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Becoming the person you want to be.


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Wow, I came accross this quote today, and it's just an amazing mantra that neatly encapsulates how to become the person you want to be:


Watch your thoughts, they become your words.

Watch your words; they become your actions.

Watch your actions; they become your habits.

Watch your habits; they become your character.

Watch your character...for it will become your destiny.

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Wow, I came accross this quote today, and it's just an amazing mantra that neatly encapsulates how to become the person you want to be:


Watch your thoughts, they become your words.

Watch your words; they become your actions.

Watch your actions; they become your habits.

Watch your habits; they become your character.

Watch your character...for it will become your destiny.



WOW so true!!!

& so perfectly put, thank you

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About 8 or so months ago I gave that quote to a new teacher here on enotalone. She was asking if there was anything we could tell her to take into her new classroom as she for the first time was preparing to mold young minds.


I have had this poem commited to memory since I was 16 years old. I had been getting in trouble in school ... Id been through alot.


I look back now and know that I was acting out because of all the pain I was feeling, it was truly self destructive behavior.


I had a teacher that really mentored me. He treated me with respect and told me that I could do anything that I wanted to do with my life. At that time, I was in my Junior year of highschool, looking at only a year and a half till graduation day yet I had little chance to graduate. I had 3.5 credits and should have had 9 at that point. (so technically I wasnt even a Sophmore)


He gave me this poem. Those words inspired me. For a teacher to so touch a students soul (not in an improper way) meant the world to me. It was like for the first time someone was telling me that I could do it!


This was a turning point for me. I began working extra hard. I did correspondance courses.. I went to an alternative highschool for six months that allowed me to do alot of my classes on computer and getting through them at a much faster pace. I did volunteer service at a nursing home (75 hours) which really changed me. I did an internship at a Law office.. Another internship at the chamber of commerce for my county. (those in the usa may know what the chamber of commerce is) All of these things allowed me to pick up credits here and there to have enough to graduate from highschool. It was not a GED Program.


This poem and that teacher have never left my thoughts. One of the proudest moments in my life was the day that I graduated. On time. With my class. Class of 1996. It wasnt the original highschool but it was a highschool. I had done it! I had made a goal and did what no one thought I could. I didnt drop out. I went and told that teacher that he helped me a year and a half before and I thanked him. He wiped a tear from his eye and he told me never to forget what I had done and what I could do.


Watch your thoughts, They become Words.

Watch your words, They become Actions.

Watch your actions, They become Habits.

Watch your habits, They become Charactor.

Watch your charactor, It Will Become Your Destiny.

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southerngirl, your story just put tears in my eyes! I only wish I'd discovered this poem along time ago. Might have speeded up my maturity a great deal. That's wonderful someone shared it with you at such an impressionable age, and even more wonderful that you really took it to heart and practiced it.


Not to take away from this thread, but your story reminded me of another thread up right now, from a mom who is dealing with a really angry teen. I wonder if you might be able to give her your perspective based on your own feelings when you were a teen? It might help her a lot! And maybe suggest to her she give her daughter that poem, lol. Here's the thread:

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