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pant size?


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Could just be genetic Yvette. Some of us don't have the bone structure to be skinny REGARDLESS of HOW much weight we lose. I am actually 'medium boned'.......which is FINE with me. I KNOW I will always have hips.....and probably a butt..lol..but I haven't had ANY complaints . From your pics...neither should you

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I'm 5'8, so I guess my opinion wouldn't matter..


But I think that as long as you are at a healthy weight then it doesn't matter what size jeans you wear! And you said you went from a 13 down to a 5 or 7? That's awesome and you should be proud of that!

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I am 4'5" and I wear a pant size of about 4 or 6 in women's sizes, depending on how the pants are cut. But everything, with the exception of some capris, I have to have about 3-4 inches hemmed off so I can wear it. I tend to be on the husky side so pants can be a pain in the butt. I cant wear children's size pants because I am big boned. Capris look like pants on me.


Pants do NOT usually make me look sexy, but I prefer wearing pants than wearing skirts or dresses.

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