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Tell me what you think of these quotes. Which one you like the best, if any. Thanks.


"Next time you look in the mirror, look sharply. For most of us wouldn't know who they were."


"Swing once, strike. Swing Twice, Strick. Swinge 3 times...... Glory."


"You have not failed if your still trying."


"People tried so hard to find the answer to love. What they didn't realize was that they already found it."


"I looked at you and smiled, you looked at me and frowned. What people didn't know is that one day it was going to be the opposite."

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I liked the quote: "You have not failed if your still trying" the best. Probably because I didn't understand any of the others.. hah. Especially the "strick" one.

But this quote holds some true meaning. True, it might be a bit trite, but it's true. It's true. It's true.


Thanks for sharing 'em!

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