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just curious what people think, but i usually have bad posture...i attribute it to being in front of the computer as often as i am. is a man that stands up straight, not slouching slightly, somewhat, more or much more attractive? i ask because i just started to "correct" myself today and i felt a bit more confident in myself when i was standing up nice and straight.

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I think posture is an important element...Like you yourself said, it's linked with confidence, which makes somebody considerably more attractive. Honestly, I think the element of attraction comes from everything that's associated with standing up straight, rather than the actual physcial appearance. However, good posture does make you taller and emphasizes your pecs, which is always a nice plus! Not to mention that proper posture is better for your back...

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Yeah, walking up straight is important regardless of attraction. I know what you mean about being in front of the computer a lot. That is how a lot of people get back problems. If possible, try not to look DOWN at the monitor, and don't sit to close to it either.


I would think posture is important when it comes to attraction. It's a confidence thing.

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Its good that you correct yourself. Posture is an important part of back health. Poor posture is weakens the back muscles and puts strain on the spine. You should look at it more as a way of saving yourself years of pain rather than just a dating tool.


One thing I've noticed is that people slouch too much when they walk too, no one looks up, everyone is staring at their feet. Good posture makes you look confident and aware, but don't over compensate, too much rigidity can make you look uptight and also hurt your back. A easy way to get your spine in the right position is to take a hand towl and roll it up. Place the towel against the back rest of your chair where the lower curve of your back would be. The towel helps support your lumbar, which most chairs don't do, it also will make it easier for you to aline your spine.

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Its good that you correct yourself. Posture is an important part of back health. Poor posture is weakens the back muscles and puts strain on the spine. You should look at it more as a way of saving yourself years of pain rather than just a dating tool.


already have back problems...and correcting my posture does make the pain subside and make my back feel good. right now it feels more un-natural but i'm assuming with time and consistancy it'll feel just as normal as slouching does now.

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definitely - upright posture is more attractive and definitely better on your back!


you are far too young to be having back troubles!


you can get lumbar support cushions or chairs that will align your spine while you are at the computer. i think it would be a good investment.

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Good posture is sexy. It also signals a light in my brain that goes 'healthy, and likes to take care of his body'. Which is very attractive.


There are so, so many things you can do to improve your posture. It would be so worth it. My x suffers back problems and he is a young man. It isn't fun. I could write a few pages on how his back problems affected his quality of life, AND in turn, affected our relationship in myriad ways.


Take care of yourself. A healthy back says a lot to me about a person's lifestyle and choices. Way more important than the superficial aspect to it, health complications that can be prevented (like the majority of back problems!!!) can hurt you, and the ones who love you.

Can't go for long walks or jogging or sporting when you are in pain.

Can't have acrobatic sex.

May be drugged up to ease the pain, making your personality shift for times.

What if you have kids? A bad back - how are you going to play with them?


I think you get my point.

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definitely - upright posture is more attractive and definitely better on your back!


you are far too young to be having back troubles!


you can get lumbar support cushions or chairs that will align your spine while you are at the computer. i think it would be a good investment.


my back problem came from labor i was doing for my ex's father. i was haunched over all day, and went home with an achy back...and its been that way ever since. i have good days and bad days and i've located the "pressure relief" spot that aleviates the pain for a bit.


soon as i move and free up some funds i'll be going to a doctor and seeing if they know what the problem is.

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