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I posted a thread a few months ago, but I'd just like to add more if I may.




In two weeks, I am moving to London (45 miles away) to study at university. It's an exciting time for me, but I can't help but get scared that things between myself and my girlfriend are going to go sour.


There's no real reason why this is happening other than fear. Myself and my girlfriend tell each other we love each other several times a day and we're really happy with each other's company. We've been together since February and we've already hypothetically spoken about marriage "one day".


We've both said that we will make it work when I go to uni. She's said the same. I'll still see her at weekends and odd times during the week. So what's the problem?! I just don't know. I'm guessing I don't have a lot of confidence in myself and I'm worried that once I'm away, it won't work.


I know it's crazy, because of the conversations we've had, but I sometimes feel like maybe she's saying things so she doesn't upset me. That said, I wish I wasn't suspicious. It's not fair on her for me to be like this, hence why I'm posting this.


Please help me guys, because as we all know, paranoia, insecurity and possessiveness are what drive people away. I really hate getting down when she's around because of things I believe are "going to happen".


I love her more than anything and I know she feels the same, so why the hell can't I control these fears?!!!

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By UK standards it's long distance but just look at the US-based posts when people are a 'plane journey away.


It's probably not the distance factor that will finish you off if anything does. It is quite normal to date for a while then split at your age and either/both of you will change a lot while you're at uni and you might drift apart OR


I could be looking at bridesmaid's dresses in a few years.

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