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Internal Politics.

Luke Skywalker

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Oct 25/ 06 is an emotionally symbolic date for me. It represents the averages of all rejections between March 18th, 2006 to October 25, 2006, in the special rejection book (which is really a sophisticated porn addiction recovery system).


Here's how the system works, every emotional experience gets allocated with a name, and a mark ranging from - 10 to + 10, where - 10 is the worst experience, and + 10 is the best experience.


The goal: If there is a negative average, or 'rejection' experiences are substantial - then I will allow myself to view pornography in the month of November and virtually do anything (i.e. consider a hooker, strip club, massage parlour, etc...). I just have to prove to some imaginary court my case, and, I will be the imaginary judge presiding and objectively weighing the evidence on that date.


If there is a positive average - then the ban on pornography shall remain on the month of November. (usually I may allow myself to view it once or two months a year - but it's contingent on rejection)


Now, people have said, that I could be framing rejections to occur because I'm a porn addict, but I say that's absolute rubbish, I do not frame rejections, they just happen. I used to look at porn when I got rejected badly, or some other stuff, but now I dont - I'm scientific now, recording marks instead of resorting to porn, and quaranteeing it for a selected month - to ensure the addiction to porn has nothing to do with anything. If anything 'rejections' is more like maladaptive subconscious thinking - but it wont serve the purpose of a free porn meal ticket.


Does anyone else have an abstract internal political system that they would like to share or an elaborate and sophisticated coping strategy? Let's hear some really weird and wacko ideas.

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Hey I'm just giving you another rejection to put in the book...so you are that much closer to negative territory. Thought I was doing you a favor!


Male rejections dont count. I dont watch gay porn - I'd rather die than watch that.


Female rejections only. Hetrosexual porn only or soft core female porn.

(No lesian porn either - that's disgusting).

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I just looked at the other thread I wrote in emotions and appreciate the points made by the last posters, and want to let you know I listened to them - I thought I was going to get avalanched or something, but it all seems sane.


So, I take things personal, guess it's due to social anxiety or something, has an amplifiying effect on things.

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You're one strong man for accepting rejection and moving on .People tell me i need to get out there and date because i never had a boyfriend in my life but i just don't have the energy to put myself out there.I'm interested in getting to know a male co worker right now but after i check him out.I'm done for a while. I just don't have faith in men.I don't see men wanting a good women or making a commitment.

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You're one strong man for accepting rejection and moving on .People tell me i need to get out there and date because i never had a boyfriend in my life but i just don't have the energy to put myself out there.I'm interested in getting to know a male co worker right now but after i check him out.I'm done for a while. I just don't have faith in men.I don't see men wanting a good women or making a commitment.


Do you have a weird political system for coping with the fact you never had a bf. Do you have an internal democratic system, or a totalitarian one? Would you vote for an imaginary party that would guarantee you a bf? If so, then vote for my party.


If I'm elected, I guarantee that you will have a bf. For a free copy of all the other platforms of my party, be sure to send a self-addressed envelope and we will send you a 1000 page booklet on how we intend to make sure that every woman in California has a boyfriend - and since you represent every woman, your vote counts for every woman in California, and in the imaginary state of Zarkolama and kick Arnold out of power.

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Well Luke i have an odd philosophy... (its not my own..its from a movie but i thought it was interesting)


The theory is that there is a dating cycle and people move in and out of it...when they start dating..they are out o f the cycle..when they break up they are back in..this keeps the pool of people in a constant state of movement within the cycle. The theory is that the person you are meant to be with is just not in the same cycle as you ....from each of you moving in and out of the cycle you eventually meet up.


So there you have it Luke Skywalker...it's not as brilliant as something Yoda would say..but hey...we all can't be so lucky...lol

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Get a room.


Luke, you're a singular sort.



Huh? You mean a podium where I can discuss my political platform in public and how I intend to change the state of affairs of the country of Zarkarthia and end the long decades of political corruption with a fresh new government.


Who are you voting for? The Singular Sort party? What's your party affiliation?

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Well Luke i have an odd philosophy... (its not my own..its from a movie but i thought it was interesting)


The theory is that there is a dating cycle and people move in and out of it...when they start dating..they are out o f the cycle..when they break up they are back in..this keeps the pool of people in a constant state of movement within the cycle. The theory is that the person you are meant to be with is just not in the same cycle as you ....from each of you moving in and out of the cycle you eventually meet up.


So there you have it Luke Skywalker...it's not as brilliant as something Yoda would say..but hey...we all can't be so lucky...lol



Is this cycle partisan to any political party? Is it not accountable to my imaginary court? What government is responsible for ensuring order in this cycle and who elected it?

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Luke... I say this with good intentions and compassion.


The way you think concerns me - it is very intense and obsessive, are you currently seeing a professional counsellor?


No. I dont see the need to see any professional counsellor unless it affects my ability to make a living.


The rather...unusual way you think/live will show, and that is why you are single.


That is not true, this type of thought process was instituted this year - the premise of the 'Internal Politics - Rejection book', I assume you are referring to that. I've been single all my life, in many different types or modes of thought.


There are also many people who are single, and have always been single in their life, they even have a board for that called 'involuntary celibacy' (which I was kicked out of) that do not have thought processes like I do. I've just created an art form, that's all. An Art out of Rejection.

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I'm speechless. As long as you arn't my neighbour however, we'll both be fine! Good luck with..everything


But you dont know what your neighbour is thinking or what their private thoughts are. This is all anynomous here, how do you know I dont actually live next door, put up this alias, and stuff to cloak my identity and type this stuff secretly in my computer room next door to you.


You have a surprise coming.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I went inside a friend's apartment today and showed her some pictures of my trip to Italy (different girl). Since this is the first time I ever went into a girl's dwelling, and someone trusted me, I have decided that I will rule out the option of using a hooker for the month administration of November - but will still allow porn and an intimate personal ad to be distributed stating that I'm a virgin seeking a deflower for a period of 30 days, and see who will respond to it. As learned in general - do not take things personal, do not care, make all email correspondence to be not longer than a few sentences or less to communicate essential points to keep the convo going -- also play lost and cluless (i.e. first time using internet dating, don't know what's the next step, etc....) in communication to further build on sympathy and put the onus on the other side to step up any action -- especially given the nature of that type of profile.

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No. I dont see the need to see any professional counsellor unless it affects my ability to make a living.




That is not true, this type of thought process was instituted this year - the premise of the 'Internal Politics - Rejection book', I assume you are referring to that. I've been single all my life, in many different types or modes of thought.


There are also many people who are single, and have always been single in their life, they even have a board for that called 'involuntary celibacy' (which I was kicked out of) that do not have thought processes like I do. I've just created an art form, that's all. An Art out of Rejection.


Luke stop promoting that cancerous involuntary celibate board.We all know half of the people on that board is F**k up and need seriuos profession help.It's sad Captain the moderater doesn't shut that disease site down.

What!!!Is this true luke? "I'm a virgin seeking a deflower for a period of 30 days,"

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Luke stop promoting that cancerous involuntary celibate board.We all know half of the people on that board is F**k up and need seriuos profession help.It's sad Captain the moderater doesn't shut that disease site down.

What!!!Is this true luke? "I'm a virgin seeking a deflower for a period of 30 days,"



I have NOTHING to do with the involuntary celibacy board - this is now part of my 'personal culture', where I have 'party-months' where I change a mode or pattern of behaviour for a limited time (i.e., here I"m lowering standards to write an ad seeking a casual encounter)


That was done last year November, 2005, and it was done between February 10th - March 18, 2006 earlier this year. It's part of a personal 'vacation' or taking a break from myself - trying out something new and wacky. It's really cool. You do not know what response you will get or how you will reply to it.


Some sexy looking hot girls did reply to it (sex addicts with boyfriends who wanted a part-time lover though - some underhand stuff there - then another 37 year old Swedish woman - then finally a fat girl that I meet up with, but she was very fat and ugly and couldn't remember names since she slept with so many guys - even making porno pics with herself and some of her guy friends having sex and sending them on my birthday - intended as hardcore porn to turn me on as birthday present, and I thanked her for 'making my birthday').


Ok, it's lots of fun when I tried it out - I didn't have any sex or meet anyone, but the chase and the thrill was lots of fun.

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"sex addicts with boyfriends who wanted a part-time lover though - some underhand stuff there - then another 37 year old Swedish woman - then finally a fat girl that I meet up with, but she was very fat and ugly and couldn't remember names since she slept with so many guys - even making porno pics with herself and some of her guy friends having sex and sending them on my birthday - intended as hardcore porn to turn me on as birthday present, and I thanked her for 'making my birthday')."



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