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how do you hide it?


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okay first of all i haven't cut.


but i have wanted to for a while. just because i haven't been happy, and i was told it was a great way to release the pain. and at the moment if it releases the pain, it's doing something good for me.


but i want to know how do you disguise your self injury, people at school impersonate the wrist slash with their hands cutting their wrists to me because they expect me to do it, under a highschool label that starts with "e" and i won't say the name.


so because people impersonate it to me, alot of people check my wrists. so i know if i was to start, i need to be able to hide it. i have lost so many friends because of the label and if they found out i have been doing self injury, i'll lose the last couple of friends i have.


p.s. i could use needles if others wouldn't recognise it as self injury. would that work?


and so please, where can i cut that people will not see?


is it true that it releases pain and is it worth it?


thank you for your help.


and don't say oh my god, don't cut, you're only 14, it's stupid you'll regret it unless you recommend that it's not worth it. because i am not going to just change my mind and keep the pain without trying something new to release it.



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it really isnt worth it, i have cut, it didnt really help, at times it felt good, but usually it just made things worse. cuz afterwords(when u are feeling better) you see the scratches/scars and get pissed at yourself for doing it...but i made a star on my knee, and even though i feel bad whenever i see it, if i cant see it, i feel like im missing something...so i really dont think you should start cutting, its hard to get away from. but if u absolutely have to, i think the upper leg(like thigh) is pretty easy to hide(till u feel like looking sexy and wanting to wear a short skirt/shorts then your screwed...)

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Yeah please dont do it, its not worth it, i use to but now i have scars and i regret what i did so much, it was stupid for me to do it. Instead of cutting why not do exercise, flick a rubber band on your rist, hold ice as hard as yo can in your hand even draw red pen on hand to make it look like blood if you want, write down how you feel, anything but please dont cut if i could take it back i would

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I used to cut myself, and it did help. I'm not telling you to do it, but if you choose to then pour boiling water over the knife and let it dry first (to sterilise it). Try drawing on yourself in red pen first... or wear an elastic band around your wrist and when you want to cut ping it... or hold an ice cube to your wrist, that hurt and isn't dangerous. . Try no to cut or burn or scratch, it leaves nasty scars that I wish weren't there. Much love and good luck. x

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It's not good but if your mind is made up well then.... I suggest superficial cut(don't go deep) and if so on the ankles and hide it with socks. But really I am a cutter and it releases pain for a while but then it comes back worse, really I don't suggest it to anyon. It's really not worth it you'll get scared, amy become an addiction, infections.... There are alot of things that could mess up your life. I say don't do it that way you don't have to hide anything.

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Please do not throw your life away. I have been cutting for three years. Sometimes to punish myself sometimes to get rid of the pain. You know what while your cut hurts it distracts your pain. Doesn't lessen it just distracts it. Then when the pain leaves you are left with ugly scares and the pain is even worse because you know what you did was wrong. It totally messes you up. I now have to go to councilling to get rid of the issues that make me want to do this. You hurt your friends and yourself don't waste away like that it really isn't worth it. If you ever want to talk just PM me i'm happy to listen and would much rather help you through this then watch you hurt yourself.

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I've been a cutter on and off and I think I've finally kicked the habit... don't get into it man. I cut myself continuously for like 7 or 8 years. It really isn't worth it. I found it was making me more crazy and then I got sooooo badly addicted I was doing it in class, in front of my friends, it's just really bad way to beat pain, that cutting never really beats anyways.


Best thing to do would be to talk about your pain, no matter what it is. Talk about it to a counsellor, friends, family, even on here would be good. Just don't bottle it up... because it isn't worth it.


Trust me, I have the scars to prove it.



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You have to think of it like drugs, a chemical addiction. Except cheaper. If you have the choice to think ahead before you start doing it, it means you can not do it and save yourself more pain. At first it's a release but you'll only go into deppression faster and further.


I found that doing it on my knees always scarred much less than anywhere else. Using numerous small cuts is better than deep ones. If you put vitamin e or some other cream on them they heal much faster.

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Since you have yet to begin cutting I would strongly suggest that you DON'T EVEN START!

I have been doing it for 20 years and wish that I never started because it is like an addiction, once you start it is very difficult to stop.

I would suggest that you speak to a school counselor, teacher, friend or other adult that you trust. The teasing is not going to stop and if they find out that you are cutting, it may get worse.

The cutting only aleviates that internal pain for so long. You need to find another way of releasing it that would be more beneficial.

Can you ask your parents about seeing someone? Is your doctor available to talk with you?

Please take care of yourself and keep talking if it helps.

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hey if your unsure.What happens when you cut a big vein and bleed to death.I cut when iwas young i have the scars.And i still have to make up stories why they are there.Why cut?why is that a option instead of something else?Why do you think cutting is the option?Im not judging you trust me.I just want to know why thats an option,opposed to other options.Do you have anyone to talk to.

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I dont believe in telling people not to do so, because if one's mind is intent, it can be done without significant harm. Skittle posted a number of alternatives, and is right in saying that around the hip area is very dicreet unless you're in an intimate relationship and your partner is unaware. Assuming you're considering superficial cutting and scratching, the top of the legs are also a safe place.

HOWEVER, remember, if you're going to, BE SAFE. Infection is a nasty consequence and more often than not leads to more scarring than you'd care for. Sterilise your object, and preferably choose one which is reasonably sharp - its a quicker, more intense pain with minimum scarring (I believe).


Think about stuff. And take care x

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Why are yall telling the safest way to do this.There is no safe way.There is no best way to hide this.I was a cutter.Is this person totally decided on doing this.It doesnt sound like it to me.I think that alternatives are better.Why not tell them your expierence instead of THE SAFEST AND MOST DISCREET WAYS OF CUTTING.THey havent cut yet dont help push them into saying"hey i can do this and be safe".LIsten i am a cutter i did it alot.And there is no safe way,and no good places to hide it.GO talk to someone.PLEASE THIS IS NOT THE OPTION.Cutting is not a temporary thing.It can turn into a life long deal.We learn ways of coping with problems or life in general.Please explore other ways of coping or just thoughts of cutting period.

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In a way, you're not wrong, craign. We're not encouraging him, however. There ARE safe ways if you do not have a problem with self control. I, for one, didnt, and have never seen a hospital or shockingly enough, a coffin. I have no scars.


The kid will go against what we say no matter whether we try to deterr him. I'd like him to reconsider as much as the next person, but we just have to hope (and that is ALL that we can do) that he realises it is not a way out.


Lets just keep the victim safe for now.

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He is not a victim he is asking questions on cutting.Hes undecided.You act as if hes lost ans there is no way of preventing this.Are you a cutter?Iwas a cutter.This is not a VICTIM this is a person,like we are.He is undecided.If I tell him one safe way to do it then im telling him one more WAY of doing it.HOw about i say "hey im thinking about slicing my wrist which vein should i cut to make it quick".Would you tell me which vein,and say to yourself ahhh hes going to do it regardless of what we say.Cutting is not simple ,cut, wipe the blood and thats it.I cut but sometimes it was too deep and had to get stiches.What happens when you hit a vein and bleeed to fast?What happens when you cant make it to the hospital.Im done.

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okay.. thank you for your help so far.


i haven't cut yet. and i don't know how else you're supposed to get rid of the pain. because i've tried the ice. and the writing in red on you. and i tried to just scratch my skin with a pointed stick but that just left scratches and a hot red mark. that did nothing really.


how else could you possibly get rid of emotional pain if i'm being advised to not use self harm? i take it there must be some way?


besides writing and that. and i'd only talk to one person about this, my cyber-sis and i don't know how she would react if she heard this. so i'm just not mentioning it at all. basically i just want a way to get rid of some stuff i'm feeling.




p.s. how do i "sterilize" a stanley knife. not a regular knife. and don't worry. i just want to know out of curiosity, i won't do it until i know it's better then not doing it.

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Forget the whole idea of self harm for now.


You mentioned your cyber-sis...surely she'd rather know how you're feeling than find out that you've hurt yourself? I'd say its a pretty wise idea to turn to her. Your intial thought is that people will be disgusted and abandon you, but more often than not, its the total opposite.


Please consider letting her know.


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  • 2 weeks later...



I know that life can suck sometimes but cutting really isn't the way to deal with it. The first time I ever did it, it caused more problems than it solved. Everyone at school started to notice the marks and all they did was ask questions. But the problem was the people asking the questions weren't my friends so I knew they had no intent of helping me. All they wanted was a bit of gossip. Everyone would say things like "why do you do it?" "its stupid" "you freak" "can I see?" In one of my lessons somebody mentioned it and then everyone was just looking at me and wanting to see the marks. I felt like an animal in a zoo. That night I went home and cut some more because I was so annoyed and upset by it all. Then a few days later someone (I don't know if it was a friend that was concerned or someone just trying to get me in trouble) told a teacher at school. The school then had no choice but to tell my mum. She blamed herself. One of the things she said hurt the most was that she hadn't noticed herself. She thought it meant she'd been neglecting me and she most definitly hadn't. I'd just done a good job at hiding the marks from her.


I'm not gunna give you any advice on how to hide them because I think it would be just a way of encouraging you. The point I'm trying to make is that it honest to God isn't worth it at all. When people who don't care about you find out they make things worse by treating you like a freak. And when the people who do care about you find out it hurts them, making you hate yourself for doing it. The best thing to do is to never start doing it. Its like smoking and drugs really. When you start you can't stop. And if you do manage to stop, you often start again. When my mum found out I stopped immediately, for two reasons. One was because she now new about it so I new I could talk to her about it. And the other was because I couldn't stand the thought of hurting her so much. Although I stopped that time, about a year and bit later I started again and did it for about 4 months. I have stopped again but last time was a lot worse than the first. And I know that even though I've stopped for now there is still the chance I'll do it again in the future.


So please please please don't start. Its not worth it at all. Talk to your cyber-sis about things. If you don't want to tell her that you're thinking about cutting then just tell her about the things that are making you feel like doing it. You can also always PM if you need to talk. I mean that by the way. I wish that I'd had someone to talk to the first time I did it because maybe that way I wouldn't have started. Last time I did it I did have someone to talk to about it. He stuck with me through and really helped me by just distracting me. He cheered me up when I was down. I won't blab on about all of that now though, if you want to know you can PM me. But don't be scared about talking to someone about it, if they care about you they will only try to help.


Remember...PM me if you need to talk. Just please don't start cutting. If you do then please please PM me or talk to someone else about it.


Love Jess xxxx

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  • 2 months later...

How To Get Rid of Emotional Pain:


1. Recognize that you are right. Your feelings are the right ones to have. The situation is terrible. You are hurting.


2. You do not need to hide or suppress your feelings from yourself.


3. Find a private place: Empty house, vacant field, car. Go there. Scream, cry, shout, swear.


4. Do this repeatedly.


5. See how you feel about the situation after you have done this. Do you want to react differently to the people?


The way to handle pain is to express it. Cutting will make much more difficult; it doesn't express pain, it suppresses it. You may be a little emotion-phobic, in that you over-control what you will admit to yourself or others. You may feel ashamed, guilty or afraid of strong emotions. Forget the fear, shame and guilt, and let the emotion out.


Note to Self: Check dates on threads before responding! Sorry everyone.

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