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On The Flip Side: Where do most "women" crash and burn with us?


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Okay fellow men, let your frustrated emotions out. What constitutes a disappointing first impression by a woman on a first date? Be nice, yet all details are graciously welcomed.


I'll start: "Ding Bats"


Hmm..Good question. Dumb girls frustrate the hell out of me. But that's a given. But on a first date....

One thing that is a deal breaker for me is when the final bill arrives at dinner (if we had dinner on our first date) and she doesn't even attempt to open her purse or wallet and offer to pay her half. I always pay the full bill, but I like it when a women at least has the decency to offer.


Or if she blabs on and on about how many guy friends she has and doesnt accept the fact that half of them want to nail her.

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I haven't had any bad crash and burns - but I'll offer the following that would be deal-breakers (where I may storm out of the date myself).


1) She brings her guy friends with her on the date or her parents.


2) She picks up her cell phone and talks to one of her guy friends right on the date itself and asks me to 'excuse her'.


3) She tells me that all men are liars, when the conversation doesn't induce itself to go in that tangent (i.e. asking her what a man does that she would appreciate, then replying - nothing because all men are liars anyway - thus, either I'm not a man, or I'm a liar = insult).

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If they basically attack me half way through the night... Jeez, play a little hard to get...


If Jeopardy (sp?) is on and they say "how do you know all those answers...."


I can't deal with Klutzes, the ones who make a fuss if they klutz. I like Klutzes who can laugh at themselves.


Women who wear too much jewelry.

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If she is texting or using her cellphone on the date, that is just weak.


If she complains or goes on about past relationships.


If she seems very adamant or know it all about things that have no real reason to be talked about on the first date, such as: I never want to get married I don't believe in it, I never want to have kids I hate them, I don't need a man I am independent, etc.. (these are usually the first girls to want all these things which is funny, its pure denial)


If she has weird quirks that aren't cute such as not eating certain foods like bread, or aversion to anything green, whatever, something goofy. Also quirks like a germaphobe are annoying, when you eat out sometimes your silverware will have waterspots on it, nothing to freak out over.


Saying things on the first date like "I think it is hot to have guys spit in my mouth"(true story). Any story about beating someone's , it is not fun or hot for a guy to think his potential gf is out and about threatening and beating up other girls.



First dates are generally light, kept fun and easy, no need to pour your heart out, save that when you have a little more invested. Generally the way I look at it is, I am nowhere near perfect in anyway, so I am very forgiving when it comes to things that I might be averse to, you have to understand that while first impressions can be a big turn-off, it is also just scratching the surface. Most of the time it is best to give someone a second chance to get to know more about them, even if it wasn't a very good experience and depending on if it is still goes bad it is easier to break it off as "well, had a nice time meeting you" "we are just two different people" etc...

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I'm pretty tolerant. Unless she reached into her purse and pulled out a Bible, a gerbil or a crack pipe, I'd be in it at least for the evening.



Yeah, some guys have really low standards, and merely enjoy an interesting woman's company. How pathetic.

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* throwing the gerbil out of my purse*


I dont like my food to touch, I have to carry and answer the cell phone...I have kids (they may be half grown but hey..), I adore when a man spits in my mouth and I am everything Mac hates....who wants a date ? LOL

Man, ya gotta love men....their so fuzzy and cute!

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Man, ya gotta love men....their so fuzzy and cute!

Don't you just want half a dozen? I know I do, one for every day of the week and a day off (got to have day to rest with all that exercise )


You keep a gerbil in your purse too? WOW, I though I was the only one!!!

How do you keep yours from smoking the crack pipe, mine's stoned every time I get my wallet. Silly gerbil

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* throwing the gerbil out of my purse*


I dont like my food to touch, I have to carry and answer the cell phone...I have kids (they may be half grown but hey..), I adore when a man spits in my mouth and I am everything Mac hates....who wants a date ? LOL

Man, ya gotta love men....their so fuzzy and cute!





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Sheena is fuzzy and cute

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