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Does this work???

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Definitely use the cranberry juice as a preventive measure for UTI's,


Once you get them though, it's a bacterial infection,


Usually from E.coli that were pushed from the rectum into the urethra, or from blunt injury to the urethra from thrusting,


So you need an antibiotic like Bactrim, to kill off the E. Coli bacteria.



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A UTI is a serious problem, drink cran juice and see a doctor. If you don't want to have all the sugar from the juice take cran pills, I do to prevent UTi's and yeast infections.


Some rules of thumb to help prevent UTI's: Use the bathroom after sex, shower after sex, don't take baths in general, wear clean underwear everyday, change underwear and clothing after exercise, shower after exercise, drink highly acidic (low pH) drinks and lots of water.


UTI's can be a sign of other infections so you need to see a doc and get the bacteria identified and have blood work done. They can be very painful left untreated and lead to serious and permanent effects.

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sadly i'm all too familiar with it all...I used to have them frequently, much less often now for whatever reason.


Cranberry pills daily are a good idea as well, I had gotten out of the habit of taking them.


I am going to do the self treatment thing for a day...I'm sick of taking antibiotics!!!


Thanks for the advice.

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Here's something interesting! I took the alka-seltzer twice last night. Once before supper and once right before bed....I woke up today and it's gone!!! No pain, nothing.


What the heck??? Who knew that was true! I wonder why? Nothing has ever worked for me before, including the regular cranberry juice/cranberry pill idea.


But HOORAY!!! I will watch myself though and if I am in any pain or have not fully recovered within the next 24 hours I will go see the doctor. The last thing anyone wants is a kidney infection.


Thanks for your advice

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