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I'm having a BOY!!!


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Just got back from my ultrasound and shouting it from the mountain tops....


It's a baby boy!!!


The doctor said everything looks absolutely PERFECT and said he's a very active baby! Oh my gosh, HE! It's a HE!! I'm so excited, I knew it all along.




I'm so happy I kept it. Thank you guys who gave me such good advice when I was going through all those horrible times and I was so utterly lost...I couldn't be happier right now.


Has anyone else used that chinese calendar gender prediction chart? Just wondering because it was right for me, my sister in law's FOUR pregnancies, and it was right with all three of my mom's. It would be interesting to get some opinions.

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I just got back from the store and bought an outfit...I'm so overly excited. I don't want to go all out and jinx anything though, but I couldn't resist. Today is such a great day...


Here's a link to the gender prediction chart...it's pretty freaky it seems. I was 22 and conceived in May and it says it would be a boy. Maybe coincidence though, who knows.

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No, the chart works according to conception date.


So I am 22 now, and I conceived my baby in May (due in February). So if you cross reference 22 and May, it shows the blue square.


I wish I could tell. I can't find any that have a spot for getting pregnant at 16


Try this one...I think it basically works the same, not sure. But it also said I was having a boy.


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Thank you!!!


I didn't realize how much I wanted a boy until the first doctor said it looked like a girl to her but she wasn't sure. I was happy, but not nearly as when I went in yesterday and he told me for sure. Everybody said I was having a girl, but I kept saying I thought it was a boy. I just knew it, go me!


I told R (my baby-daddy) and he started cheering on the phone, then said he was shaking and was going to pass out because he was so excited. I'm so happy!!!!!!!!! All the little boy stuff is so adorable...

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That's so awesome! I am so glad to hear how happy you are after all you've gone through! I'll have to try out the Chinese predictor when the time comes for me


Thanks so much...it's crazy when I read back and see everything that's happened. I do not regret any decision I've made (so far) and that is such a great feeling.

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Thank you!!!


I told R (my baby-daddy) and he started cheering on the phone, then said he was shaking and was going to pass out because he was so excited. I'm so happy!!!!!!!!! All the little boy stuff is so adorable...


Ohhhh, this is truly the response you want!!! I am so incredibly happy for you!!! I hate to admit it, but I really want a boy, too! I know I shouldn't think that way, but I am very in touch with my emotions on the subject. BUT if I have a girl, I already have a dress for her that I bought years ago! So all in all, I'll be very happy. BTW, the Chinese Lunar Prediction says it's a girl, no chance of having a boy within months of my conception date when cross-linked to my age. I need a perspective change - I even had a dream I was sad when I popped out a girl. I told Robert and he told me he would be thrilled either way, boy or girl!

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