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Age differences


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that isn't an age gap if you ask me.


when I was 18, I was dating a 24 year old.


if you two are good for each other and have fun together, I don't see why a 5 year age gap is a big deal.


EDIT: I would say that an age gap is a "problem" if you two are at different stages in your life. Is she 18 and in highschool or 18 and in college? that right there can be an issue, if she is in HS and you are in college. Or, even worse, if she is 18 and in HS, and you are 23 and in medical school! Now that can be an issue! But that isn't so much about the age as it is just being at a different stage.

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I don't think it's a big deal, so long as you're both comfortable with it. I'm hardly one to ask, though, because there is a nearly thirty year age gap between my parents (who have now been married for over forty years - and they said it wouldn't last... )


I agree with Annie, that it's more about your life stages than age per se. Sometimes that can be really hard to get around, and not necessarily about age. I suppose just be honest and open with each other.

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Well... more explicitly, she's a college student working towards a major in Arts and Education. I'm just working and I'm on my own right now THINKING about going to University for either a degree in Liberal Arts, Education or English. In my opinion, we're at relatively the same stage in our lives.


Ya know, mabey you're right. Mabey I am overthinking this. I should just wing it for now and see what happens.

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Well... more explicitly, she's a college student working towards a major in Arts and Education. I'm just working and I'm on my own right now THINKING about going to University for either a degree in Liberal Arts, Education or English. In my opinion, we're at relatively the same stage in our lives.


Ya know, mabey you're right. Mabey I am overthinking this. I should just wing it for now and see what happens.


Doesn't sound like a big deal at all to me, redmage. If she were still in school or something, but no - you're both adults, both young, I say go for it. I went out with guys who were a bit older than me when I was in my late teens. I would say that's fairly average, to be honest.


Don't overthink it, you're right! Go for it, and let us know how you're getting on.



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K... We are exactly alike. We love the same things, we have the same ideas and beliefs(except politically), we both find each other VERY attractive and we started knowing each other as close friends. Plus... well... we just cybered last night for about an hour and a half.


So, we already care about each other plus we' both are at the same stage at our life. Personally, I think(...hope) this will go well. It's almost too perfect.

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Lol You're right. Never had a girl this interested in my before. Really, I just have to think of something else until she's available.


My friends said they admire the fact that I have a strong desire for her company, but don't yearn for her and try not to think about her too much. They are glad I've started seeing other people. They were worried I'd be miserable for longer than I was.


I love telling my friends about this. They give me good, healthy advice and they keep me grounded. It's perfect for me because it prevents me from doing anything stupid.


I'm very willing to wait. After all, we still keep in contact over the internet every night. Man, are we ever into each other. Puts a smile on my face whenever we talk and share. The best part about this is we were friends first. We already care about each other... and than feels so good to me. But she is in University and very busy this week. I have to respect that.

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Man rainy day. Hate those days


Is it normal to miss a person this much? I mean, I really want to see her again, but she's still busy. I just really want to see her again. She's wonderful, smart, and attractive. Is this normal or am I just miserable and need somebody nearby?

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As a University student, her schedual is packed. From the impression I got in her email(which kinda hurts), but she couldn't get involved right now because she's working for 2 majors. It sounded like she really wanted otherwise to happen. However... sometimes these things happen.


Not sure what to do after that... any suggestions?

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I agree, I'm in professional schl pursuing a "crazy" degree/schedule, and while I dont have time, I make time for whats important to me. I save the I dont have time for guys I'm not interested in romantically...eg I dont return their calls, yet i can find time to talk/chat online with this other guy that I really find interesting. Funny, I never tell him I dont have time LOL

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Well... She said she NEEDS me as a friend. I have a feeling she's still interested.

So we've still talking to each other othe the net and stuff. She said, more specifically, that she didn't have time for a relationship but she still cares deeply for me. I guess I'm getting mixed messages here.


I've asked friends for advice. Some say let her go. Others say make yourself available as a close friends (some say "with benefits"). She's still seems emotionally attached to me. What should I do?

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