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You have sexual urges for a friend. You once had a FWB. It ended. Friendship intact. You still have these sexual urges whenever you are around the friend. It is hard to control it. You like your friend's company and enjoy activities with them. Yet, there is the sexual tension when you are around your friend. Your friend does NOT have any sexual urges for you, but you have for them. The tension is there on your end. Friendship is important to you so NOT being friends with them is out of the question.


How do you deal with the sexual urges and not act on them so you DONT look stupid?

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I would realize that they won't last forever. That they are probably there because you are longing for human intimacy, rather than your friend.


In other words, when you find a boyfriend, you won't be feeling this anymore for your friend.

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I agree with Scout. I think your sexual urges toward your friend would diminish greatly once they were fulfilled by someone else. If you find someone else, I think your energy would not longer be directed toward your friend.


Right now you're just horney and your friend is convenient. I think that will change if you were in a satisfying romantic relationship, and you will no longer have to think about your friend in a sexual way or hang on to what happened in the past.




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