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I was turned on... confused... and am pondering (but still had fun)....


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I was at my boyfriend's house this past weekend (his parents are were out of town) and everything was going wonderful (and even ended wonderful) but something unexpected happened early Saturday evening. It was raining outside and we were just sort of looking for something to do and I playfully said, let's have a wrestling match and tape it. He said "sure" and I said, "well, I'll change in your room", and he said, "I'll change in my sister's room". (His sister is about twenty-nine, has moved out of the house, but has left a lot of her stuff in the house). So, I said, "I'll come out to the "ring" first and then you can come out". So, I changed into a red one piece swimsuit (because I couldn't imagine wrestling in one of my bikinis) and called, "Ready." I expected him to come out in his underwear or boxers (or swimshorts or something) when he opened to door and out he comes with a blonde wig on (with the hair pulled back) and a short white dress with cherries on it (apparently belonging to his sister). I placed both my hands over my mouth and LAUGHED to which he did, too, and I said, you can't wrestle in a dress... and he said, "Well, the match hasn't started yet," and pulled the dress off to reveal a solid white brazilian bikini... Again, I laughed but we went on like normal and I didn't really think anything of it until now. He didn't seem to be fanatical about doing that (so it just seemed like something spur of the moment), I know he's not gay, I know he's not bi, and I'm just wondering if this is something to worry about. He seems to be a very spur of the moment person (in dating him for two years) and I admit it was funny and I had fun... should I question him on it or not? Later that night, I was going through his sister's closet (she used to model locally using ujena swimwear dresses and suits) and I was like, "Let's wrestle and you wear this..." and he was just kind of like "nah" in a "blah" way.


It might also be that he was imitating his sister... because his sister, at one time, wrestled (acted) for an independent pro wrestling company and it never really sit well with their dad (who is a preacher), especially after her last match when the man that managed another girl theatrically stomped her below the belt after her match (while she was wearing the - or a - white bikini). I know I kprobably shouldn't be bothered with this, since I had fun the other night, but might it be that he's making fun of his sister? I know they dont get along and I've often questioned, if we were married, if she would be invited (because I actually kind of like her)



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Um... LOL...I think you have gone completely off the deep end on this one. I think, no I am sure, he was just having a bit of fun.


Of course if he starts to turn up at dinner dates or the movies in his sister's bikini...well I have benn known to be wrong before!!

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I'm not really great at giving out advice and, if you'll just look at my profile, I've been here asking for advice more than anybody. But, I feel like I've learned a thing or two by reading everybody else's posts.


I'm not sure what I think about the whole deal with him wearing those things. I guess to each their own and that's coming from a fairly religious guy. I guess it could be one of those spur-of-the-moment things, but I'll tell you one thing I would be aware of -- and probably more aware of them him wearing the women's clothing.


You should be careful with the fact that he doesn't get along with his sister. My brother married a girl back last December who doesn't get along with her brother and it really hasn't been anything but a thorn in my brother's side. I'm not trying to get you to break up with him all on the count of his sister but I'm just saying you might want to pay it some careful attention. You don't want to get married and then be bogged down by a family war between two siblings that you married into. That's just my call on that.


As for the women's clothing, it may have just been a one time thing and it might not even be anything to be alarmed about. I've actually heard of guys doing similar things to that before and live in a community that is entirely too small and sometimes hosts what they call a "Womanless Beauty Pagaent". I've never been so I can't tell you what happens, but I think there is a round in dresses and a round in a swimsuit but again, I haven't been. If he was to go around wearing lingerie, you might want to think it over again. LOL.



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Um... LOL...I think you have gone completely off the deep end on this one. I think, no I am sure, he was just having a bit of fun.


Of course if he starts to turn up at dinner dates or the movies in his sister's bikini...well I have benn known to be wrong before!!


Yeah, probably just having fun. I second you on the dinner date!! What do you think about the family fighting, though?

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