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Oh my god. My man is psychotic. He's discovered I've been posting on this site and


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if you have Xp or 2000 make a new user and password protect it...don't use easy, familiar passwords, use names+numbers combination.


In any case if you have many members in your family its best to create a new user for all of em...


no sharing of workspace = peace of mind.


He knows how to get past things like that. He's a computer tech (licensed) on the side. Someone already came to him with a computer that had windows xp on it and a password, and he got through it so they could use the computer. So nothing I can do will help. Thanks anyway.

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If I were you I wouldn't worry at all about him ranting about your talking on ENA. You say you have nothing to hide, and you also need a place you can go to talk to people about your concerns and problems.


I have read back on your other threads( it took some time) , and the guy seems like a real jerk sometimes and I am not sure he is a guy I would want to be with if I were in your shoes.


That's what everyone keeps saying. I'm thinking I'm making a huge mistake by still being here in this house.

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You know whats funny, ..my husband has done the exact same thing! I pm'd admin to change my name or get a new account and they said I could do either. ( Thank you guys) I created a new account, posted with it for a couple of days and then thought to myself.......the things I say here are not a secret! Many on the things I have said about him are things I have said TO him. Maybe it will hit home a little harder if he reads the things I post.


He may realize I'm not kidding when he sees this! So I decided to keep my original account....I hope he reads EVERYTHING I write here! ( some of the things I write here are geared for his pleasure)


Hehehe. You have a point. Plus maybe if they read the things in actual print it will sink in better...

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Haha, I was thinking of exactly THAT site southerngirl! There are so many big red flags in this relationship that I am really starting to be curious why you are still with him. Why don't you end things? I know it's easier said then done, but you can be SO much happier in a relationship!


What exactly are you gaining from this relationship? Never invest more than you can afford to lose, girl. If you are losing happiness, peace of mind, self-esteem, it's time to move on and start a better life for yourself.



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He knows how to get past things like that. He's a computer tech (licensed) on the side. Someone already came to him with a computer that had windows xp on it and a password, and he got through it so they could use the computer. So nothing I can do will help. Thanks anyway.


Yes, Windows XP with a password is easy to bypass, and I have no computer training, so making a password there isn't going to stop him.

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This message is to engagedkitty.I used to be the same way as your fiance' but i have changed and i believe he will too.i mean if i changed anyone could i was 10 times worse than him.if he says that he loves you and he is trying to be around you 24/7 that really means something doesnt it?so yeah im taking up for him.everyone makes mistakes in life,and if he makes an attempt to make things right with you then i think you SHOULD let it go.question he tell you that he loves you?does he sound like he means it?does he make every attempt to do things with you?and last and foremost do you REALLY love him?if he does that and you really love him you would just not let his 1 BIG mistake that he is trying to make better get in between the 2 of you.


thats all i have to say,i just thought i would take up for my fellow man whom i used to be just like.

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You have tons of red flags popping up with this guy . Like I said before, are you sure this is the guy you want to be with? Sounds like a rocky relationship based on all that I have read. He just seem like a less than desirable man to try and build a life with.


I would not quite say 'rocky'. It was good until that horrible situation in my other thread arose. But I definitely do pay attention to all these red flags. I'm trying to work it out in my head though.

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Oh yeah him breaking things and raging is definitely a red flag to add to the other red flags! Sounds very unstable.


Check this out: Does any of this at all apply to this relationship?


link removed


Whoa. That's insane. A lot of that stuff rang true though some wasn't. Like physically and verbally abusive, no, not at all.

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Haha, I was thinking of exactly THAT site southerngirl! There are so many big red flags in this relationship that I am really starting to be curious why you are still with him. Why don't you end things? I know it's easier said then done, but you can be SO much happier in a relationship!


What exactly are you gaining from this relationship? Never invest more than you can afford to lose, girl. If you are losing happiness, peace of mind, self-esteem, it's time to move on and start a better life for yourself.





I guess you'd have to be in the situation itself to understand why I'm still with him.


That said- even people in real life that knows me, my best friends for example, said if they were me they would have left him like, yesterday.

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He knows how to get past things like that. He's a computer tech (licensed) on the side. Someone already came to him with a computer that had windows xp on it and a password, and he got through it so they could use the computer. So nothing I can do will help. Thanks anyway.


well there are ways to fool even einsteins......there are greater levels for security too does the names ntfs, rights, security....ring any bells.


EDIT: spybot removes keyloggers as is many such spyware removal tools.....if you want pm me sometime with your pc on i might help ya out with it.

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well you are smart doyathink just uninstall it....lol


anyways i have more - Adaware, Windows Defender, pestpatrol...the problem is now a days a you need a combination of antispywares.


pestpatrol corporate is good one....spywareblaster doesn't allow spywares to be installed. These days some Antivirus do some of the spyware removin part as well. AVG is free and is good imo.


of these spywareblaster and spybot are good freewares...there are more i think i had put up one big list in OT forum....i will get the link.

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haha i actually told my bf i post about our problems. outsiders can give incite and actually help! my bf then saw how he was wrong in the relationship and tried to stop what he was doing to me.


it's not like we know you in person, your still anyomous to us. i don't see why he'd get so upset.

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I guess you'd have to be in the situation itself to understand why I'm still with him.


That said- even people in real life that knows me, my best friends for example, said if they were me they would have left him like, yesterday.


It's your own choice to stay in this situation, you always have a choice. Of course I don't know how you feel about this guy. All I am saying is that if you are engaged now, and he treats you like this, don't assume that marriage will change that. You have many postings here on the forum, a lot of them consist of very serious problems. Instead of focussing on technicalities of Windows for privacy on a pc, I think the more serious issue here is that he took the trouble to find out your password and everything that you might have deleted. And that is just ONE of the issues.


How does he respond if you address this problem?



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Have you asked what he will do to change? I mean, just saying forgive and move on doesn't really fix any problems. This has something to do with his character, and way of thinking. True he's very hurt and probably scared, but is he able to change do you think? not what he thinks.. do you actually believe he will never do this again?


Cuz if YOU don't believe he can, then you will always be suspicious, and always cautious about what he's doing with the girl next door. This all comes down to your own choice and if you can forgive and trust the guy again.


You probably need some time apart... think things through without him pressuring you and hounding you. And trust me guy, if you keep doing that you'll end up losing her.

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