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Im scared of going back to uni

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If i go back to uni, he will be there.

His friends are my friends, and vice versa.

I still love him and miss him so much but i have no idea how to be when im going to be around him.

We've broken up for 2 months-ish now, and i didnt stick with the NC, he's been calling so often it feels like we're still together, so obviously i havent had a chance to heal (my bad!)

We've arranged to be gym buddies, he's wanted to do that for a while before we broke up as something we could do to spend time together.

He even has a little present for me, some decorational chop sticks at a chinese function/dinner held at Glasgow.


Its like everything is back to normal between us, so could he want us to be back to the way we were before?

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We'll you don't want to be in a lightswitch relationship that goes on-off-on-off. You already have the proof that it doesn't work out between you two, so why try again? That's only possible if the behind laying problems that separated you two are solved.


And being with him, doesn't mean you have to go steady with him, or in a relationship. Its something you decide for yourself.

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