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my boyfriend and naked girls


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i've been with my boyfriend for a little over 6 months and we both love each other very much.. recently he put up about 15 playboy pictures of naked girls all along the wall of his room. i know he's a guy and guys do this, but i HATE it. the girls are beautiful with perfect bodies and they're all on his wall which he looks at every day, and i have to also! i just feel like they are completely unnecessary and in a way immature. he's 19 years old. i mean maybe one or two pictures would be ok but does he really need that many? if i said something to him about it he would just say i was being ridiculous and wouldn't do anything about it. maybe i am being ridiculous..but i hate going into his room now and seeing beautiful naked girls everywhere! it makes me really sad. please help?

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Well I have nevre had a boyfriend, but my best friend is a guy. I know when he looks at picturesof naked girls or sees movies with them while Im in the room I get totally and utterly disgusted! I dont blame you for thinking that. 15 pictures in my opinion is a bit over the edge. It doesnt seem respectful to you or anyone either. He should listen to you, and respect your opinion, I mean you are his girlfriend. It is in my opinion immature by the way. I think you should at least try to hint at it, he really should listen to you. You are important to him.

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Yeah, some guys do that...It sucks, doesn't it? I know I wouldn't like that one bit and I'm sorry that you have to deal with that. Would he have done something like that before you guys were together? Did something in your relationship trigger this? (I've heard of...um...dry spells having that effect). Has it changed the way he interacts with you? If he suddenly stops showing you the respect you deserve, if the pictures make you feel bad about yourself, etc. you should definitely let him know.


If you don't feel comfortable confronting him directly (although I think you may have to eventually), how about buying him a couple of posters as a gift? Find something you know he'll like -- his favorite athlete, a movie poster, etc. In order to put them up, he may have to take down a few of the offensive pictures. Plus, it will give you the opporunity to point out that you're bothered by the decor of his room. Hopefully he'll be mature enough to discuss that with you and you'll strike a happy medium (maybe leaving a couple of pictures for now, since you say you're okay with that, and eventually getting rid of those too!)

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you could be imature and buy pictures of naked guys and hang it up on your wall.Thats the immature way.Im a guy and can understand how that would make you feal.He is 19 though.Keep letting him know.If you dont like it you should keep telling him.But you know he might not get it for awhile.His friends seem to be higher on the ladder than how you feal.

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He doesn't really respect you if you ask him not to, and he does.


Of course they have perfect bodies, and what he's saying is *I really wanna hit that, over you*.


Yuck. Just rip 'em up.


NOT all guys do this. NOT all guys have brains. Neither do all women.


Sorry for all the venom here expressed, but I'm on the verge of just being hermit, I loathe the media in this stupid world.

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Sorry for all the venom here expressed, but I'm on the verge of just being hermit, I loathe the media in this stupid world.


That post reminds me of me and my current frame of mind.



Anyhow I say tell him it upsets you and that you don't want him to have them up there and see what he says.

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you could be imature and buy pictures of naked guys and hang it up on your wall.Thats the immature way.Im a guy and can understand how that would make you feal.He is 19 though.Keep letting him know.If you dont like it you should keep telling him.But you know he might not get it for awhile.His friends seem to be higher on the ladder than how you feal.


I think I would do that too... lol! You can talk about it all you want.. but if he feels what you feel.. all for the better

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It's that very reason that the posters on my wall are restricted to band and movie posters. If he doesn't understand why you don't like it and insists it means nothing, take matters into your own hands and just remove the posters yourself, and if he really doesn't understand, just leave it as "Because I say so."

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  • 2 weeks later...

porn is not okay, go read this other thread who posted up a dr.phil segment on porn. Dr. phil said it's not right basically. This guy normal thing isn't normal really...oh well.


Ask him to take down the pictures, it's degrading to woman and disrespectful to you. If he doesnt' stop, just put up some naked pics of men in ur room and have him come see them hhaha. revenge

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  • 2 weeks later...

tell him how it makes you feel, you dont consider it art, and it makes you uncomfortable. If he insists on leaving them up then you have a few choices.


1. Stop going to his house, until the pictures come down.

2. Realize hes immature and dump him

3. Realize he doesnt respect your feelings and dump him

4. Realize they are just pictures, and while you may not like them, eh they are just pictures. Get over it.

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