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Help!!! My 4 Roomies are sick

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Well my 4 roomies are all sick. One of them has strep and doesn't believe the doctor that she has it and is all around the apartment. And the others have huge colds. We live in an apartment style dorm so I can't stay away from them. I am just getting over an allergy cold. I don't want to get sick again. I am in college and can't afford to get sick. I need tips on how to prevent myself from getting sick. Thanks in advance.

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It's been a while since I last I got sick... Every day I take vitamins, tho. 1000 mg of C, I dunno how many of B, some Omega 3, and a daily multi-vitamin tablet... And Sometimes I drink orange juice after breakfast. I see lotsa people have gotten sick already. I mean, I might get sick, but last time I recall, it wasn't even that bad and I didn't even miss a single school day over it. Apart from that, I think Q10 has provided you with some excellent advice. It might not sound like the "coolest" thing to do, but it's way better than succumbing to illness.

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If your roomie doesn't get treated for the strep she's a health risk to all of the people around her since the infection can be spread by air bourne bacteria from her coughing or sneezing. Its needs to be treated, talk to your other roomies and have them all tell her to get treatment, untreated she can develope rheumatic fever and kidney disease, which may be life threatening.


The colds are viral and can not be treated, so they should be respectful of others and try to cover their mouths when they cough and wash there hands before touching things others will touch. Viruses are hard to cope with since its all your immune system and all you can do is allieviate the sysmptoms.


Eat right and drink water, get enough sleep and just keep your distance.

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Vitamins and supplements won't do anything to stop you from getting sick. Once the a cold bug gets into your system, then you're screwed. You need to get an antibacterial germ killer spay, and spray it everywhere. Door handles, phones, surfaces etc. Then you need to make sure you wash your hands everytime before eating and touching your face.


This may sound over the top but it's all you can do.

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Vitamins and supplements won't do anything to stop you from getting sick. Once the a cold bug gets into your system, then you're screwed. You need to get an antibacterial germ killer spay, and spray it everywhere. Door handles, phones, surfaces etc. Then you need to make sure you wash your hands everytime before eating and touching your face.


This may sound over the top but it's all you can do.


Antibacterial spray is a good idea, but I can't agree with vitamins supplements won't do anything to stop you from getting sick part. Vitamins give your immune system a boost to fight with the viruses. Same when recovering, in that case they help you to recover faster by boosting your immune system.

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hello, try eating hot soup then going to work out, it will help you sweat bad stuff out.

lots of vitimins and fresh fruit, also if you start feeling sicky you can make a orange tea.... water, orage juice and honney.

strep is really contagious your roomie needs to see a doc. there are ALOT of free clinincs everywhere. advice her that she is not only hurting her self but those that she will come and has in contact with.

Good luck

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Antibacterial spray is a good idea, but I can't agree with vitamins supplements won't do anything to stop you from getting sick part. Vitamins give your immune system a boost to fight with the viruses. Same when recovering, in that case they help you to recover faster by boosting your immune system.


I agree that vitamins can help you fight off the virus more effectively but they won't prevent you from getting it all together. Once the virus has reached your mouth or nasal passages, you will get sick.

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