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first time convo


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Alright, so I'm talking to this girl tomorrow for the first time (in person...i used to talk to her over the net before summer and stuff so i don't know if i've already built that, i have some classes with her this year so if this isn't necessary just let me know), and I want to build some comfort, although I'm not completely sure how. Should I ask what she did all summer? I'm thinking that's a good idea since its pretty general and a good conversation starter because it leads to a lot of things, and it's not boring...unless the girl isn't very interesting and didn't do anything all summer but i'm sure that's not the case here.



background information:

so last year i was a shy guy and never talked to her in person, so after nearly the whole school year of giving me lotsss of chances to chat she finally stopped liking me and moved onto other guys. but we both got to share what we like and don't like and some personal stuff and i'm assuming that's why she's interested in me this year, cuz she likes my personality i guess and wants to know more about me.



soo girls: do you think i should maybe talk to her over the net first and get a conversation going over the net, then, start a conversation in person, so she's comfortable? i have break with her in this one class so that's when i'm planning on talking to her. when i used to talk to her over IM and stuff i found out we have a lottt in common so the initial spark of chemistry should be there and the conversation should flow naturally off i guess the topic of summer haha.


i've already smiled at her to show i'm interested, and she looked almost straight down and gave me a big smile so that's great. so she's not gonna be discouraged from approaching me .


and i have another question here, if she isn't looking at me lets say on break but she knows i'm nearby saying "hey [her name]" is ok right? i hope that's not creepy or anything haha.


if anyone has any extra advice about this let me know.


your help's very appreciated.


also if you could get some replies in in the next hour that'd be great, i have to get some sleep for school. thanks.



EDIT Also there's this formal dance/date coming up by the end of september (30th) and I wanted to know if I should ask her if she wanted to go, I'd like to but I think that'd be coming on too strong for a first conversation...let me know what you think. [/b]

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If she's interested and you start the convo, things will more then likely go smoothly! Just give her a hint you are interested, and go from there. Just dont start to seem like you are bugging her, message or email her and give it a week at most for a reply then maybe write again, if still no reply, she may have lost interest.

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Hi Metallica Guy,


I'm old and confused, forgive me - have I got this straight? you've been chatting before the summer on IM, then that tailed off a bit, and now you share a class together once a week, so you can talk to her in real life?


That's fantastic - you've got a great opening line; "hey [name], not caught up with you for a while. how's it going?" nice smile, and then chat on about the summer. have some banter ready. and if you get stuck you can ask her what does she think of the class/teacher/homework/other people. AND an excuse to get in touch later about something you were interested in, missed, etc. Should go really well!


Good luck.

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