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Relationships don't appeal to me anymore


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I'm 19...

I've never been in a relationship before, but used to be attracted

to girls left and right throughout high school. I made moves that failed, but I tried not to let them get to me. I moved on.


Nowadays , since being engrossed in my own life, focusing on myself, doing what I love, the idea of a relationship doesn't appeal to me. I don't even think about it. Add to that that I haven't been attracted to anyone in a while. I'm not gay, because I know I am certainly not attracted to guys that way. I still pay attention to girls / women, but I am usually completely satisfied with my how my own life is going that I don't seek someone else to make me happy.

I still find some girls cute, attractive, what have you. But that's it. I don't have many friends, I'm reasonably quiet. I love watching the world spin.


I know there is nothing wrong with me feeling this way, because if you're content with yourself, more power to you, but I'm just curious-- how many here choose to be single?

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I've felt that way at times in my life. Fully content alone, and although women were nice enough, I wasn't driven wild with lust. My friends would contort their lives in strange ways to pursue women, but I was too busy.


Then a certain woman would come along.

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I've felt that way at times in my life. Fully content alone, and although women were nice enough, I wasn't driven wild with lust. My friends would contort their lives in strange ways to pursue women, but I was too busy.


Then a certain woman would come along.


Exactly Dako. In a big way, you'll meet that certain or those few certain women who stand out to you. Whatever you may look for in a woman, she may have a lot of those qualities. And these women happen to be on the path you're walking, and you may not be necessarily looking.


I think your overall outlook is good and healthy. Being independently happy is an admirable trait.

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