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Ambiguous words, deeper meanings?


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Here is the quick bit:

I had a get together with this girl but communication got crossed up so it went nowhere(What i mean is that we did not meet up bcuz of we could not get in touch with one another), anyway i IMed her and told her, at first i thought she was mad cuz she replied with quick answers and such. I said i was sorry via e-mail. She replied saying this "Pissed me off?? You could never do that? Why would you think that? Sry we did hangout, hope ur week was cool!!!!"


I am a tad bit confused by her apology, could it mean she likes me? You help me know...

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firstly...lemme tell you, never apologize for something you are not sorry for.

Say...you kiss a woman, and she pulls away...DON'T SAY SORRY.


In this case I think it's ok, and you found out that she would want to give you another chance.

Just keep getting together with her, and be confident, if you run out of things to say, then say something completely random...I'm serious, and then when she gives you a weird look, you can tell her that the silence was unbearable, so you needed to talk about something, then do something like play a question game, where you each take turns at asking each other questions...it can be fun, and it should keep you entertained for a while.


While you're sitting at your computer now, search for things you're interested in, or you think would be interesting to her, look at news websites like yahoo, or even msn, you can always say "hey, I saw a thing on link removed the other night and blahblahblahblah"...that should create conversation for you.


Just another thing...when writing emails, don't appear to be angry of frustrated about anything..that doesnt mean to be an arrogant cocky ignorant POS (piece of ****) aswell, but just be cool, calm and collected. Instead of apologizing you could say something like "Well our little get together was a little...awkward, kindof quiet, it was a new experience for me, and well, I'd like to have a get together with you again, how does friday afternoon at 3pm at such and such place sound to you?"


It is alot better than saying something like "sorry that our get together was really quiet and we couldnt have much conversation, I really wanted to have better conversation, but didn't know what to say, so...sorry for that, I thought I might of pissed you off"


I'm assuming that you said something along those lines...try and stay clear of that, it gives a negative vibe...which is not what you want.


I hope I've helped...good luck.

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You miss understood, we did not go on the date because we could not get in touch with each other, so IMed her and told her what happened, at first i thought she was mad cuz she replied with quick answers and such. I said i was sorry via e-mail. She replied saying this "Pissed me off?? You could never do that? Why would you think that? Sry we did hangout, hope ur week was cool!!!!"


Now i just want to know does she like me

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eeek. When someone ends with a dismissive (ie: Hope your week was cool. Have a great weekend. Nice talking to you. etc) instead of interest questions (ie: How was your week? Anything exciting planned for the weekend? I'm free on such and such a time, can we hang out then?) That is a sometimes purposeful, sometimes unconscious hint at disinterest. She said she wasn't mad at you but made no effort to remedy the situation by offering to get together.


I've done this before in an effort to spare someone's feelings, hoping they'd get the hint that I wasn't interested without me having to come right out and say it.

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Yeah... that is the classic "I am distinctly getting away from you right now" line...


Like when you are stuck at the grocery store talking to a one time friends great auntie whom you met once in college, you say :

"Well, that was great hearing about so-and-so... Have a nice evening!"

and the you RUNNNNNN for the exit.



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