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Where are all the good guys?


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Sorry, but I'm not buying that being single *makes* a person need to do drugs...please....I'm single...and I don't. And my style of dress is quite fine, thanks.


Maybe you're not able to attract girls, though, because of your style?


I actually have observed that single (No, I didn't say 'ALL') men tend to use drugs and/or drink excessively, and I think that's more often the case with single men than with single women.



Yeah, I'm single and guess what? I don't do that crap either. Never have, never will.


Maybe most single men are weaker, though, than women and need to fill that void in their life with other substances. There is psychological proof that what I'm saying does have validity.

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The worst thing is being selfish and needy, those are the two things that make me run from a female...


Been with one like that and you think they are with you because of you but they are not they are there for themselves and as soon as something happens and you need them to be there for you they are gone...


Because it is easier for them to flee than actually care about someone and let their guard down...


Selfish and needy people are not there for you they need someone to be with and you just happen to be there at the time...


When you meet someone like this, run away as fast as you can...

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