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I have a problem.

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I can't take sides. I'm completely neutral. Case in point:


I'm arguing right now with a bunch of liberals on a message board who are bashing the Bush administration, the US, etc....which pisses me off.


But later I'll be talking with my staunchly conservative dad and start "pushing his buttons" and pretty soon we'll be getting into an argument over something.


It seems like whatever I'm surrounded by I try to reject. If I'm surrounded by leftists I get conservative. Conversely if I'm surrounded by conservatives I start thinking more liberally.


Add to this that I'm very indecisive and unsure in general. What gives??

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I don't know... that's not such a bad trait. you can see both sides of a story, which means that you are open-minded. maybe you feel you need to collect as much information about a subject before you come to a decision.


I think people that never accept new ideas and view and never change their mind.... I just don't think that's a good way to be.

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I can't take sides. I'm completely neutral. Case in point:


I'm arguing right now with a bunch of liberals on a message board who are bashing the Bush administration, the US, etc....which pisses me off.


But later I'll be talking with my staunchly conservative dad and start "pushing his buttons" and pretty soon we'll be getting into an argument over something.


It seems like whatever I'm surrounded by I try to reject. If I'm surrounded by leftists I get conservative. Conversely if I'm surrounded by conservatives I start thinking more liberally.


Add to this that I'm very indecisive and unsure in general. What gives??



Gosh, you just described me.


Don't worry too much. Your view is yours....and you don't have to defend it.

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Tsk, don't worry about it. You say that you can argue with liberals AND with conservatives...It's a GOOD thing to be able to argue both sides! I kind of know how you're feeling though, I always play the devil's advocate and people look at me and go, "OH MY GOSH, what a HORRIBLE person for saying that!" And it's, like...no...I'm just pointing out all the different sides of the story, I don't necessarily believe that...In fact, many times I don't know what I think -- the only thing that I DO know are all the possibilites. So I understand what it's like for you...and I say, don't sweat it!

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You sound exactly like a guy I once dated, my apologies if you are a girl, but anyway he was diagnosed with oppositional defiance disorder, but in layman's terms it's also called playing Devil's Advocate. I find myself doing this often, finding inherent weaknesses in each of any and all arguments. Perhaps it is just a sign of your superior skills of analysis.

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I would not agree with people who say it is ok. If you argue for the sake of arguing, sooner or later people find this out and will disrespect. Think of the subject, study it, find your point of view. It may not be easy, since you are taught to criticize everything and anything without thinking (so called critical thinking). however your worry is good because you want to have a firm position, even if it might be wrong.

On the other hand, of course, hesitating bout being wrong is good because you argue not for the sake of arguing but for the sake of the truth. you are trying to understand the truth and in the discussion you find weak points of both parties, which makes you think oppposite. So, the issue is here - study hard, study the subject matter, read serious people. I know this is not easy to find your point, but take your time, even if this takes years. But don't be indifferent and "feel good" about yourself. If is a good worry. By the time you will learn so much that eventually you will be confident what is your point and you will be able to stand for it - the quality, which not many people experience. Good luck!

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This question goes back, I mean waaaaaay back and it is the question, and or the difference between doubt and certainty. Feeling certain is the most comforting feeling in the world, whereas feeling doubtful is the most uncomfortable anxiety-driven feeling in the world. Personally I spend a lot of my time in the realm of doubt, but thankfully I have moments (albeit few and far between) where an overwhelming feeling of certainty prevails, blah, blah, blah, hiccup.

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You could just be arguing for the sake of arguing.


I'm kind of the same way. In the conservative versus liberal debate, I'm definitely none of the above. I think I just have very complex views on very simple issues.


I have weird views on most of today's divisive issues. Gay marriage, abortion, war, poverty, you name it. My weird views put me at odds with both ends of the political spectrum, so I wind up arguing with both of them... probably just for the sake of arguing.


Something you should probably realize about debating on message boards is that you will never change someone's mind. The more you argue, the more frustrated you will become, and the more little fights you want to pick just to drive your point further home. The way to peace lies not in debating on message boards

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