantly and began hanging out. Shes 20 (4 years younger than I) but we have the same interests and she is just beyond awesome. She is super sweet, caring, fun, and loving.


Something that weirded me out though was that she didnt have a cell phone, wouldnt meet me at her house, and wouldnt let me call her house. If I needed to get ahold of her, I'd have to contact her through email or wait for her to call me from a restricted number. I found it odd, but she explained that her parents had taken away her cell and were very strict Christians that did not allow their daughters to date until they were 21. Ummm... hmmm.... ok


One night I'm at home and she shows up at my door stating that shes been kicked out of her house and needs somewhere to stay. Of course, I let her stay the night. She says she got kicked out because her parents found out she was hanging out with me. The next morning at work, I get 3 calls and 3 voicemails. One is a Sheriff stating that Abby has been reported missing by her parents and is suspected to be staying with me and if she is, please let her know to go home. 2nd voicemail is Abby's mom crying, stating that Abby needs to go home. 3rd voicemail is from a Probation Officer stating that Abby has violated her probation and a warrant has been issued for her arrest.


What the fudge?


So on my lunch break I zoom back to my place and ask Abby what the hell is going on. She explains to me that she is on probation from something she did when she was 17... Oh great. On top of that, the people she is leaving with arent her real parents... they are her adoptive parents and they are overprotective of her. I tell her to call her parents and anyone else she needs to get ahold of and then to head home since apparently they didnt really mean to kick her out. She says she'll clear it all up.


I get out of work 4 hours later to find her car parked next to mine at work. Apparently she didnt go home abut straightened things out with everyone. I take her word for it and we go out to dinner and get back to my apartment to catch some sleep.


Next morning we have a great day together and hang out till about midnite when she decides to head home. Next day, she asks me to go visit her at her house. I drive out to her house which is one hour away and arrive at a gated community which she didnt tell me about. I call her house (it actually showed up unblocked on my cell so I just redialed it) and her mom picks up and tells me to never call again and to not have any contact with Abby or the cops will be called and a restraining order will be put in order. So I drive home all pissed off. Next Day Abby calls me and says her mom is furious that she is seeing me but that she is gonna drive out to see me later that night and to wait up for her. So I get home from school and wait up till 2AM for her until I got frustrated and went to bed.


Next morning I get a call from her and she apologizes for not showing up. Her parents took her car keys away and disconnected all the phones in the house. Hmmm... then she hangs up on me for some reason and I call back. Her sister picks up and tells me to not ever call back or the cops will be called.


Few hours later, I get a call from Abby apologizing for everything and that she is really, really into me and would do anything for me, even go to jail for violating probation just to see me. I'm a little creeped out and tell her to just do what she must to get things settled down at home and with her PO.


Ok so here I am frustrated over what to do. I really like this gal a lot. She is an amazing person who thinks the same of me, yet there is so much drama linked to her. Its just killing me. I cant talk to her, see her, or anything. I dont need this stress and I dont like having her family judging me when they havent even met me. I am probably the most responsible, laid back, and down to earth guy I know and yet her family is judging me just because I am seeing their "daughter". Shes 20 years old and cant even make her own decisions. Its ridiculous. My friends say I should just cut all contact with her. I really dont want to but I dont need this drama...


Goddamn life....

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Are you certain she is 20 years old and not a minor???? Did she tell you or do you have proof?


I find it difficult to believe that the police would involve themselves in looking for ABBY if she was/is truly 20 years old. They have no jurisdiction. Adult age in the United States the last time I checked is 18. Legal consent is age.. 18. I think you may have been led astray. If you are 24 and she is only say.... 17 then you are in a world of hurt.


You need to back off and pronto.

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Wow that is seriously a weird situation. I think for the time being you should just have email contact with her until things cool off. If she really is 20 then maybe she can make some plans in the future to move out on her own. Whatever the situation is - it's REALLY weird that her parents are so protective of her at that age...I have a feeling there's more to the whole story then what she's been telling you. Perhaps the parents have some reasons for being so protective of her...who knows.


I say let her come to you when the time is right - but in the meantime don't stop your life waiting for this girl to get her act together.

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Are you certain she is 20 years old and not a minor???? Did she tell you or do you have proof?


I find it difficult to believe that the police would involve themselves in looking for ABBY if she was/is truly 20 years old. They have no jurisdiction. Adult age in the United States the last time I checked is 18. Legal consent is age.. 18. I think you may have been led astray. If you are 24 and she is only say.... 17 then you are in a world of hurt.


You need to back off and pronto.


This is exactly what I'm thinking. Something doesn't add up here...to 20! Better hope you're not getting mixed up with a minor. That's a recipe for trouble.

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I actually approached her about the age thing recently and she was insulted I even asked. She apparently doesnt carry her driver's license with her, so that did get me a bit suspicious, but she informed me that she lived on her own for 6 months but couldnt make it and moved back in with her parents. Now you guys have me really paranoid... I'm just gonna keep this to email contact for now...

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