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I would like a law that says

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if you cheat, you lose everything except what your ex wants to give you. You lose your legal rights to come back into the house and pick up your things. There is no community property anymore, etc. I think htis will cut back on cheating...I dont think it will save marriages just let them end in a more constructive way.


ok, that is all. Obviously going through some crap today!

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I second the motion! But then my ex did lose everything including thousands of dollars she left for me to pay the bills. She tried to get me to send it to her later but yeah right...you cheat you lose thats what I told her. Your right its just way to easy for people to cheat and just pickup and move on just because everything isnt 'perfect'. Hang in there.

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The problem with this in my opinion is that it underlines the fact that too many people think that marriage is all about possessions and money and is more likely to undermine the concept of marriage rather than strengthen it.

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Not sure I would be in support of a law like that. I certainly don't condone cheating, but I mean there are no laws like this in the case of abuse for example....why cheating?


I think cheating is a horrid thing to do, and I absolutely agree that one should either focus on working on repairing their relationship, or leave, before they get with someone else. However, I think having a law that if you cheat you lose all your possessions will only have people hiding it better, ending things earlier still (before or after they secretly cheated) and so on.


There is also the case of having to prove cheating, and not have issue of vindicative ex-spouses saying there was cheating when there was not.


Besides, marriage is not about possessions. Even if someone did cheat, and lose all their "things" it does not fix the emotional cost, and in that sense I think keeping the possessions is an empty and vindicative action.


I would also hope to be with someone whom does not cheat as they genuinely respect me and our relationship, and love me, and work on US. Not because they fear losing their things...

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Some states have a cheating law - Alienation of Affection


My lawyer wanted to pursue this after my divorce. I didn't because I was glad it was over and wanted to move on. Some have reaped quite a bit of money in my state, I just decided it wasn't worth it.


Here is a link:

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so I was beig facetious...however. It makes it harder when this person who hurt you so badly gets to come back into your place, and rifle through all your things. He is able to take money out of your joint to take out his new pip. so yeah, I am venting right now and I know marriage isnt about the material things, but it does add insult to injury

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I agree with you chatty it does hurt when they want money just so they can live it up with the person that they left you for. For me the ex spent over 3 thousand dollars on credit the next 3 weeks so she could live it up with her new "friend" but when reality hit and the bills were due she wanted some of the money she left me. It did add insult to injury.

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nice thought chatty,


i have not yet suffered economically from a relationship, and i hope i never do. a good amendment to this law of yours would be to restrict, or rather, quarantine cheaters, so that they may only date, cheat, lust and copulate amongst themselves, like the rabbid pack of wolves that they are. in this way, someone faithful, who has pure love to give, would never have to be jaded by this lowest form of betrayal. cheaters don't know the true face of love, for they are stuck in a carnal state of arrested development. i pitty them because they will probably never know, and i truly sympathize with those whose instinct to love may have been tainted through the act of being cheated on.


i propose a heuristic rule to follow in order to reduce the likelihood of being cheated on. make your partners' sexual history a priority. exclude, even blacklist those who have had too many encounters, no matter how appealing a well versed partner may seem. those who have slept around will sleep around. sexual experience is a requirement for porn stars, not lovers. be well.

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i propose a heuristic rule to follow in order to reduce the likelihood of being cheated on. make your partners' sexual history a priority. exclude, even blacklist those who have had too many encounters, no matter how appealing a well versed partner may seem. those who have slept around will sleep around. sexual experience is a requirement for porn stars, not lovers. be well.



I would say that their values or commitment towards a relationship is a better indicator of their loyalty.


They may have had a few partners, but they may not have ever cheated. Whereas someone else may have had only a couple...and cheated. I know people whom never had anyone else prior to their partner...and cheated.



Just because someone has a few partners in their past, does not mean they will disrespect their partner, their relationship or cheat. Just because someone has very few partners, does not mean they won't.

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