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boy problems need to know some opinions on what to do


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ok i dated this guy joe for 4 months off an on he dumped me 7 times i dumped him 1 time this last time he broke up with me he said it was because he knew i was cheating on him which i wasn't he said he talked to the guy and i said he was full of it cause i was not seeing anyone but him then he said he hated me well now me and him r really good friends i mean we r better friend then when we where dating he has changed his whole life around and says its because of me he has become a better person and he says he knows his mistakes in the past hurt me and he is really sorry and he loves me and he did not relize how much he loves me and to tell the truth i still love him i always will when he left me i was a mess and now i think he wants me back and i douno what to do should i believe him cause i don't wanna go thro all that again just to get accused of something i did not do and get dumped for something i did not do and half the time he was dating me he was drunk and now he has not had one drink and i don't want him to do that again so what r ur alls opinions?? plz help me out...

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Personally, I think this is a relationship that should probably remain in the past. You two, while obviously having feelings, even some level of love for each other, seem too willing to pull powerplays on each other through breaking up, or don't have enough trust in each other to believe that you won't cheat on each other. Without that REAL trust, you'll be breaking up off and on forever. I'd just move on with my life and try next time to work harder at GIVING. A real relationship isn't about getting, it's about your willingness to give, share, and trust.


Good luck.

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when i first became friends with him after we broke up i told him i just wanted to be friends but i still loved him with my whole heart but i would not go back to him cause he put me thro so much and he said that he loved me too that he was trying to forget about his feelings for me because i did something stupid when he broke up with me i went out with his cozin which never even liked me just wanted to prove to joe that he could get me and i guess i proved him right huh? and joe said that he could not get that i dated his cozin out of his head and that he tried to work it out and it did just not work it out but now that me and him are friends at first it was just like a kiss on the cheek and a hug now its like no kissing on the cheek its on the lips and like when he said he loved me he be like i love u as a friend now its i love u and no friend part and he is changed around he does not drink no more and got a job and he said its all cause of me and he is so thankful and stuff and i douno where he is going to he is coming to vist me soon cause he went to basic training and i douno he said he had something to tell me when he got here and wanted to show me how thankful he is and i douno what he is going to do and i have been thinking about it alot and i just douno what to say if he ask me out again cause i have never been able to say no to him except when i dumped him that one time and that was cause i was really mad and i am not going to be mad when i see him ty for ur advice though i will keep it in mind...

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well looky here, i can relate to what ya sayin... Ive just got out of a relationship about a month ago.. it was a relationship which i dont think ill ever want to go back into b'cos it was like the muppet show.

He broke my heart too many time, cheated on me and messed about with my head too much.. I felt lost and just felt abit messed up in the head. Well last time we broke up, i was feelin pretty confused, and i spoke to my friend Ian and me and Ian ended up sharin a passionate kiss. I did feel bad about it, but it felt like stress had been lifted off my shoulders, so ended it with MArk. well other day he got in contact with me and i felt so cold... I now realise im better off without him. He doesnt have no respect what so ever.. since all the mess with Ian Ive kind of moved on.. even tho this lot done my head in.. Ive met a really nice young man, who lives near me and we are the best of friends. I feel as if i can talk to him

about anything.. and i no longer talk to Ian

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its like i have thro it so many times with him dumping me i really don't feel like going thro it and its a waste of time cause its like now we r friends we r really close more then we was when we was dating so like whats the point of changing everything around again so that we can fight more and not be as close anymore like i was talking to his friend chris last night an dhe told me that joe is always talking about me and that he cares about me alot and thinks there is more then friendship between me and joe and i am like w/e there can't be he has a kid on the way form another girl and i helped him thro alot of stuff yeah but he has his own life and family and i am not going to stand in the way of that and i know he is going to try to come back and i am not going to let that happen cause i don't want to stand between him and his family and plus like his cozin's and stuff don't like me at all oh well i love him with all my heart but i douno i have never been able to say no to him and i know it is going to be hard it is just something i am going to have to stand up and face when he comes home ty for ur advice and feelings on how u felt when it happened to u

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